
King: What if the enemy chooses Charlotte in seconds? Don't use Arthur, give up Lü Bu, she's a god to Charlotte

With the continuous update of the version, the status of the warrior in the team is getting higher and higher, Charlotte as a war-side hero, the intensity has not been low, and the hero has recently just launched a new skin, directly brought Charlotte's appearance rate up, the hero passive with its own damage reduction effect, and can also play the killing damage, while itself has displacement, blood return and hegemony, half-flesh out of the body, not only has a set of skill seconds of human damage, and can also play the first hand, the enemy seconds to choose Charlotte How to do? Don't use Arthur, give up Lü Bu, she's a god to Charlotte.

King: What if the enemy chooses Charlotte in seconds? Don't use Arthur, give up Lü Bu, she's a god to Charlotte


This warrior is also extended by Tianmei a skill of the silence effect, the intensity has indeed improved, and Arthur since the blood effect, the endurance is very strong, the early clearance ability is very strong, many players see the enemy on the only Charlotte to take out Arthur and her line, in fact, Arthur played Charlotte only at the first level has an advantage, after the second level Charlotte can brush out passive, a short period of time can play a double slash effect, equivalent to ignoring Arthur's defensive suit, after Charlotte level four, The overlord of the big move can also resist Arthur's silence, so arthur is difficult to play against Charlotte on the line, and may even be killed alone.

King: What if the enemy chooses Charlotte in seconds? Don't use Arthur, give up Lü Bu, she's a god to Charlotte

Lü Bu

The warrior's appearance rate has always been impressive, but his winning rate has not exceeded 50% this season, and the reason why Lü Bu is liked by many players is because he can hit real damage, and bring back blood and shields, and the big move can also play the team control effect, although Lü Bu has real damage, but he will not have the upper hand when facing Charlotte.

King: What if the enemy chooses Charlotte in seconds? Don't use Arthur, give up Lü Bu, she's a god to Charlotte

Lü Bu's early combat ability was not strong, and his own shield had no effect on Charlotte's killing effect, the second-level Charlotte was pressing Lü Bu to fight, and Lü Bu had no way at all, it could even be said that Charlotte restrained Lü Bu, and the enemy alone Charlotte did not recommend using Lü Bu.

King: What if the enemy chooses Charlotte in seconds? Don't use Arthur, give up Lü Bu, she's a god to Charlotte

She was sky-high Charlotte

This warrior has always been underestimated by players, she is Zhong Wuyan, all the damage of the hero has a chance to petrify the enemy, and it can hit displacement and double damage, the big move can also increase its own attack power again, Zhong Wuyan can say that Tianke Charlotte, because Charlotte is a melee hero, and if you want to hit the ideal damage, you must activate the additional skill, and Zhong Wuyan can interrupt Charlotte's additional skill CD time by controlling, and Charlotte without additional skills is even worse than the super soldier.

King: What if the enemy chooses Charlotte in seconds? Don't use Arthur, give up Lü Bu, she's a god to Charlotte

Zhong Wuyan operation difficulty is not high, the opening point of a skill, you can control the line, because the first level of Charlotte is not able to grab the line, it is easy to form a level and economic suppression, so that Charlotte will always be in a passive situation, if after the fourth level Charlotte wants to be hard, Zhong Wuyan does not have to be virtual, a skill to play slow down and control, followed by two skills to make up for the damage, the damage of the big move can easily take off Charlotte's head, encounter the enemy seconds to choose Charlotte, decisively take out Zhong Wuyan, so that she does not dare to go out of the tower.

King: What if the enemy chooses Charlotte in seconds? Don't use Arthur, give up Lü Bu, she's a god to Charlotte

That's all for this issue, which other hero do you think restrained Charlotte? Welcome to leave a message below, let your comments be seen by more friends, we discuss together, remember to pay attention to Oh!

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