
Nugget commercial vehicle market, why can Neusoft Ruichi win the top 1 in the front of the subdivided track?

Nugget commercial vehicle market, why can Neusoft Ruichi win the top 1 in the front of the subdivided track?

The commercial vehicle market is becoming another major front for domestic ADAS suppliers.

In the early two years, the mandatory safety regulations for the operation of trucks and buses were successively introduced, which gave birth to the rapid development of the commercial vehicle dual warning market. Subsequently, the regulations were gradually upgraded to require the AEB system for operating buses, trucks and heavy trucks that meet the conditions.

The economic dividend brought by safety regulations has become the biggest driving force in the commercial vehicle ADAS market, and some domestic suppliers have quickly seized the first wave of market dividends with active safety (regulations) as the entry point.

Next, from regulatory items to intelligent driving, the commercial vehicle market is entering a new phase. Behind this, the strength of independent research and development, cost, flexible configuration of products and solutions and even business models, etc., will become the key factors in competition.

First, double warning front-loading supplier TOP 1

According to the monitoring data of The Gaogong Intelligent Automobile Research Institute, in 2021, the insurance volume of new vehicles equipped with standard double warning (LDW+ FCW) of domestic commercial vehicle operating trucks (tractors + trucks) was 659,500 units, accounting for 47.39% of the new vehicles in medium and heavy-duty operating trucks.

A few days ago, the Gaogong Intelligent Vehicle Research Institute released the 2021 Annual Chinese Market Commercial Vehicle (Operating Truck) Regulations Double Warning Pre-installation Standard Loading Supplier Ranking, Neusoft Ruichi one carrying more than 160,000 vehicles, ranking top 1 in the list.

Nugget commercial vehicle market, why can Neusoft Ruichi win the top 1 in the front of the subdivided track?

At present, the market competition pattern has tended to be concentrated, and there are more than 20 suppliers equipped with dual warnings (regulatory requirements) in front of domestic operating trucks, of which the total market share of the top 5 is close to 90%.

But at the same time, along with the upgrading of regulations, it has also brought about the upgrading of market and product technology.

According to the monitoring data of The Gaogong Intelligent Automobile Research Institute, since May last year, as of the end of December, the number of insured vehicles operating in the Chinese market (excluding import and export) with standard AEB (regulatory requirements) was 42,900, accounting for 14.16% of all operating trucks (heavy-duty truck traction and trucks required by laws and regulations).

In this segment, domestic suppliers are also achieving rapid breakthroughs, and the monitoring data of the Gaogong Intelligent Automobile Research Institute shows that in 2021 (May-December), the share of the top six front-loading AEB suppliers, Chinese suppliers occupy four seats, and its Middle East Soft Ruichi is also on the list again.

According to reports, Neusoft Ruichi has launched a series of product camps for the commercial vehicle market, including ADAS all-in-one machines, all-in-one products, domain controllers, etc., and supporting customers include FAW Jiefang, Dongfeng Liuqi, Shaanxi Automobile, Foton, Daimler, Jachuai, Hongyan and other domestic commercial vehicle head enterprises.

Based on nearly 20 years of experience in the field of autonomous driving, Neusoft Ruichi's all-in-one machine product "X-Cube" has completely independent intellectual property rights in perception, planning, decision-making, control and other aspects, which is a great advantage in the commercial vehicle market.

First of all, the perception scheme based on independent research and development will make the whole system product extremely low-cost advantage.

Secondly, Neusoft Ruichi's autonomous perception scheme is based on the development of China's local road scenes, which will be more in line with the localization needs of China's commercial vehicle market.

In addition, based on its independent control of perception, decision-making and control of multiple modules, Neusoft Ruichi has the ability to provide flexible and customizable, software and hardware decoupling diversified cooperation methods for OEMs, which can meet the personalized needs of different types of commercial vehicles of major domestic brands and ensure the mass production speed and cost expectations of customers. This includes a high-performance, next-generation intelligent driving system platform with multiple sensor portfolios including cameras, millimeter-wave radar, assisted and autonomous driving domain controllers, and more.

All of the above are the core advantages of Neusoft Ruichi as a representative of domestic suppliers to quickly lead the commercial vehicle track. It is understood that its double warning + AEB products are also about to be shipped in large quantities this year.

Second, nugget the new blue ocean of the commercial vehicle market

According to the Gaogong Intelligent Automobile Research Institute, with the further improvement of relevant policies and regulations, the current situation of low AEB market loading rate of front-loading trucks will be improved. On the one hand, the actual operating effect of AEB products in the front and rear loading market has gradually been recognized and praised; on the other hand, regulators are also promoting the rapid landing of active safety and intelligent driving of commercial vehicles.

At the same time, from regulatory items to intelligent driving, it is becoming a new round of opportunities in the commercial vehicle market, and the basic L2, predictive cruise control (PECC), L3 and L4 autonomous driving paint a new blue ocean for suppliers.

According to the previous public information of the relevant authorities, it is expected that by 2025, the control assisted driving (L1-L3) function will achieve medium-scale application in operating vehicles, and the market penetration rate will reach more than 40%.

This means that by 2025, the commercial vehicle (bus + van) market for L2-level assisted driving systems will have nearly one million demand space per year, which will be an incremental market in the post-active safety era.

Enterprises that have seized business opportunities in the early stage of safety regulations have made a good layout for the new space of the market.

According to reports, Neusoft Ruichi ADAS all-in-one product "X-Cube", based on the front-view camera and unique deep learning, computer vision technology, provides more than 10 functions including FCW, LDW, LKA, AEB, ACC, TJA, etc., supports different types of obstacle detection and various traffic complex scenarios, and provides L2+ level ADAS functions through integration with millimeter wave radar.

In the higher-level autonomous driving function market, Neusoft Ruichi launched a new generation of autonomous driving central computing platform in July 2021, which supports multi-channel lidar, 16-channel high-definition cameras, millimeter wave radar, and ultrasonic radar access, which can realize 360° perception redundancy of the whole vehicle and provide L3/L4 level automatic driving functions.

Nugget commercial vehicle market, why can Neusoft Ruichi win the top 1 in the front of the subdivided track?

(Neusoft Ruichi Autonomous Driving Central Computing Platform)

The central computing platform is based on the open SOA architecture and NeuSAR, the basic software developed by NeuSOFT Ruichi, which supports the discovery and subscription of autonomous driving function services after the vehicle is listed, and provides AEMs with a perfect secondary customized application development environment and tool chain for autonomous driving, so as to support customers to quickly develop differentiated products to create differentiated competitive advantages, and at the same time, self-training through the cloud can realize the self-evolution of the whole life cycle of the autonomous driving system.

Based on the market strategy of commercial use and the advantages of independent research and development in the core technology sector, Neusoft Ruichi's products have taken the lead in mass production in major subdivisions, which will undoubtedly quickly drive it to further advance in technology iteration, cost control, scale effects, etc., facing the new blue ocean of intelligent driving of commercial vehicles, and quickly seizing market opportunities.

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