
When the White Mask no longer relies on bounce and begins to use cyclone dissolution and other secret scrolls, is this a good thing?

The white mask of Naruto Mobile Game is now recognized as the top ninja by players, many people will also refer to this ninja as "Yang Jian" ninja, the specific meaning does not need to be deeply investigated, each player may have a different understanding. Some people use yang jian to mock those players who say that the strength of the white mask is normal, and some people always think that the strength of the white mask is the god of the yang, there is no hades attribute and so on. Let's not discuss the specific positioning of the White Mask here, but mainly talk about some of the secret scrolls of this ninja now.

When the White Mask no longer relies on bounce and begins to use cyclone dissolution and other secret scrolls, is this a good thing?

Initially, this ninja was more common to use the exclusive secret scroll Uchiha to bounce, although it is only an anti-anti-anti-secret scroll, but it can prevent anti-scratching, and at the same time can actively displace, which is much more flexible than the conventional anti-reaction effect. Many players have found that this exclusive scroll is still easy to use after comparing some other secret scrolls, so the white mask that Uchiha bounced back for a long time is almost a standard match. However, after several version updates, White Mask also seems to have found some secret scrolls that can replace Uchiha's bounce, in which Chakra with its own energy bar is popular for a while. At that time, not only the white mask, but also the ninja who stood in the middle of the field to release the Upanishads full screen like the dirt spot would also consider the Chakra Secret Scroll, and there were Upanishads after the brainless opened and landed on the ground, who could stand it.

When the White Mask no longer relies on bounce and begins to use cyclone dissolution and other secret scrolls, is this a good thing?

However, this secret scroll did not last long before it was called back by the Rubik's Cube, which also admitted the failure of the secret scroll change. But this did not stop the White Mask from looking for other secret scrolls, the cyclone is one of them, before the change to start the direct two-layer charge, who uses who is strong, the White Mask is no exception. At first, I still insisted on the combination of Uchiha rebound and white mask, until I encountered the white mask of cyclone, I felt that Uchiha rebound could indeed be changed. Even if the current cyclone secret volume has been weakened to only one layer at the beginning, but because of the assistance of the charging mechanism, this secret volume can enter the CD state at the beginning of the game, and a little delay can indirectly achieve the effect of releasing two cyclones in a row.

When the White Mask no longer relies on bounce and begins to use cyclone dissolution and other secret scrolls, is this a good thing?

In fact, in addition to cyclones, some people have begun to use white masks to dissolve the art, and are good at placing them in the second or third position to protect the bottom. Maybe many people will think that the Solution Secret Scroll should not be as good as Uchiha's rebound when put on the White Mask, right? This is actually not easy to say, the specific need to see the habits of each player. The advantage of the Secret Scroll is to break the overlord body, and you can also use the Secret Scroll to take the lead when you are close to the other party, and the damage is not low. Although the white mask's two skills have a grab effect and can temporarily restrain the overlord body, they still cannot completely consume their overlord time when encountering some players with a higher level of the overlord secret volume. The presence of the solution can better allow you to restrain the overlord body, and at the same time, it can be combined with the effect of grabbing and standing up after grabbing.

When the White Mask no longer relies on bounce and begins to use cyclone dissolution and other secret scrolls, is this a good thing?

In fact, in addition to the cyclone and the dissolution scattering, there are also people who will bring vacuum waves or earth pillar explosions, and the current combination is more abundant than when the white mask was first put on the shelves. This is a good thing for some players' experience, at least it is not necessary to hold Uchiha bounce back and forth all the time, you can see more variety of secret scroll collocations. But this does not mean that Uchiha's rebound secret volume is not strong, but there will be different players who will change the match according to their own preferences. In addition, some of the problems in the balance of the secret scrolls need to be well thought out by the Rubik's Cube. After undergoing many changes, the cyclone secret scroll still seems to be complained about by players, and it is not known whether the secret scroll will maintain the status quo in the future, or whether it will be adjusted again.

When the White Mask no longer relies on bounce and begins to use cyclone dissolution and other secret scrolls, is this a good thing?

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