
France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

author:English giraffe

As of 09:00 UK time on Saturday, March 12, 2022, the cumulative number of test results was 481,874,090 (to be updated); the cumulative number of confirmed cases was 19,530,485 (to be updated); and the cumulative number of deaths was 162,738 (to be updated).

As of today, the entire UK territory is:

52,692,089 people were vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine (to be updated);

49,164,620 people have been vaccinated with the second dose (to be updated);

A total of 38,458,430 people were vaccinated with the third dose (to be updated).

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades
France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades
Trend chart of increasing confirmed cases in the UK Image source Uk Department of Health

Russia is ready to resume security talks with the United States

On Saturday, March 12, Russia said it was ready to cooperate again with the United States on security issues and the Start of Strategic Arms Treaty (START).

According to state media outlet RIA Novosti, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said: "If the Americans are ready, we can certainly resume dialogue with them and do related work on the Start of Strategic Arms Treaty, where there is also a certain pause," Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei-Ryabkov told Channel One.

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Image credit shropshirestar

"It all depends on Washington." He added.

According to Sergei Ryabkov, Russia has not stopped the dialogue with the United States: "We have not withdrawn from the Strategic Stability Dialogue of the United States, and the suspension of that conversation was done by Washington." He added that Russia has prepared a list of retaliatory individual sanctions against the United States and the West, which will be released soon.

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Image source NYC

The landmark treaty was first signed in 2010 by former U.S. President Barack Obama and former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for a period of 10 years. It entered into force on February 5, 2011.

START limits the number of strategic offensive weapons that both countries can have. The treaty limits the deployment of ICBMs, submarine-launched ballistic missileSLBMs and heavy bombers to no more than 700 ICBMs, deployed ICBMs, SLBMs and nuclear warheads on heavy bombers; and 800 deployed and undeployed ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers and heavy bombers.

Russia's richest businessman shouted putin

"Don't take us back to 1917"

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Image credit

On Saturday, March 12, Russia's richest businessman warned the Moscow Kremlin: "Do not confiscate the assets of companies that left Russia after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, which would set the country back more than 100 years." ”

Vladimir Potanin, president of metal giant Norilsk Nickel and its largest shareholder, said that if Russia closed its doors to Western companies and investors, it was likely to return to the turbulent years of 1917 — he urged the Russian government to be extremely cautious about seizing assets.

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Vladimir Potanin said: "First of all, this will bring us back 100 years, back to 1917, and the confiscation of property will directly lead to extreme distrust of Russia by global investors; secondly, many companies have decided to suspend their operations in Russia, and I would say that in a way they are too emotional, and these decisions are more or less because foreign public opinion has put unprecedented pressure on them." So when public opinion passes, these companies will return to Russia. So such reciprocal sanctions are very risky. ”

For now, Vladimir Potanin remains the richest man in Russia: still worth about $22.5 billion, but lost about a quarter of his fortune this year as Norilsk Nickel's stock price plummeted. Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest producer of palladium and high-grade nickel, has escaped punitive sanctions imposed on the Russian economy by Western countries.

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Over the past two weeks, dozens of U.S., European and Japanese companies have abandoned joint ventures, factories, shops, offices and other assets to show their opposition to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. They were also joined by Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase on Thursday, March 10, the first Western bank to announce a complete exit from Russia since the crisis erupted in February.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday, March 10 that he supported a plan for the implementation of external management of foreign companies leaving Russia. According to Izvestiya, Russian consumer rights groups have drawn up a list of companies that have decided to leave Russia and may be nationalized: these include 59 companies — Volkswagen, Apple, IKEA, Microsoft, IBM, Shell, McDonald's, Porsche, Toyota, H&M , and more brands can be renewed.

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Vladimir Potanin said talking about the nationalization of Western assets is not the best option, suggesting that the Kremlin could allow "the owners to keep the property, the company to avoid bankruptcy, continue to produce products and pay employees".

He also called on Russia to ease restrictions on foreign exchange so that it can pay interest on foreign bonds and loans. Otherwise, the country risks defaulting on its entire external debt, which he estimates totals to be about $480 billion.

President of Ukraine: Ukraine is giving

The Russian army brought the biggest blow in decades

Speaking in a video address today on Saturday, March 12, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the Ukrainian army was dealing the biggest blow in the history of Russian forces in decades.

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

In a Facebook video address on Saturday, Volodymyr Zelensky said that 31 Russian tactical battalions had been incapacitated and more than 360 Russian tanks had been completely lost.

Volodymyr Zelensky also revealed that a large number of Russian troops are surrendering to the Ukrainian army, but Russia is now recruiting fighters, reservists, conscripts and mercenaries to exceed the number of military personnel in the Ukrainian army.

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

On Saturday, March 12, Volodymyr Zelensky said of the city of Marigopl that the Ukrainian army would guarantee a ceasefire along the evacuation route out of the city to allow supplies to enter the city and facilitate the evacuation of civilians.

According to Maripol city officials on Wednesday, Russian troops wounded 17 people, including children, women and doctors. The city council added on Thursday that 3 people died, including a child. After experiencing the bombing, a pregnant woman, Mariana Vishegirskaya, gave birth to a baby girl at the hospital.

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

The Franco-German leader in a phone call with Putin

• Urge an immediate ceasefire

On Saturday, March 12, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to immediately cease fire in Ukraine during a 75-minute phone call.

According to German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit, Macron and Olaf Scholz also called on Putin to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict as soon as possible.

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Image credit: Thibault Camus/Pool/AFP/Getty Images

He said the talk was part of an ongoing international effort to end the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. He added that the two sides agreed not to disclose any further details of the talks.

Prior to the call with Putin, Olaf Scholz spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about his "assessment of the current situation" and that "they agreed to keep in close contact," the spokesman said.

UK Daily Death/Cure Data Analysis

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Trend chart of increasing cases of illness and death in the United Kingdom Image source GOV.UK

England · England

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades
France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Image source GOV.UK official

Data from 11 March: 9,369 confirmed COVID-19 patients are currently hospitalized, bringing the total cumulative number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients to 640,313 (+8,768).

There are currently 221 (=) COVID-19 patients using ventilators in England, and a total of 141,478 (+87) COVID-19 patients have died.

Wales region · Wales

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Image source Welsh region official

Data from 11 March: 4 deaths recorded in Wales.

Northern Ireland · Northern Ireland

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades
France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Image source Northern Ireland region official

Data from March 11: A total of 28 confirmed COVID-19 patients were hospitalized (=), and 18,005 confirmed COVID-19 patients (+63) were discharged, and the cure rate is currently 99.8%. There are 1 suspected/confirmed COVID-19 patient in the severe ICU and 22 (-1) spare severe ICU beds.

Scotland region · Scotland

France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades
France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades
France and Germany call for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine! Ukraine is dealing the biggest blow to Russian forces in decades

Image source Scottish region official

Since 5 March 2021, a total of 34,669 (+119) confirmed patients have been discharged from Scotland. As of midnight on March 11, 1,663 suspected/confirmed COVID-127 patients had recent hospitalizations, of which 23 (+1) were confirmed to be in the Intensive Care Unit ICU.

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