
The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

How evil can human nature really be? There is a book called "GhostBoy", the male protagonist is Martin, known as the "ghost boy", a boy who has experienced 13 years of bed rest.

In fact, the prototype of the book is the author himself, who uses his real experience to tell the nightmare time when it was difficult to wake up.

During these thirteen years, he was awake, but no one knew, and he personally experienced the sexual assault and torture of the nurse, but he could not resist, and he could not even make a sound.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

The boy awoke from his slumber, and the years-long darkness had left him in a trance.

He wanted to make a sound, but he didn't want to try anyway, and there was never a single movement in his throat.

He could only watch as the woman in the nurse's uniform approached his bedside and did shameful acts against him.

He wanted to scold, but he couldn't speak, he wanted to make a little movement for the people outside the door to find him, but to his despair, his body could not move.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

He could only watch as the nurses molested and raped him, bearing the humiliation alone.

Martin Pistorius was born into a happy family in South Africa, from an early age to wealthy parents who were high-class white-collar workers.

The birth of this lovely child added more joy and laughter to this already happy family.

The time before the age of twelve was undoubtedly the happiest time for Martin

Because he was his parents' first child, his parents gave him most of their love.

After the birth of his younger siblings, he did not feel neglected, but also had two more playmates.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

He showed great interest and talent in electronics as a child, and when the small objects in the family broke down, his parents would give him the task of repairing them.

In order to protect the Lego he built from his younger siblings, he also invented an alarm.

As soon as the LEGO toy is touched, the system automatically raises an alarm.

Martin was not yet twelve years old, and this innocent little boy lived a carefree childhood.

With his own talent and superior family situation, you can imagine how brilliant his future will be.

However, no one knows tomorrow and the unexpected who will come first.

At the age of twelve, Martin ended his happy childhood and ushered in the greatest turning point of his life.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

However, the whole family did not expect that life would become hell after that.

Twelve-year-old Martin is in school, a good student with good character and good character, full of concentration in class, carefully absorbing the knowledge taught by the teacher.

Suddenly, he felt a headache and his throat was very dry.

Out of fear, he told the teacher about it, who took Martin to the hospital and informed his parents.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

After careful diagnosis, the doctor concluded that Martin was suffering from meningitis and cerebral tuberculosis, and the doctor also told him that as long as he cooperated with the treatment, his condition would definitely improve.

After listening to the doctor's words, Martin's teachers and parents gradually put their hearts down.

So Martin cooperated with the doctor's treatment while attending classes normally, but the good times did not last long.

The doctor's diagnosis and treatment plan did not alleviate his condition, but the condition worsened step by step.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

Martin's memory was constantly lost, and his throat was becoming more and more painful, and he gradually lost his voice, as if the function of organs throughout his body was declining.

Every day, he endured unbearable pain from ordinary people, and even could not walk normally.

Martin's parents were so startled by the sudden turn that they kept taking Martin around for medical treatment, but the doctors didn't give a clear result.

Martin's body also deteriorated, gradually becoming a "vegetative person".

When my parents saw Martin like this, they felt extremely sad.

Once cheerful and lively children have become what they are now, unable to move, unable to speak, lying on the bed, with their eyes closed, occasionally waking up from weakness.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

If they don't still have a pulse and a heartbeat, and they still roll their eyes, they will be desperate.

But Martin's parents still haven't given up on him, despite the slim hopes, though they haven't yet diagnosed what the disease he has.

They continued to take him all over the country, and even sought out foreign experts, but the results were nothing more than "frostbite" and other diseases.

They also can't come up with a specific treatment plan, and some doctors even say that Martin is likely to become a vegetative person.

Once completely asleep, there is only a small chance of waking up, and the doctor advises Martin's parents to give up early.

The words plunged Martin's parents into despair for a while, but then they perked up, and as long as the doctor wasn't sure martin wouldn't wake up, they had a glimmer of hope.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

This glimmer of hope held them up until a doctor finally made a definitive diagnosis that Martin was suffering from atresia syndrome.

This condition is most likely to occur in cerebrovascular patients, who, due to impaired consciousness, do not seem to be able to speak, do not starve, do not cry out in pain, and cannot even move.

Because the pain impairs the contraction of the bilateral vertebral body, hindering their motor function.

Although the specific illness was announced, the doctor had no other choice, and Martin, who had only a little consciousness left, propped up his frail body and asked his parents when they would be able to return home.

He wanted to go home, and his parents burst into tears, so they had to take Martin home and take good care of him every day, hoping that one day he would suddenly get better.

But whatever they did didn't help, martin eventually lost all consciousness and never woke up again.

What he said to his parents in the hospital also became the last thing he said.

Martin's treatment, while to no avail, cost most of the family's savings.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

Subsequent treatment, family life, and the education and growth of younger siblings all require a lot of money.

His father could only work continuously, and his mother gave up his job to go home to take care of him.

However, the heavy burden of a long time finally broke the family, and the parents still had to take care of their younger siblings, so they had to send Martin to a nursing home.

Martin lived in a nursing home for more than a decade, and the nursing home staff called him a "ghost man."

He lived in an endless darkness, with no relatives, no friends, no voices, and no perception.

His peers were studying carefreely at school, and Martin, such a smart kid, could only lie in a nursing home and spend his life devastated by illness.

This darkness continued until Martin was sixteen years old, by which time he had been lying in bed for four years.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

On this day, he felt a glimmer of light shining above his head, and he thought it was an angel, but in fact it was just a wisp of consciousness that he had woken up from many years of sleep.

He was not yet fully aware of the present world, and his body was immersed in an endless war between sleeping and waking up.

All he knew was that he was lying in bed, and the environment now was a world he was familiar with, with his mom and dad.

This internal physical war went on like this for three years.

When Martin was nineteen years old, he was fully awake, and he felt his surroundings in amazement, but suddenly found that he could not move at all, and could not even open his eyes.

He could only feel his family feeding and dressing him, feeling his father taking them out to go out, feeling his father gently comforting his mother, and they sending him to a nursing home every morning.

He tried to move his body slightly to get his family's attention, but it failed.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

He felt that the current family atmosphere was solemn, and there was no longer the joy and laughter of the past.

His mother took care of the three of them at home every day, and my father came out early and returned late every day, and when he returned, he had to help his mother take care of him for several years.

Until one day, Martin heard her mother say in her ear, "I want you to die."

When he finished, his mother could not cry, and Martin was silently sad at the side.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

In fact, although he was shocked at the time, he thought that his parents had paid so much for him over the years.

The good family was on the verge of collapse because of his illness, and he was gradually relieved, and he just wanted to wake up quickly and reduce the burden on the family.

Furthermore, he woke up to learn that his father's need to juggle family and work had led to a decline in the effectiveness of his work and had been criticized and demoted by his superiors.

The mother circled around them all day, and contradictions gradually appeared in the family.

After an argument, her mother was in a bad mood and said the words to him ventfully.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

Although Martin has woken up, no one knows, he still maintains his daily routine of being in the nursing home during the day and returning home at night.

In the nursing home, he would always hear the staff whispering from the sidelines, laughing at him for being a waste, not even bothering to take care of him, feeding him food on his chin, slapping him, and so on.

Martin couldn't help it, he couldn't stand up and accuse them, he couldn't scream at them, all he could do was be patient.

Until one day, the nurse from the nursing home came to check on him, and he thought that the female nurse wanted to help him change his clothes.

Knowing that the nurse stripped him naked and began to invade him, he felt incomparably angry, only to feel that his self-esteem had been thrown on the ground and trampled fiercely.

It was as if a beast was roaring inside him, trying to break through the shackles, and at the moment he wanted to really wake up right away, but the reality was so cruel that he couldn't.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

This happened more than once, as he endured day by day, and the pain swept through his soul.

When the family was not present, the caregivers often slapped Martin and would beat and kick him.

Every time Martin slipped from his wheelchair onto the cold floor, the caregivers would laugh and look at the "breathing object" indifferent.

Because Martin can't resist, the "evil of human nature" of these caregivers is constantly magnified.

When feeding, the nurses always liked to shove hot food directly into Martin's throat.

The intense burning sensation made Martin so miserable that an instinctive reaction made him vomit, and the nurses would slap him angrily, and then mix the vomit with the food and let Martin eat it.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

Even more perverted, there was an elderly single nurse who often quietly pushed Martin into a secluded tool room, then took off his pants, gave him an enema, and then sexually assaulted him.

Afterwards, martin put on his pants and pretended to be indifferent and pushed him back into the room.

At the nursing center, perhaps the only thing that accompanied Martin was the cartoons that were repeated in the room.

Fortunately, one day, Martin's father found an abnormality while taking care of her, and his father felt like a knife, but it was too late.

He wanted to take the nurse who had molested him to court, but there was no evidence and he had to stop there, and the only thing he could expect now was that Martin would wake up.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

Martin suffered physically and mentally in the sanatorium until he waited for his savior, the masseuse Veena.

Veena treated him like a spring breeze, healing his wounded heart, and she spoke softly.

During a recovery massage, Veena noticed his body movements.

Veena had seen the recovery process of a semi-vegetative woman on television, and through the news she had found an expert who had helped the woman recover, and the expert had taught her the method of recovery.

Veena saw hope and persuaded Martin's parents to agree to take him for a professional physical test.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

Experts in the test showed that Martin's consciousness had always been there, but it was sealed in the body, and he needed something external to awaken him.

Therefore, martin has a high chance of waking up, and through recovery training, he can return to the state of a normal person.

They also switch martin's inner voice through a medium in which he wishes his parents a Merry Christmas! This year, Martin was 25 years old and had been "sleeping" for 13 years.

The dawn of the day has finally come to the fore of Veena and Martin's family, the most beautiful sound they've heard in all these years.

Under the professional treatment, Martin was gradually able to make some simple movements, and his family actively communicated with him to help him restore organ function.

At the age of 26, part of his body regained strength and was able to perform some smaller movements.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

His parents bought a special computer for him to communicate with people through the computer.

Despite the setbacks encountered during this period, his father still did not give up on him, but always comforted him.

He felt the love and warmth brought by his family and gradually regained his physical functions.

His father picked himself up and worked desperately to get him the best equipment.

When Martin was 25 years old, the god of hope once again cared for the once broken family.

He learned the computer, began to say what he wanted to say through the computer, and studied on the computer.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

A year later, he was admitted to the university of his choice, but he still regained the dream he had since childhood, chose a computer-related major, and successfully graduated.

He wrote a book about his experience called The Aphasia.

In the book, he lamented that he could perceive darkness all around him in his slumber.

He was still conscious, trying to follow a bright light above his head out of the darkness, and he struggled hard until he finally woke up.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

After waking up, Martin was extremely grateful, he thanked his father and mother for not giving up on him, although his mother had once said in anger that she wanted him to die, but the hard care over the years was enough to explain everything.

Now, in addition to being a web designer, he is also a well-known writer.

His book The Aphasiar uses his own perspective and real experience to illustrate his constant groping in the dark.

Despite the huge blow, there is still a strange experience of not giving up, and there are warm moments when the family supports each other and comforts each other.

This factual content became a big selling point for The Aphasia, making Martin a great writer.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

Even more surprising is that Martin also met his wife Joanna online.

He was attracted by his optimistic qualities and did not mind the fact that Martin was physically handicapped and needed to be taken care of.

Now Martin has come out of the haze and ushered in a new life, he and Joanna are successfully married, and they have children.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

In 2019, Martin was invited to a TED talk to tell the story of the first half of his legendary life.

The boy who once had no future in the doctor's mouth, his life was back on track, doing the work he loved, being with his family, and living happily ever after.

The fly in the ointment is that his time in the sanatorium has caused great damage to Martin's soul, and he needs to insist on receiving psychotherapy and slowly come out of the shadows.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

Fortunately, now that his marriage is happy and his family is happy, there is no difficulty in knocking him down, and it is only a matter of time before he gets out of that haze.

Martin was able to get out of the darkness not only by his own strong optimism, but also by the perseverance of his parents and loved ones.

They always do their best to give Martin the best conditions of recuperation, and warmth and love always surround Martin.

The boy was bedridden for 13 years, tortured by nursing staff

And his masseuse friend Veena, whose gentleness and attentiveness saved Martin.

All in all, love is always the antidote to the body and mind.

According to people familiar with the matter, today's Martin has basically recovered almost completely, and has a second baby, a girl.

The Martins named him Veena in honor of the masseuse named Veena who brought Martin back to the World of Light.

I hope that Martin can get out of the shadow of childhood as soon as possible, and I sincerely wish Martin and his family a happy life!


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