
Live streaming with goods ran rampant× ST Jiaxin subsidiary was named

Reporter Xie Ruolin

On the evening of March 15, CCTV's "3.15" evening party exposed the chaos of live broadcasting on the show, the main problem was that the male operator pretended to be a female anchor to trick users into tipping, and the two operating companies named were: Juxiang Interactive Entertainment Culture Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Juxiang Interactive Entertainment) and Beijing HuayiBo Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huayibo).

From the perspective of type, live broadcasting is mainly divided into three types: live broadcasting, live broadcasting with goods and live broadcasting of games, of which live broadcasting is the earliest model in the field of live broadcasting to achieve commercialization closed-loop due to its low threshold and wide audience. As a part of the new entertainment, the live broadcast of the show is often criticized for its vulgar content, but due to the considerable profit margin of the business model of "tipping", there are not a few companies that operate falsely to play "edge ball".

Since 2020, regulatory regulations have been frequently introduced, and strict regulations have been made on the revenue model of live show broadcasts. But in fact, these regulations have not landed as scheduled. Why?

*ST Consentium subsidiary was named

After the success of the shell, it sold 17 properties in Beijing

The live broadcast operation companies exposed by the CCTV "3.15" evening party were only established in the past two years. According to the Tianyancha App, Juxiang Interactive Entertainment was established in January 2020 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan, and the legal representative and the only major shareholder is Zhang Shijie. According to the risk information, the company was involved in a number of labor disputes and contract disputes. Huayibo was established in March 2021, is the holding parent company of Liaoning Huayibo Trading Co., Ltd., the actual controller is Hao Xiangxin, and the equity penetration map can be seen that the listed company *ST Jiaxin is also a shareholder of the company.

*ST Consentium was listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of shenzhen stock exchange in 2010, and its main business includes integrated digital marketing, experience marketing, content marketing, big data marketing and public relations communication. At the performance level, *ST Jiaxin has been wearing a hat for consecutive years of losses.

2021 is a key year for *ST Schwab Shell. The announcement shows that the bankruptcy reorganization was completed in 2021, and the reorganization proceeds were included in the annual income. According to the annual report forecast, in 2021, the company expects to achieve operating income of 828 million yuan to 1.242 billion yuan, net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 223 million yuan to 335 million yuan, and net profit after deduction of non-profit of 141 million yuan to 0.943 billion yuan.

Despite the imminent removal of the cap, the pace of *ST Consentium's disposal of assets has not slowed down. On March 11, *ST Jiaxin announced that 17 properties of Building 8, No. 30 Shixing Avenue, Shijingshan District, Beijing, auctioned by the company have been auctioned. It is reported that this is the sixth auction of the above properties by *ST Jiaxin, and the starting price is 19.3638 million yuan.

(*ST Jiaxin's sixth real estate auction stream, source: JD Auction)

There are many routines for live broadcasting on the runway

The "foot-picking man" is called brother

According to CCTV, the main job of Huayibo's operation is to impersonate female anchors to use their WeChat accounts to interact with fans, as far as possible to let fans send virtual gifts to tip, 50% of the income from gifts given by fans belongs to the live broadcast platform, 25% belongs to the company, and the remaining 25% is the commission of the anchor and operation.

A live broadcast platform operation director told the "Securities Daily" reporter, "There are many unspoken rules in the live broadcasting industry, anchors and operators use false means to get tips, such as impersonating fans to fake traffic, two anchors pretending to PK to arouse users' competitiveness, setting up false personalities, etc. In fact, under the background of the filter, the mouth shouting 'thank you brother' may be a big man with a foot."

On July 28, 2021, the Jiading Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau destroyed three female anchors to lure men into the live broadcast platform, arrested 364 criminal suspects, and cut off the chain of criminal interests.

Mr. He, the victim of the reported crime, paid a reward of 250,000 yuan within 3 months. Jiading police decided that this was a trap, and the anchors looked for men with marriage needs on various dating platforms and lured them into the live broadcast room in the name of falling in love. Then when setting up a game of "tipping PK", the rhythm sets off the atmosphere to lure all kinds of tips. After such diversion fraud, an anchor can be rewarded with up to 200,000 to 300,000 yuan per month.

Wang Chunxia, CEO of Laika Think Tank, told the Securities Daily reporter that the live broadcast of the show is essentially an "ambiguous economy". With the promotion of live broadcast by major Internet companies, especially short video platforms, new forms of live broadcasting have emerged in an endless stream, but the way of show live broadcasting has long been the way to show the talents of beautiful anchors and show beautiful appearances. The mode of live broadcast tipping is also the first in the domestic Internet, and YY live broadcast and 9158 in the HAPPY ERA have tested the water of live broadcast tipping in the PC era.

"Anchors should strive to win the likes of fans, let fans pay for their tips, and for some fans with particularly large tips, they can also leave contact information alone or even meet offline." The fan portraits that give anchors a large amount of tips are mainly divided into two categories: one is that they are more money in real life, and they hope to quickly promote the relationship with the anchor and meet offline; second, the sense of existence in real life is not strong, and they hope to get attention and recognition in the live broadcast room, and they can tip the anchor for a long time, and this type of user stickiness is longer. Wang Chunxia further said.

Regulation strikes hard

Why does the chaos continue to be prohibited?

During the two sessions of the National People's Congress this year, Xiao Shengfang, deputy to the National People's Congress, president of the Guangdong Lawyers Association, and director of Guangdong Shenglun Law Firm, suggested that the top-level design of online live broadcasting should be carried out and classified and supervised according to the content of the live broadcast. For some gossip news network live broadcasts, "pure appearance" live broadcasts and non-professional "dance" live broadcasts, the cooling-off period system for tipping is enforced, that is, tippers can withdraw tips without reason within three days. Live broadcasts that violate laws, regulations, and social order and good customs shall be banned, and the legal responsibility of live streaming platforms and anchors shall be pursued.

In fact, regulation of live streaming has been introduced.

On November 23, 2020, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Online Live Broadcasting and E-commerce Live Broadcasting (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), which made strict provisions on the prohibition of underage users from tipping and prohibiting implying, tempting or encouraging users to "tip" large amounts.

The Notice requires that the platform limit the maximum amount of tips per user per time, per day and per month. When the user's daily or monthly cumulative "tip" reaches half of the limit, the platform should have a consumption reminder, and after confirmation by SMS verification and other means, the next step of consumption can be carried out, reaching the daily or monthly limit of "tipping", and the "tipping" function of the relevant user should be suspended. The "Notice" pointed out that if it is found that the relevant anchors and their brokerage agents have implied, tempted or encouraged users to "tip" a large amount by means of disseminating vulgar content, organized speculation, hiring water soldiers to brush gifts, etc., or lured minor users to "tip" with false identity information, the platform must deal with the anchor and his brokerage agent, include them in the list of concerns, and report in writing to the competent radio and television departments.

On February 9, 2021, seven departments of the state jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Online Live Broadcasting, emphasizing that online live broadcasting platforms should reasonably set upper limits on a single virtual consumer product and a single tip amount.

The above-mentioned operation director believes that "the main income of the live broadcast platform comes from advertising and tipping, so the interests of the platform and the anchor are consistent, and the more the anchor tip, the higher the income of the platform, so that the platform self-supervision is tantamount to letting it cut off its own hands and feet." ”

Zhang Yi, CEO of Ai Media Consulting, told the Securities Daily reporter that the risks behind the hormone economy such as live broadcasting are huge, and called on the live broadcast platform to transform as soon as possible.

(Edited by Sun Qian)

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