
Experts are concerned that the spread of AIDS, tuberculosis and the new crown virus in Ukraine will increase in the war With the outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian war, many Ukrainians have been displaced and health services have not kept up

author:Kunlun Hut of the Elders

Experts fear that the spread of AIDS, tuberculosis and the coronavirus will increase in Ukraine during the war

With the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War and the displacement of so many Ukrainians, health services have not kept pace, and some experts fear that the spread of infectious diseases is likely to intensify.

Since the outbreak of war, Ukrainians have faced the onslaught of infectious diseases. The spread of the new crown virus is the most direct impact, because people are crowded in basements, subway stations and temporary shelters to avoid bombing, and the lack of mask protection at close range will increase the chance of infection. Furthermore, if there is not enough water and sanitation, diarrhoeal diseases will certainly increase. The risk of polio and measles outbreaks is high.

In the war, as health facilities and roads such as hospitals are razed to the ground, access to diagnostic services and treatment for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS is also disrupted, which will lead to an exacerbation of the patient's condition.

It is hoped that the two sides will reach an early reconciliation and end the war. #乌克兰 #

Experts are concerned that the spread of AIDS, tuberculosis and the new crown virus in Ukraine will increase in the war With the outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian war, many Ukrainians have been displaced and health services have not kept up
Experts are concerned that the spread of AIDS, tuberculosis and the new crown virus in Ukraine will increase in the war With the outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian war, many Ukrainians have been displaced and health services have not kept up
Experts are concerned that the spread of AIDS, tuberculosis and the new crown virus in Ukraine will increase in the war With the outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian war, many Ukrainians have been displaced and health services have not kept up

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