
Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

Babies are born with face control.

Many mothers will find that children seem to prefer good-looking people, whether it is a little boy or a little girl, when they see a young and beautiful little sister, they will stare at people intently.

Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

At this time, the mother will joke that the little child is Yan Control! But in fact, this is not a joke, but there is a real truth.

Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

Frontiers in Psychology: Children instinctively trust good-looking people more

At the time of the scientists' research, 50 small volunteers of similar age were recruited, most of whom could not speak and could only judge their thoughts by their actions.

After these young volunteers came into contact with 200 adults with different looks, they watched their reactions, whether they chose to ignore them, or watch them intently, or even cry.

Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

After the observation, the scientists found that the 50 babies responded roughly the same. For adults who conform to the aesthetics of the masses, they have a positive attitude, either laughing or playing together.

And those adults who deviate from the public aesthetic are despised by the babies, and some even make the children cry, until the children can't see them, and the mood is calmed.

Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

Subsequently, the scientists further tested the babies' brain waves and electrocardiograms, once again proving their previous inferences that babies are born with pleasant emotions for good-looking people, which can be called trust.

Alpaca mom has something to say:

This kind of performance of the child is almost not mixed with any personal thoughts and emotions, purely because of instinct, after all, everyone likes to appreciate beautiful things, of course, children are no exception.

However, this instinctive reaction of children will invisibly hurt adults, and those who will cry when the baby looks at it will not have inferiority because of their appearance?

Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear
Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

Affected by your child's visual distance

When the baby is just born, the vision changes from nothing to something, after all, when the baby is in the mother's belly, there is no need for vision at all, and it is not until after birth that vision comes in handy.

But before 3 months, the baby's visual distance is not more than 25 cm, that is, the distance between the mother's eyes and the child's eyes when the mother is breastfeeding. Everything outside this visual distance is very confusing.

Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

At this time, adults appear in a position outside the visual distance, and the baby generally chooses to ignore it, but many adults deliberately attract the child's attention, which will cause the child to feel uneasy because he can't see clearly.

They don't know if this thing is a threat to them, and they don't know what this thing wants to do or whether it will hurt themselves. But he couldn't do anything but cry to stop the danger.

Influenced by your baby's attachment relationship

The attachment relationship between the baby and the mother develops within 3 hours of birth, because the first sip of milk is drunk at this time. As long as the mother breastfeeds the baby, a close connection is established between the two people.

Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

Moreover, the body temperature and taste of the mother's body are also the catalyst for attachment relationships, so that the baby will not have the simple idea of having a milk.

This relationship deepens with the frequency of interaction, and they are also very resistant to external factors affecting this attachment relationship, of which strangers contact themselves, which is one of them.

Because they are not sure of each other's intentions and identities, in their qualitative thinking, only the mother will be in such close contact with themselves, and the appearance of others will bring themselves an uneasy emotional experience.

Influenced by social communication skills

2 years old is the baby's social communication ability of the key period, but does not prove that before the age of 2 years old the baby does not need external stimulation, the mother with the baby out to contact new things, but also to stimulate the baby to develop social skills as soon as possible a means.

Baby suddenly cries when he sees "someone"? Elders may not understand, parents must be clear

However, during this time, babies are very vulnerable to fright. When someone suddenly appears in front of them and forces themselves to react, they are frightened.

When the stranger is too loud and the tone is too sharp, it will also scare the baby to cry. If this is the case of crying, the mothers do not have to interfere too much, just hold the baby tightly.

Today's Topic:

Is your baby a face control? Seeing the good-looking little sister, will the baby stare at people intently? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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