
Wei Bin investigates the progress of the secondary road project

author:Nine factions view the world

Wei Bin investigates the progress of the secondary road project

On September 22, Wei Bin, deputy secretary of the working committee and director of the management committee of the investment zone, went to the site of the Pubei Shiyuan to Qinzhou Highway (Liguang Field Section) project to check the construction progress.

Wei Bin investigates the progress of the secondary road project

Wei Bin stressed that it is necessary to actively connect with the construction units, earnestly do a good job in mass work, and clarify responsibilities for difficult problems that are difficult to dredge, coordinate and solve them in a timely manner, and ensure that the construction tasks are completed on time.

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【Source: Qinzhou City, Qinzhou City Beibu Bay Overseas Chinese Investment Zone Management Committee_Work Dynamics】

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