
25 points in a single quarter, 37 +5+3! Mitchell scored, and DeRozan Lavin lost again

The new season of regular season showdowns continue to deepen, and the Chicago Bulls, which once showed the strength of the Dark Horse in the East at the beginning of this season, have suffered one upset counterattack after another. Yes, they even conceded a victory against the Kings, who had basically missed the playoffs, and became the losing side. However, with the previous high state, the Bulls can also maintain a record of 41 wins and 27 losses at this stage, ranking fourth in the East. If there are no more surprises in the next game, they will also get tickets to the playoffs in advance.

25 points in a single quarter, 37 +5+3! Mitchell scored, and DeRozan Lavin lost again

In this game, DeRozan took the team to challenge the Utah Jazz away. To be sure, the Jazz weren't in a very hot state after the All-Star Game, and they lost a lot of games in quick succession. So, what kind of spark will burst out of these two unstable teams when they meet? Let's move on. At the beginning of the game, the competition between the two teams was still fierce, and the two sides always maintained a staggered lead, constantly consuming the remaining game time. At the end of the first quarter, the two sides tied 27-27.

25 points in a single quarter, 37 +5+3! Mitchell scored, and DeRozan Lavin lost again

Entering the second quarter of the showdown, the Jazz, who played at home, finally played their geographical advantage and began to establish a score lead. Gobert sent 2 points, 7 rebounds and 2 blocks in a single quarter, making a big contribution on the defensive end, while Conley also had 6 points, 1 rebound and 3 assists, which helped the team play a 27-22 score and take a 5-point lead. The two sides have officially established a point difference, and the Jazz, which is easy to fight again, can follow the trend and further extend the lead.

25 points in a single quarter, 37 +5+3! Mitchell scored, and DeRozan Lavin lost again

In the third quarter of the competition, Mitchell showed great power, played a full 12 minutes of game time, with an efficient output of 8 of 13 shots, sent a key 25 points, helped the team play a 35-32 score, and rejected the Bulls' counter-overtaking. Yes, DeRozan's data of 8 points, 1 rebound and 3 assists in the third quarter did not work, Lavin's 12 points, 1 rebound, 2 assists and 1 block was also powerless, and the Jazz still maintained the initiative. Entering the crucial final quarter, the Jazz did not give the Bulls any chance to counterattack, but at one point played a 36-29 score and sealed the victory with a score of 125-110.

25 points in a single quarter, 37 +5+3! Mitchell scored, and DeRozan Lavin lost again

After the whole game, Mitchell, who handed over 25 points in a single quarter, is undoubtedly the most beautiful boy. He only played 29 minutes in a single game, and with an efficient output of 9 of 15 three-pointers, he delivered a game-high score of 37 points, as well as 3 rebounds and 5 assists. Not only that, but starting center Gobert can also abuse Vucevic on the inside, delivering a luxurious double-double with 14 points and 20 rebounds! Of course, there is also Clarkson, who came off the bench, who also handed over 26 points, 5 rebounds and 1 assist in this game, and Nikir, who handed over 16 points and 4 rebounds.

And see the Bulls who lost the game away, DeRozan also sent 25 points, 5 rebounds and 7 assists in the 35 minutes of the game, LaVine also had 33 points to contribute, but it did not help, the two successive fire in front of the Jazz, or slightly chicken ribs.

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