
Do you know what the incubation period for psoriasis is?

author:Professor Bai Yanping

Psoriasis is a skin disease with internal and external causes, and the treatment should not only eliminate surface symptoms, but also start from the internal causes, carry out overall adjustment, and dialectical treatment. The symptoms of psoriasis in the incubation period are temporarily alleviated, and the psoriasis on the body is like hiding, but at this time, psoriasis patients must not stop treatment at will, otherwise it will make the early treatment meaningless, and the follow-up treatment will be more difficult.

Do you know what the incubation period for psoriasis is?

First, the seasonal latent of psoriasis

According to data analysis, the occurrence, aggravation, recurrence, etc. of psoriasis are closely related to the season, the recurrence rate of psoriasis is higher in the winter cold and evil qi, and in the summer, the weather is hot, people are prone to sweating, blood circulation is relatively fast, the detoxification system is relatively vigorous, the yang qi in the human body rises, the meridians are accessible, the qi and blood are abundant, and the psoriasis incubation period refers to this period, and at this time, it is the time when people take it lightly, and the opportunity to cure psoriasis in the year is missed.

Do you know what the incubation period for psoriasis is?

The treatment of psoriasis should choose a regular hospital, according to the specific situation, scientific, systematic, comprehensive treatment, can not blindly use drugs, especially hormone Western drugs, side effects are very large, should not be used too much.

Second, the incubation of drug allergic reactions

One reason why psoriasis is prone to recurrence is that sensitive skin is prone to allergies, which can induce psoriasis.

Do you know what the incubation period for psoriasis is?

Common drugs that cause drug allergies mainly include: antibiotics, sulfonamides, antipyretics, analgesias; hypnotics, sedatives and antiepileptic drugs; heterogeneous serum preparations and vaccines, psoriasis patients should pay special attention when using these drugs, and should be used under the guidance of a doctor, not used or used less.

Moreover, some drug allergies have a certain incubation period. It should be seen that patients with psoriasis have a certain incubation period before drug allergies occur. Allergies occur within 4-20 days of the first dose, and repeat medications often occur within 24 hours. Especially for psoriasis patients who have not taken drugs before, allergies after a certain incubation period after taking need to be highly vigilant, and patients with sensitive skin should be used with caution so as not to cause unnecessary damage to the body.


Here to remind the majority of patients psoriasis prevention and treatment combination, in order to achieve the ideal treatment effect, the treatment of psoriasis to choose a professional and formal hospital, can not blindly treat, so as not to aggravate the disease.