
Tired of the world, it is better to meditate, and one prefers to be alone more and more

Wen | Ling Wheat

Write the warmest words, heal the lonely heart, pay attention to me, and warm you.

Tired of the world, it is better to meditate, and one prefers to be alone more and more


Zhang Chao said in "Shadow of Dreams": "Those who can be busy with the world's busyness can be busy with the world's idleness." ”

People are born lonely, and we are completely different individuals, all with their own joys and sorrows.

Jing, bringing a clear spring to the heart, quiet, makes people not frightened! When the mind is quiet, you can see the original beauty of the world, and when the heart is disturbed, the world loses its brightness.

Quiet, nourishing the heart, settling the body. I like to be alone, and I feel that this is when I truly belong to myself.

Life is like a white colt crossing the gap, just a few decades of more wealth life does not bring, death can not take away.

The world is addicted to livelihood and neglects the beauty of life. Being alone is a moment when you can release yourself to the fullest, or a moment of self-fulfillment, and it is the most important practice in life.

I believe that more and more people will like quiet.

Tired of the world, it is better to meditate, and one prefers to be alone more and more


Zhang Kejiu wrote in his poem:

"Rise and fall through the ages, prosperous dreams, poetry eyes tired of the end of the world." KongLin trees, Wugong vines, Chu Temple Jackdaws. Several huts, a collection of 10,000 volumes, thrown into the old village home. What's going on in the mountains? Pine blossom sake, spring water sencha. ”

The hustle and bustle of the world, fame and fortune, let go of impetuosity, peace of mind. People who like to be quiet enjoy being alone and don't want to be disturbed or bother others.

Away from the hustle and bustle, when alone, you get purity and comfort. The better people are, the more they enjoy being alone, the more alone they are, the calmer and fuller their hearts are.

Alone, pure and leisurely, never envying anyone, not relying on anyone. There is no need for people to be gregarious for the sake of being sociable, and when they are alone, they do not have to compliment and please others, and they are free to do whatever they want.

Know how to get along with yourself and enjoy a quiet life. As the saying goes: "Don't be in a hurry, be quiet and grand, and one day, the time you want will be given to you." ”


He who has peace of mind will have mountains and rivers in his heart.

People are emotional, and people who really know how to be quiet can calm down and think at critical moments.

Quiet is a happy way of life, and a person who knows how to think quietly can not waste this life

Like the faint color in life, as long as the light life is good, so that you will be at ease.

Goethe once said, "Talent is created in silence, while character is formed in the rough seas of the world." ”

Only when people are pure and peaceful in their hearts can they stick to their hearts under temptation, live a light life, and fade out a sincere and sincere truth.

Quietness is a state of nature and a calm state of mind. People who like to be quiet, although they have few words, they often have a heart like a mirror, and people are as light as a chrysanthemum.

The best state of life is not to calm down and find that everything you have in front of you is what your heart desires.

Tired of the world, it is better to meditate, and one prefers to be alone more and more


Yishu once said:

"Be quiet in everything; come quietly, go quietly, work hard quietly, harvest quietly, and avoid noise."

The poetry of life lies in a quiet, quiet, quiet, you have the heart to appreciate the world. Too many things do not need to be forced, too many people do not have to stay, let life be at ease with the encounter, let life be quiet and simple.

The best practice for a person is: meditation, solitude, and going with the flow. Walking through thousands of mountains and rivers, what you are looking for is nothing but inner peace, quiet life, and ordinary happiness.

The happiness of life lies in the fact that we are good at subtraction and make our lives simple. Long road of life, in the red dust, look down on everything, let everything follow fate, you can live more freely.

In the Natsume Friends' Account, it is said:

"We have to admit that most of our lives are lonely, and trying to grow up is the best thing we can do in solitude."

Life is only a hundred years, why worry about trouble? Unhappy things can be forgotten. Let every soul that has nowhere to be placed can blossom brilliant flowers in solitude.

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