
Data experts post James offensive area heat map: average of 13.8 points per game shooting 70%.

Data experts post James offensive area heat map: average of 13.8 points per game shooting 70%.

Live bar March 15, the United States NBA data expert Kirk Goldsberry today released a heat map of Lakers star James's offensive area this season in his personal social media.

So far, James has averaged 29.7 points per game with 21.4 shots and 13.8 points on the inside.

Data experts post James offensive area heat map: average of 13.8 points per game shooting 70%.

The heat map shows James shooting 70 percent from the inside, 37 percent, 34 percent and 38 percent from 45 degrees on both sides, and fewer three-point shots in the bottom corners of the two sides.

Kirk Goldsberry said that if James can be crowned the leading scorer this season, he will become the oldest leading scorer in the NBA.

(Best 15th Person)

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