
Netizens made a handheld version of NGC that turned the imaginary picture of 17 years ago into a real thing

Seventeen years ago, there was a hypothetical NGC handheld rendering that appeared on the Internet, and recently the handmade gangster GingerOfOz made the NGC handheld on this map after some tossing.

He had previously revamped the handheld version of the Wii and PS2, and this time the screen used the same screen as the PS2 handheld. He encountered many difficulties during the production process, such as the first time to create a folding handheld, NGC's original joystick and buttons are too thick. Due to cost reasons, the inside of the handheld is made of chips cut from the Wii's motherboard.

Netizens made a handheld version of NGC that turned the imaginary picture of 17 years ago into a real thing

This NGC handheld is also a little regrettable, such as the shell is a little damaged when assembled, the black panel has become a fingerprint collector, and the battery power can only be used for about an hour and a half, but this project is not to create a perfect commercial handheld, so as long as it is made, it is a victory.

Netizens made a handheld version of NGC that turned the imaginary picture of 17 years ago into a real thing

He also contacted the original author of the rendering, which was made by a netizen named Demond during college for fun, his college major was traditional and digital art, and then he was also given the task of making renderings for mobile phones and analog devices, and entered several game companies. Unfortunately, the hard disk on which the rendering project was stored was hung up, and the original file of the image could not be retrieved.

Netizens made a handheld version of NGC that turned the imaginary picture of 17 years ago into a real thing
Netizens made a handheld version of NGC that turned the imaginary picture of 17 years ago into a real thing

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