
At the age of 43, she is pursued by Australian boys in her 30s and lives her true self

author:Chu Xuan's workplace is full of questions and answers
She has a kind of open confidence in her. Because of this, she does not limit herself, self-deny; this is the adult without a sense of scarcity.
At the age of 43, she is pursued by Australian boys in her 30s and lives her true self

The first two days were Western Valentine's Day, who are you in love with, or are you being loved?

Whether girls or boys, as you get older, do you feel that the possibility of meeting true love is becoming less and less likely?

Today, reading the article of Teacher Meow, whom Dali knows, in her published book "Beyond Horizon - Chinese Youth See the World", she writes about Miss N of Australia she met on a trip, and at the age of 43, she was pursued by an Australian boy in her 30s

From getting along with Miss N, she greatly alleviated the anxiety about the girl's age

I also believe that a woman/man will shine from the inside out as long as he lives out his true self, and a woman who is wonderful enough can have true love no matter what age.


Chu Xuan in Shanghai

The following is a brief introduction to the story of Miss N, see the micro-knowledge, I hope that whoever loves and who is being loved can live a glorious life.


Can you express your demands confidently?

Miss N was playing kayaking at sea, and later saw that there was a sailboat on the shore and wanted to change the sailboat to play, but the mobile phone and wallet were placed in the shop where the kayak was borrowed, and under normal circumstances, most people thought: first row the kayak to go back to get the money, and then come over to rent the sailboat.

Miss N's approach is: borrow directly from the past.

Miss N went to the sailboat, greeted its owner, a Russian boy and another model girl, generously introduced herself, and talked to each other about why they came here, and when the conversation was hot, Miss N suddenly said: We didn't bring money out, but want to play your sailboat, what do you think?

Such a blunt question actually got an affirmative reply from the other party: "Well, do you need me to drive you a boat?" ”

(Note: Miss N is more than 40 years old, did not use medical aesthetic means to maintain her body and appearance, and took the natural beauty route.) )

At the age of 43, she is pursued by Australian boys in her 30s and lives her true self


Can you always keep learning what you love?

Miss N drove her own sailboat, and also introduced navigation knowledge to her fellow meow teacher, such as how to judge the direction of the wind through the waves, how to control the sail in different winds, and how to control the direction of the ship.

If you develop a love for anything, learn.

She was very charming when she said this.

There's a scene in Sex and the City where Carrie asks Big what kind of psychology a man who likes models is. Big said: There are a lot of beautiful women in this world, but after dating for a while, you will find that you still want to be with funny girls.

At the age of 43, she is pursued by Australian boys in her 30s and lives her true self


Can you naturally express your affection for others?

Miss N said that she liked a restaurant with turquoise water in front of it, and various street stalls on both sides, and a thick pyrotechnic atmosphere.

The owner of this shop is a middle-aged French artist, in his 30s, and there are many music posters and records from his collection hanging in the store, and the music is also very good.

When he brought food over, Miss N began to talk to him about music and why he had come to Koh Rong Island. I went to the bathroom and came back, and heard Miss N say to the boss: I like the music you played, can you copy it for me?

So the boss ran to the bar upside down, found a U disk, not only copied all the songs to her, but even gave her the U disk...

Chu Xuan remembered a business trip abroad before, when in the Netherlands, the last day we rented a car from the hotel to the airport, driving a black boy, on the way to the airport there was jazz on the car, every song I felt very good, when I got off the car to get out of the luggage, I said to the black brother: "I like the music you put on the car", the little brother smiled warmly and said thank you, I think he thinks I am his confidant.

If you appreciate a person or something, tell that person in time, because there is no way to connect with the other person with the appreciation in your heart.

(More stories about Miss N can be referenced: Meow said that | 43-year-old her, was pursued by a 30-year-old handsome man across the mountains and seas)

At the age of 43, she is pursued by Australian boys in her 30s and lives her true self


Be an adult without a sense of scarcity

The key word for Chu Xuan's life growth in 2022 is: to be an adult without a sense of scarcity.

Growing up in China, we were taught from an early age that women should marry before the age of 30, otherwise they will lose their price. There are so many women around me who hate to marry, including myself, who have been anxious like ants on a hot pot for a long time, and there are many girls who don't quite understand how to live, and have been building themselves according to men's preferences.

Yet Miss N lived out her own light. She strives to cultivate her hobbies and pursuits, exuding a passion for life; she talks interestingly, is curious about other people's stories and is willing to listen, and brings happiness to everyone with humor and encouragement.

She has a frank confidence in her. Because of this, she does not limit herself, self-deny; this is the adult without a sense of scarcity.

Don't feel that you are older than others recognize, you should not pursue things that others think should not be pursued;

Don't feel that the 40s should not be naughty;

It wouldn't be too much to ask a stranger if they would let her play sailing for free, or to copy songs.

Most of the story about Miss N in this article is quoted from Meow said| 43-year-old her, was pursued by a 30-year-old handsome man across the mountains and seas

I want to share this story with you, because recently I have come to realize that age is really just a number, your life is far more important than this number, love, career, personal learning and growth these things are throughout life, and no one says that it must be completed at what age

A mature person's self-confidence lies in the courage to express his needs, but not to demand them. And this frank self-confidence comes from total acceptance of oneself.

This experience with Miss N has convinced me that a woman/man can only shine from the inside out if he lives out his true self, and a person who is wonderful enough can have love no matter what age.

At the age of 43, she is pursued by Australian boys in her 30s and lives her true self

I am Chu Xuan

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