
Peace Elite's first 9,000 elimination of sub-anchors, Hugo rose rapidly, becoming the most recognized strong anchor?

Netizens who often pay attention to Hugo's live broadcast should know that as a recognized veteran anchor in the circle, he is full of experience in the whole life. He is always able to rely on his unique understanding of the game in the live broadcast room to bring wonderful operations to fans and water friends, during which Hugo, known as the "Dry La" Little Prince, is expected to become a new brother of the peace elite because of his outstanding strength.

Peace Elite's first 9,000 elimination of sub-anchors, Hugo rose rapidly, becoming the most recognized strong anchor?

Hugo reached 9,000 elimination points last week and completed the 1888 kill in one week, which is the most technical anchor at present, and the super level of technical play makes everyone have to pay attention to him. Therefore, his popularity and ranking, traffic are rising, I believe that in the near future, Huya Peace Elite Plate will change from three points to four heavenly kings.

Peace Elite's first 9,000 elimination of sub-anchors, Hugo rose rapidly, becoming the most recognized strong anchor?

Not only that, Hugo also recently broke through the 9,000 elimination point mark of the Peace Elite, and such an amazing scene also made it the strongest anchor recognized by many netizens as the most technical anchor. To know that the peace elite anchor circle of strong characters are not a few, the same platform station there are not to seek people, sharks, evening jade and other people sitting, if according to the current upward trend, then Hugo will successfully rank among the first echelon.

Peace Elite's first 9,000 elimination of sub-anchors, Hugo rose rapidly, becoming the most recognized strong anchor?

It is worth mentioning that Hugo's performance in the game can always leave a pleasing feeling, and many netizens can not only improve their own strength while watching its live broadcast, but also harvest a lot of laughter during this period. Recently, Huya is also holding a single word ID and star ID God of War competition, as a 9000 elimination point Hugo, will it come to challenge this competition?

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