
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!

Editor: Some Things about the Internet (imyixieshi)

outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!


Recently, it has been reported that the US design software Figma has banned the accounts of companies such as DJI sanctioned by the United States.

This means that DJI can no longer use Figma's software.

outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!

Once the account is suspended, the design works, engineering files and other assets stored by enterprises and designers on Figma will not be able to be extracted, which will not only seriously affect the delivery of work, but also generate great security risks.

According to screenshots, DJI has been banned from logging into Figma, and Figma said that DJI's previous design documents will be sent to DJI by email or other means in the next two weeks.

And Figma declared: "Unless the United States lifts sanctions, all files on Figma by these companies will be inaccessible." ”

At present, DJI has made an urgent response, informing the company's employees to move files with private accounts as soon as possible.

outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!

In response to this matter, the domestic team also quickly spoke up, which can restore all the contents of the Figma source file 100%, while retaining all editability.

As of now, the migration of tens of thousands of Figma documents has been completed.


Figma is a web-based UI design tool that keeps software development projects in the cloud at all times, allowing multiple users to comment on or modify the design in real time.

Its three notable features are: real-time collaboration, vector meshes, and version history.

Since entering the Chinese market, Figma has been trusted by UI designers, and many designers have moved to Figma from other platforms, and DJI is also one of the users.

outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!

In addition, the sanctions list includes a number of companies including Huawei, DJI, 360 and so on. That is to say, many domestic companies have been unable to use Figma.

Fortunately, many netizens and industry insiders said that there are many similar software at home and abroad that can replace Figma, and the replacement cost is not high, so this incident will not have much impact on DJI in a short period of time.

outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!

Domestic design tools such as Blue Lagoon MasterGo reacted quickly and have recently launched the "Figma File Import Function".

In addition, Tencent's CoDesign, Wondershare's incubated Pixso and other platforms are also the leaders in China.

After the Figma "supply cut" incident, many designers said that they needed to re-evaluate the risks of using foreign tools and instead chose to buy and adopt domestic services.

In fact, the localization of online collaborative design tools has become the trend of the times, Huawei, Tencent, Xiaomi, iFLYTEK and other domestic Internet head brands have chosen Blue Lake products, MasterGo can look forward to the future.

In addition, the industry should also increase the support for domestic software development, so that domestic software can really stand up is the key.


Tech giants besiege Russia, tech has no borders?

As we all know, with the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, Western IT companies were almost completely paralyzed by Russian industrial and light industrial office software in Russia: 3D modeling software, AutoCAD drawing software and PS could not be opened...

On March 2, Apple officially announced the suspension of product sales in Russia, which is another restriction after Apple restricted the use of the Russian AppStore and removed the Russian News App in the overseas AppStore.

outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!

At the same time, many technology giants in the United States have introduced restrictions on Russia, Intel, AMD, Dell and other technology companies have been exposed by foreign media to have interrupted the supply to Russia, TSMC also said that it will comply with US export controls.

Even auto giants BMW, GM, Volvo, etc. have cut off supplies to Russia.

In addition to the suspension of the products and services of these tech giants, there are even rumors that Russian programmers may or may not be able to use open source software because of sanctions.

outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!

On March 3, Oracle announced that it was suspending all operations in Russia. In the era of digital economy, databases are needed to store and manage big data, and databases are one of the most important basic software systems in the digital economy era.

Oracle's suspension of operations in Russia has had a profound impact on the Russian information systems platform.

outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!

Oracle's announcement of suspension of operations in Russia

Many important industries in Russia, including banking, telecommunications, electricity, etc., use oracle databases. At present, it is only a suspension of business, and there is no mention of stopping the operation of the database.

Once the database system is stopped, these industries, which are the lifeblood of the country, are bound to suffer a fatal blow.

International tech giants including Oracle, SAP, Google, Apple, Github and others are currently suspending all services in Russia.

In recent years, the concept of science and technology without borders has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but when war breaks peace, technology will also become a "weapon" and a weapon to sanction other countries.

It can be seen that science and technology also have borders, and in a specific environment, they can become a means of blocking and sanctioning other countries.


Localization is imperative

Some enthusiastic industry insiders analyzed that the localization of information technology infrastructure cannot be delayed. At special moments, IT will become an optional means of war.

The Russo-Ukrainian War is a mirror, and in the mirror, we should deeply understand the importance of scientific and technological innovation for our country.

In the face of war, all technology can become a means of sanctions by other countries, and we are unwilling to let it happen to ourselves in the future.

According to preliminary statistics, as of December 18, 2021, 611 Chinese companies have been added to the "Entity List" by the United States. Many of them are IT companies in China's high-tech sector.

Attached: Entity List of US BIS (as of the end of December 2021)

outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!
outburst! DJI drones have been sanctioned again, the US design software has been cut off, and the account has been disabled!

Ni Guangnan, a Chinese computer expert and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, expressed his views on industrial software, saying that our Internet companies are very powerful in the world, but many industrial software is blank.

The shortcomings of industrial software must be quickly filled, or we are "stuck in the neck" of a very weak link.

The promotion of the localization substitution process is a protracted war, in the current situation, with more and more foreign industrial software being banned, the Sino-US situation is white-hot and many other social factors, more and more people inside and outside the industry began to pour into the industrial field, which makes the original lonely industrial software gradually begin to pay attention, which is undoubtedly a good thing for the development of industrial software.

The road to localization and replacement of industrial software is not an easy task, but it is the only way that the mainland must take and must firmly follow.


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