
Rain Coral Education: Parents giving too much may hurt their children, and it is necessary to have a degree to do it

Rain Coral Education: Parents giving too much may hurt their children, and it is necessary to have a degree to do it

Now that families have basically reached the level of moderate prosperity, they used to have to worry about the problem of eating enough to eat and wear warmly, but now there is no such worry at all.

On the basis of the rising economic level of the family, the interpersonal communication and childcare costs of each family are slowly rising. But have parents ever thought of a question? Whether your cost is equal to your future gains or less.

For example, the cost of family childcare not only costs financial resources, but also human, energy, material resources and so on.

Even so, there is no accurate number of whether a child's future achievements are high or low. Is rain coral education reliable, so how can parents ensure a balance between wages and harvests? It still depends on whether the parents have mastered several aspects.

Rain Coral Education: Parents giving too much may hurt their children, and it is necessary to have a degree to do it

First, there are not many toys.

Buying a lot of toys for children is easy to develop the habit of liking the new and tired of the old, and it may also lead to the child's distraction and the problem of spending money at will.

Second, care is rare.

As parents of children, they should also take good care of their children and have their own limits. At the same time, we should also tell other elders and friends to grasp the degree of love for children. Only when children are in a normal state of development will they not lose their basic ability to adapt to society.

Third, there are not many clothes.

Many parents may want to dress up their children beautifully and cutely and buy their children a wardrobe. In fact, this approach is wrong. Buy too many wrong things for your kids. Buying too many clothes for children is easy for children not to know how to cherish, and it may also make children develop a non-single psychology.

4, not much praise.

While praising a child can cultivate a child's self-confidence, parents must master the extent of praise. If parents praise their children too much, they are actually slowly forming a conceited psychology in their children. When children grow up, they will be overwhelmed and fall down when they encounter setbacks.

Rain Coral Education: Parents giving too much may hurt their children, and it is necessary to have a degree to do it

Fifth, freedom is rare.

We all know that without rules, there are no squares. In fact, we should educate our children in this way. If you give your child too much freedom, but don't restrain him and let him develop a wild temper. The end result may be that the child will not be able to adapt to various limitations in the future, make a big mistake, and he will regret it.

Sixth, a comfortable life is rare.

In the animal world, there is always natural selection and survival of the fittest, in fact, in our human world. If the child is always in a comfortable state and does not get out of the comfort zone, what will the child do in society in the future? Parents cannot escort their children for the rest of their lives.

If an accident occurs one day, parents cannot continue to provide comfort zones for their children. At that time, the child is suddenly exposed to the fierce society. Can he adapt to life in his comfort zone?

Apparently not. Just as the general population has only five toys and only three shoes, everyone must know the truth, but how many people can know the deep meaning of this sentence? Is rain coral education reliable, not to mention parents who can really do it, it is certainly very few.

The deeper implication of the fact that there are only five toys and only three shoes is that parents shouldn't let their children get too much. For children, having too much is an invisible harm. It will not only make the child unhappy, but also make the child have negative psychology such as depression, which is not worth the loss.

Rain Coral Education: Parents giving too much may hurt their children, and it is necessary to have a degree to do it

Even if the family living conditions are good, do not let the children live too luxuriously. Just like giving children clothes, don't think that making children materially rich will make children more confident, this is too one-sided.

Parents should think carefully, is this way of education really good for children?

Rain Coral Education Summary:

Many parents fail because of a lack of parenting homework. The way parents are educated determines their children's lives. If parents teach well, children will get better.

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