
Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

Many parents will find that children are very fond of crying in the process of growing up, and children who love to cry is a "headache" thing for parents, so some parents will choose to stop their children from crying, and slowly children will get used to not crying. And children who love to cry from an early age and children who do not cry will have a clear gap when they grow up.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

Many parents or teachers have a lot of headaches when they encounter this situation, and their treatment plan is generally to reprimand the child not to cry, or to scare the child "crying can't you". To boys, you have to say, "You're a little man, you can't cry."

Many parents persuade their children to cry in this way, but generally ignore the psychological characteristics of children after crying. The friend's checkered shows that their children have been making trouble since they were young, so they are often reprimanded. In the long run, it is less and less likely for children to hold headaches and cry after encountering them, and friends have been happy for a long time.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

But then he found that the child's temperament became more and more depressed and did not like to talk, everything was stuffy in his heart, and he did not tell his parents, at this time he found the serious threat of objective facts. Originally, children crying was an emotional outlet, a narrative of their true feelings. But after being suppressed, they hide their realistic emotions.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

Emotions are like rivers, blindly blocking, only causing higher problems. The great harm to parents in dealing with the violent suppression of crying children is that the children are not sure how to live with low emotions. Therefore, it is reasonable for children to narrate their emotions and allow children to cry, which is very easy for them to create a green, healthy and nutritious mentality.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

What are the characteristics of allowing children to cry like that?

First, the child's empathy professional skills are stronger

In Italy, a well-known psychological counselor once had a book in which it was written that crying represented a person's highly sensitive characteristics. Children with such characteristics are more conducive to empathizing with others in their daily lives, and they can effectively care about the emotions of others in the masses and the description of their psychological activities. Such people, whether they are reading books or daily life, are more likely to be favored by people.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

Second, the child's psychology is healthier

According to the personal behavior of crying, uncomfortable emotions have been alleviated, and children can solve things more objectively. But if they are not allowed to cry, then they just hide their emotions in their hearts, and the safe channels for children's movie promotion plans are blocked, and in the long run, children who suppress their emotions will become more and more like a bomb.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

In daily daily life, a little unsatisfactory things are like fireworks and firecrackers that are fried at one point, and they cannot cry, so in order to be able to better alleviate their irritability and other emotions as soon as possible, they will generally use some bad methods, such as dropping dishes, gathering crowds to fight, and singing against their parents, etc. to vent their dissatisfaction, which will make their mentality more and more unstable.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

So in the case of dealing with children crying, how is it best for parents to deal with it?

First, empathize with children

In the case of children crying early, it is best not to have to reason with children, at this time they can't understand. Parents should allow them to plan their emotional propaganda until the children are concentrated, and then hug them. Only when children feel that their emotions are grasped will they develop a sense of trust.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

Second, restrain yourself from reprimanding your children

Many parents feel upset when they hear their children crying and making trouble, and then look forward to using the method of reprimand to immediately deal with the problem of their children crying and making trouble, but this kind of reprimand is like adding fuel to the fire, perhaps on the surface it looks like solving the problem, in fact, the problem is getting more and more in all aspects of the heart. Therefore, only by allowing children to vent, they can adjust their emotions.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

Third, listen carefully to the child's heart

After patiently waiting for the children to stop crying, parents must calmly communicate with the children and find out the cause of the problem. Sometimes the child's crying must be effective, but sometimes the crying must be unscientific, and different problems must be solved differently.

Effective regulations for dealing with children, it is best for parents to do their best to help their children deal with them. However, when dealing with children's unscientific regulations, what parents have to do is to describe the loss, reason for the children, and create a sense of resentment and hatred for them, so that the problem can be dealt with from the source.

Children who love to cry from a young age and children who do not cry are obvious when they grow up, and parents should pay attention to it

People want to have seven emotions and six desires, crying and smiling, all emotions that are not problematic. Favor the children's smiles, that is to allow the children to cry. Crying is only one way for a child to narrate an emotion, and parents should allow the child to adjust his emotions according to crying. Be a little more careful, wait for the child to be objective, and then solve the problem that causes the child to cry according to a certain effective way. Recognizing the child's emotions is more conducive to the child's physical health.

The child's behavior and temperament are ocean-going ships that are safely driven in the mystery fog, and there is no guiding person to pay attention to, only to take the meaning at sea. Reasoning for children is very likely to be unclear, but what if it is a story? Defending the three-year best-seller list of "Children's Emotional Management System and Temperament Construction Children's Picture Book" for 2 to 6-year-old children design program, a set of 10 volumes, each volume will eventually have words attached to parents, so that parents can grasp the child's psychological state, deal with the concerns of the entire process of parenting education. Uk-Chinese children's picture books can also teach children's English thinking in early childhood.

The book has a total of ten thematic elements: be yourself, honest and friendly, good temper, understand the safety factor, not afraid, can be united, polite, will share resources, I am the best, good habits. Until the age of 3, parents can read to their children as bedtime storybooks. A fairy tale book for 3-6 years old to develop as a good habit to help children manage program behaviors and shape good character.

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