
All are true love "Eldon's Ring of Law" fans who have created iOS apps to help track down missions

A foreign "Elden Ring" fan released an iOS app to help players track their in-game missions.

All are true love "Eldon's Ring of Law" fans who have created iOS apps to help track down missions

The app, called Edited Ring, was created by Dachary Carey and is currently priced at £2.49 on the App Store and is iOS-only, no Android, no Chinese. While some players may insist that they would prefer to play the game according to developer From Software's intent rather than need the in-game task tracker, it currently ranks first in the store's "Entertainment" category, suggesting that a large number of players are taking advantage of it.

All are true love "Eldon's Ring of Law" fans who have created iOS apps to help track down missions

"Shattered Ring is a fun and useful Eldon's Ring of Law mission tracker," the app's description on its website says. "Helps you keep track of important NPCs, locations, and mission notes and status."

"When trying to track the progress of your role-playing game, stop flipping through a lot of notebooks or losing your notes altogether." It added: "In the game, it is possible to save and easily search for non-player characters, game world locations, and missions. ”

"Track NPC locations and missions, filter for completed or unfinished tasks and locations, and see at-a-glance stats for your game."

All are true love "Eldon's Ring of Law" fans who have created iOS apps to help track down missions

The app even allows players to record multiple games, as well as the situation of other RPG games.

"My profession is not an iOS developer," Carey told our friends in the media, "and I make a living writing documents." ”

"But I really wanted to enjoy playing this game, so I developed my first app to address what I think is a big playability barrier for a large number of casual gamers like me."

I have to say that for the big god players, this iOS app business is not useful, but for small white players, the help is too much, but when you search for this app in the App Store, you must find the right name, don't be deceived by some unscrupulous copycat applications or games that rub the heat.

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