
"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

author:Sour glutinous rice balls entertainment

As a vegetarian who is in first-time contact, a day of blind dating in love, I don't know what will happen to them other than that!

"I have not talked about love" by the girl to choose the dating project, the boy according to the option to find the one who fits with himself, do not know whether these men have been in love with the person, or still looking for the one in mind of her, our second male Yang Shuochen has experienced a date with a girl who is not his own heart.

"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

Everyone has their favorite romantic little things, the second female Cao Ye chose to share exclusive secrets, tie shoelaces, sit in the back seat of the straight car for a ride, and make a villain with plasticine together to make a rich bento for him.

"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

And the boy who chose her these things is Yang Shuochen, who just came to educate her, they both have the same learning direction, and their personalities are also straightforward and cheerful, and there should be a lot of sparks on this date!

The encounter between the two people began with the papaya garden eating the bento made by the male second hand, which was originally a happy encounter, but the two people with a straightforward personality, from the first sentence, felt that since it was a blind selection, the two people who could meet were together because of the project fit, I did not expect that the male second came to a five-in-a-row error, sentence by sentence, the meaning of each sentence is that I never felt that it was you when I chose this project.

"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

The two people spoke bluntly, directly put the girl speechless on the scene, and then the meal cooked by hand also had no appetite, I did not expect that it was only the first link to be embarrassed in place, if it were not for the direct walk of the program, I think it would not be too much.

"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong
"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

The two people still started dating according to the agreement, plasticine production, cycling, etc., although it looks very sweet, but for sensitive girls, you start dating and say those words, my heart will always remember, after the brief group exchange in the evening, the male second also went back, unexpected things, it seems that the male second who has a heart really has a heart, it is his elders who are uncomfortable, so that Cao Ye feels that he is too much today, he did not take care of him at all, and apologized for the difficulty of speaking to himself.

"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong
"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

In the evening's writing session, when you think that the two people will know each other more because of the elimination of the barrier, the female second Cao Ye has no choice, while Yang Shuochen, who is dating him, writes he Yuxin, He Yuxin was not chosen and stayed for a day without participating in the date, it is normal and there is no choice.

"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong
"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong
"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong
"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

This should be the legend of a person living in the heart of it, looking back at their date this day, it is not surprising that they can be described as tit-for-tat, and our male second in the show has also sent small snacks to the female fourth He Yuxin many times at night, this initiative is to express that they want to have more contact with you.

"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

After the end of the dating day, I also deliberately went to he Yuxin to explain that today's date I could have chosen to her, but because of my own state, the result was not chosen, here I think back to the chat with Cao Ye just dated is really too much, and Cao Ye chat said that I did not think that this project will be you, not at all subtle, I chose this project when I thought of He Yuxin, and he Yuxin explained when I lied here, saying that I had no way, otherwise I would choose you.

"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

Although such an ending is outside of people, it is also a manifestation of being responsible for their own love, and a firm choice for the people they like, so it is not surprising that there are more other things.

I saw a metaphor a long time ago.

Being with someone who doesn't like themselves is like pulling a small car forward with bare hands, and it's too hard.

With the person you like, it may be that the car does not need you to pull, you sit in the passenger seat, comfortable.

"I haven't talked about love" Yang Shuochen is dating a girl who is not her own heart, and the male two or five are wrong

(The picture is reproduced on the Internet, the content is the author's original, and plagiarism is strictly prohibited)

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