
Feel that customers talk about reading: the spiritual enjoyment of bitterness and pleasure

Feel that customers talk about reading: the spiritual enjoyment of bitterness and pleasure

2022 / 03 / 14

In the process of sorting out the manuscripts of Baiwei Nianhua customers, I saw such a fragment that impressed me, which made me feel the infinite happiness and happiness that reading brings to a person, and also felt that for some people, in order to read, they can actually "lower themselves to the dust".

The author of the manuscript was born in a time that could not give him the best reading environment and opportunities, and his family was farming, but he did not know what force drove him to the bookstore, to the library, to the villain bookstore. Reading seems to be his innate interest and preference, for unknown reasons, that is, falling in love.

Feel that customers talk about reading: the spiritual enjoyment of bitterness and pleasure

The author said in the article that when he was a child, he did not have much pocket money on hand, and he saved money for breakfast. Originally a breakfast for 5 cents a meal, he asked the boss to sell him half a piece of fruit and half a bowl of old tofu, which would save 2 cents on a meal. Sometimes, when you see someone else's leftover fruit head or a bowl of old tofu at the bottom, you will quietly take it and eat it! Reading this, I was heartbroken, and at a young age, I actually read books to buy books, and ate the leftovers like a flower child. As Tao Yuanming said: "It is good to read, not to seek a solution; whenever there is a will, it will gladly forget to eat." This author has also read books, preferring to starve to the spirit in the sea of books.

The author's unforgettable reading reminds me of Mo Yan's writing in the article "Childhood Reading" that when he was a child, he was obsessed with reading, and reading "idle books" became his greatest pleasure. In order to read a beautifully illustrated book of "The Evolution of the Fengshen Gods", he pulled a morning of grinding for his classmates in exchange for the right to lend him an afternoon of books; when the teacher borrowed "Song of Youth", he knew that if he did not cut the grass, the sheep would starve, but he still spent an afternoon, hiding in the haystack and reading it in one breath, and his body was also bitten by insects and ants; the second brother had many books, but he was not willing to show him, but he could always find out. Once, when looking for a hidden book in the pigsty, I accidentally touched the honeycomb and was stung by the horse bee, but I couldn't care about the pain, insisted on reading the book, and looked at it and couldn't open my eyes.

Feel that customers talk about reading: the spiritual enjoyment of bitterness and pleasure

I am also reminded of the heart-warming story that happened in the Dongguan Library in the early days of the NEW CROWN outbreak. A migrant worker who has been working in Dongguan for many years was affected by the epidemic, and his factory was shut down and had to return to his hometown. Before returning home, he came to the Dongguan Library to return the library card, and left such a line: "I came to Dongguan for seventeen years, of which there were twelve years of reading books in the library, books can be reasonable, only books that are beneficial to people, many industries have collapsed on the epidemic this year, migrant workers have nothing to do, chose to return to their hometown, remembering the life of these years, the best place is the library, although they are not willing to give up, but life is forced, the rest of your life will never forget your Dongguan Library, may you do more and more prosperous ..." For this migrant worker, Reading is a part of his life, and when it comes to losing, it is very difficult to give up and never forget.

While being touched by the stories of these readers, I am glad that my reading conditions are so much superior to theirs. Especially after joining the editorial department of Baiwei Nianhua, the main job is to provide services for customers to publish books, and while helping customers realize their dream of publishing books, they also become the first readers of customer manuscripts in the work of writing, sorting and editing. What a spiritual treat for those who love to read!


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