
The United States engaged in biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, and was caught by the Russian army! Deborough is on the cusp again

author:Rong commented

The United States set up a biological laboratory in Ukraine to develop biological and chemical weapons, the retreat was directly captured by the Russian army, the information was intercepted, and the American Deburg Biological Laboratory was on the cusp of the storm, is the origin of the new crown virus from here?

According to the news of the Global Network on March 7, Lieutenant General Kirilov, commander of the Russian anti-biological weapons force, briefed the outside world at a press conference on the same day to introduce the results of the analysis of documents related to the Russian Defense Ministry on the military and biological activities of the United States in Ukraine. Lieutenant General Kirilov noted that U.S. funding for biological laboratories in Ukraine totals more than $200 million to conduct research on pathogens, including biological weapons. Previously, the United States built more than 30 biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine, which can be divided into scientific research and sanitary infectious disease laboratories. While the labs are ostensibly working on peaceful biological programs, their main research and development directions are a series of biochemical viruses, and the tasks of development are issued by the U.S. Department of Defense's Office for Military Threat Reduction.

The United States engaged in biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, and was caught by the Russian army! Deborough is on the cusp again

According to a number of documents intercepted by the Russian army in Ukraine, the biological laboratory set up by the United States in Ukraine is dedicated to the research and development of biological and chemical weapons. Some time ago, the Russian media found that the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine deleted the relevant location and reporting information of the U.S. biological laboratory in Ukraine from its official website homepage. This has also directly triggered the high attention of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which after analysis believes that the information content deleted by the United States is actually covering up the evidence of its "research on dangerous viruses and biological weapons". At the same time, Robert Pope, the U.S. Defense Department's executive in charge of the biological program, said that the loss of contact with workers in Ukraine has led to great concerns about the safety of biological laboratories in the United States.

The United States engaged in biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, and was caught by the Russian army! Deborough is on the cusp again

The reason why the United States is so worried is, on the one hand, that the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will lead to the leakage of reserve pathogens, and on the other hand, it is worried that these pathogens will fall into the hands of Ukrainian nationalists or terrorists, with very serious consequences. In response to the suspicions and accusations of the Russian side, Pope immediately retorted, saying that the US laboratory in Ukraine is conducting peaceful research. However, it can now be found through the documents obtained by Russia in Ukraine that in mid-February, when the situation in Russia and Ukraine was intensifying, the United States issued an order to these staff of biological laboratories in Ukraine to quickly destroy "particularly dangerous disease pathogens", including plague, anthrax, rabbit fever, cholera and other malignant disease pathogens.

The United States engaged in biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, and was caught by the Russian army! Deborough is on the cusp again

But what is certain is that if the United States does set up a biochemical laboratory for the development of the virus in Ukraine, the target must be Russia. It should be known that both Ukrainians and Russians belong to the Slavic race, that is, if the virus is more lethal to Ukrainians, it has the same effect on Russians. In fact, the United States seems to have begun a test operation. According to foreign media, in 2016, a military camp near Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, had an outbreak of influenza virus, which eventually led to more than 200 Ukrainian soldiers being infected, of which more than 20 people died directly after ineffective treatment. After the outbreak of the flu, ukrainian officials were silent about it, and refused to report on it in the Ukrainian domestic media, nor did they accept any interviews from foreign media, but the outbreak of the flu must also be related to the biological laboratory near Kharkiv.

The United States engaged in biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, and was caught by the Russian army! Deborough is on the cusp again

Although Russia has often accused the United States of setting up biological laboratories around the world to develop biological and chemical weapons, but it is taken as a joke because there is no evidence, but if the documents intercepted by the Russian military are true, then it will be a devastating blow to the international influence and international image of the United States. At a time when the Ukrainian biology laboratory was hyped up, Fort Detrick, Maryland, was directly pulled to the cusp. Because after the global outbreak of the new crown epidemic in early 2020, the U.S. Army Institute of Infectious Diseases Medical Research in Fort Detrick, Maryland, and the Aberdeen Proving Ground District 1 Medical Laboratory sent a number of experts and soldiers to work in the biological laboratory in Ukraine. The explanation given by the United States is to help the Ukrainian government better fight against the invasion of the new crown virus, but the real purpose is only known to itself.

The United States engaged in biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, and was caught by the Russian army! Deborough is on the cusp again

The outside world believes that the soldiers and experts of Fort Detrick went to Ukraine to develop biological and chemical weapons against Russia, because the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory is a P4 biological laboratory controlled by the US Army, mainly to conduct biological tests, and even some media believe that the new crown virus is actually leaked by the laboratory. This is also why after the deepening of the traceability of the new crown virus, more and more media and people have called for a third party to test and collect evidence from the laboratory. It is foreseeable that after Russia later publishes the documents of the US biological laboratory intercepted from Ukraine, the United States will also usher in a real Russian counterattack, and how the United States will explain it, we will also wait and see.

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