
Tunnel shares in half a month in three consecutive projects, the highest bid amount of 1.2 billion yuan

author:Shanghai construction site

In the past half a month, the tunnel won the bid for 3 projects, with a total winning bid amount of 1.75 billion yuan, which are:

1. Construction of JMSG-13 bid of Jiamin Line Project of Shanghai Rail Transit Municipal Line [Winning bid amount of 1.198 billion yuan];

2. China Biological Antibody Industrialization Base Construction Project (Phase I) 3 bids (scientific research comprehensive building and janitor project) [Winning bid: 298 million yuan]

3. Pollution control and bidding project of the new Yan'an East Drainage System [winning bid amount of 254 million yuan].

Shanghai Rail Transit Jiamin Line Project JMSG-13 standard construction

Tunnel shares in half a month in three consecutive projects, the highest bid amount of 1.2 billion yuan

China Biological Antibody Industrialization Base Construction Project (Phase I) 3 Standards (Scientific Research Complex Building and Janitor Project)

Tunnel shares in half a month in three consecutive projects, the highest bid amount of 1.2 billion yuan

Pollution control and bidding project of new Yan'an East Drainage System

Tunnel shares in half a month in three consecutive projects, the highest bid amount of 1.2 billion yuan