
The owner of the bread car "boldly packed the sky", posted a piece of paper and dared to go on the road, and was deducted 12 points on the spot

The Mainland Traffic Law stipulates that all motor vehicles on the road must hang the number plate of the motor vehicle in accordance with the regulations, and if there is no application for a formal license plate, it is also necessary to hang a temporary license plate on the front and rear windshields. Failure to hang the number plate of a motor vehicle in accordance with the regulations will be regarded as an "unlicensed car", caught by the traffic police, and face the penalty of revoking the driver's license.

The owner of the bread car "boldly packed the sky", posted a piece of paper and dared to go on the road, and was deducted 12 points on the spot

Some netizens saw a van on the streets of Hubei, the body of this van is somewhat dirty, and the car is stained with a lot of white lime, which looks like it should be a vehicle that often enters and exits the construction site. Originally, this kind of car was very common in the city, and everyone would not pay special attention to it. However, a piece of paper on the van became the focus and attracted the attention of many passers-by.

A piece of paper was attached to the rear windshield of the van that read," "License plate is damaged and is being replaced." After seeing this line, everyone took another look at its license plate and found that its license plate could only see the number, but could not see the city of belonging. Because the license plate is stained with a lot of white paint, these paints block the place where the license plate belongs.

The owner of the bread car "boldly packed the sky", posted a piece of paper and dared to go on the road, and was deducted 12 points on the spot

The number plate of a motor vehicle is a proof of the car on the road and cannot be obscured or defaced. Although the license plate of this van is still on the car, it is completely impossible to see where it belongs, which does not meet the regulations on the road of the vehicle. According to the relevant regulations, after the license plate is defaced, the owner should go to the vehicle management office in time to replace the license plate.

The owner of the bread car "boldly packed the sky", posted a piece of paper and dared to go on the road, and was deducted 12 points on the spot

When replacing the license plate, the owner needs to hand over all the defaced license plates and the non-defaced license plates to the vehicle management office. Because it takes some time to replace the license plate, the owner can not get a new license plate on the same day, so the vehicle management office will first issue a temporary license plate to the owner, and the car owner will hang these two temporary license plates on the car.

The owner of the bread car "boldly packed the sky", posted a piece of paper and dared to go on the road, and was deducted 12 points on the spot

The van's license plate has been defaced, and if the owner does apply for a new license plate, the defaced license plate should not be hung on the car now, but a temporary license plate. The owner of the car pasted this paper on the windshield, which is equivalent to not confessing.

After netizens saw the actions of the van owner, they all felt that the bread owner's boldness was too great, which was simply a blatant provocation of the authority of the traffic police. Sure enough, the high-profile behavior of the owner also brought trouble to himself. When the owner of the car drove to the construction site that day, he was stopped by traffic police on the road.

The owner of the bread car "boldly packed the sky", posted a piece of paper and dared to go on the road, and was deducted 12 points on the spot

In the face of the traffic police, the owner also tried to defend himself, he told the traffic police that he had gone to the car management office to make up the license plate, but now the new license plate has not been issued. This lie can not deceive the traffic police at all, if the owner really goes to replace the license plate, now the car should be hung on the temporary license plate, not the license plate number that has been defaced.

Under the questioning of the traffic police, the Lord finally told the truth, saying that he had not yet gone to replace the license plate. Because the license plate is blocked, there is a violation on the road, and the system cannot shoot, then you will not be deducted points and fined. I was confused for a while, so I didn't go to get a replacement license plate.

The owner of the bread car "boldly packed the sky", posted a piece of paper and dared to go on the road, and was deducted 12 points on the spot

Hanging a defaced license plate on the road is a serious traffic violation. The traffic police carried out serious criticism and education for the owner, and deducted 12 points from the driver's license in accordance with the regulations, and imposed a fine of 200 yuan on the owner.

Editor's Short Comment:

The owner of the van was really smart this time but was mistaken by the clever, originally wanted to use the covered license plate to cover up his illegal behavior, did not expect that in the end not only did not escape, but also because of this photo was deducted 12 points. Now the monitoring system on the road is very developed, and every intersection has traffic police on duty, any violation is nothing to hide, we must not have this fluke mentality.

【The picture in this article is from the network, the infringement contact is deleted】

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