
April 2022 belongs to the cattle love luck tips: do not cower, achieve good luck, encounter peach blossom storms, mo impulsive

Everyone works hard to create a better living environment for their families who care. However, many people in modern times, when blindly pursuing careers, have no time to take care of personal emotional problems; so that career and marriage can not be balanced, which leads to busy, back home, always feel a little inexplicable pity.

Maybe the surface does not admit it, but there is a voice in the heart that prompts "when will the person who waits appear", and the person who is waiting is also the person who is determined by everyone.

April 2022 belongs to the cattle love luck tips: do not cower, achieve good luck, encounter peach blossom storms, mo impulsive

So in 2022, the cattle people's love palace met the red luan, indicating that there is an opportunity to meet the people of the fate in the year, refined into the month, in April, what variables will be the love of the cattle people? Let's analyze it in detail:

April 2022 belongs to the cattle love luck tips: do not cower, achieve good luck, encounter peach blossom storms, mo impulsive

One. Single Cow: Don't cow down

Most of the people born in the Year of the Ox are sincere and pragmatic, their ideas are very direct and simple, they are determined to go forward, and they are like this for career and love, and the posts they like have been deeply cultivated, and they continue to strive to improve, create a better self, and let themselves shine in the post. And the people who like it, as long as they are identified, will plan their future lives after marriage.

April 2022 belongs to the cattle love luck tips: do not cower, achieve good luck, encounter peach blossom storms, mo impulsive

Cattle people also have a stubborn side of feelings, like to find their own heartbeat, but when they meet it, they are always very passive, dare not boldly confess, afraid of being rejected. Obviously the people you like are in front of you, they are all at a table, or they dare not communicate more generously, so they will always make the other party think that you are not interested in him (her), resulting in missing the fate.

In April, single cows don't cow cows cows cringe anymore, and there are opportunities at the beginning and middle of the month. If you have a holiday, you can travel with friends, especially your crush colleagues or classmates, if the other party also has a holiday, if you agree to your invitation, then show yourself more and achieve a good relationship.

April 2022 belongs to the cattle love luck tips: do not cower, achieve good luck, encounter peach blossom storms, mo impulsive

Two. Cows in love: Mercy under the mouth

In April, there was a test of trust in you about the god of love for your unmarried cattle friends, especially in the year of Ding Ugly (1997).

Because the solar calendar April is mainly the month of Jiayin that belongs to the lunar calendar, the month with heavy woodiness will make the cattle friends not as indifferent as usual, and there is a kind of nameless fire in the heart.

Mainly or the partner to their own uncertainties, resulting in doubts and dare not ask the exit, one after another, and then there are other friends to add oil and vinegar, it is easy to impulsively say no words, hurt the other party also hurt themselves, therefore: calm, more communication, re-angry also have to be merciful.

April 2022 belongs to the cattle love luck tips: do not cower, achieve good luck, encounter peach blossom storms, mo impulsive

Three. Cow with a companion: Peach Blossom Storm

Most of the cattle people are dedicated and sincere people, but sometimes you do not worry about others, others worry about you, especially the personable and successful cattle men, in April, there is a dark storm in the marriage palace, indicating that there will be contradictions with partners in life or cold war, the mood is not good, in this case, do not go out to borrow wine to dispel sorrows, easy to attract peach blossom storms.

April 2022 belongs to the cattle love luck tips: do not cower, achieve good luck, encounter peach blossom storms, mo impulsive

The second is: this storm is also easy to appear on some colleagues or customers who are ambiguous on weekdays, and when they encounter unhappiness, they can talk to friends of the same sex or family more, and do not always think of going out for a drink to solve or send it to people who know that the other party has interests in you. It is easy to be tempted in this way, it seems that the mood is good, but after waking up, the other party may let you fall into a deeper unhappiness.

Therefore, when you want to socialize or go out to a friend's party in April, when you meet someone who secretly sends autumn waves to you, you will call your family and children more often, and the voice of the child will make you awake.

April 2022 belongs to the cattle love luck tips: do not cower, achieve good luck, encounter peach blossom storms, mo impulsive

Fourth, divorced single cattle people: active life

Some people will experience several marriages, or personalities are not compatible and separated, and the other is obviously still in love, but the sky is forever separated, especially the latter, may make many friends can not let go, for a long time can not come out.

And in April, there is just the Qingming Festival, which will accelerate this lovesickness, in fact, don't be too sad, I believe that many things have a fixed number, you and the other party just changed a way, and there will still be a reunion in the future. Therefore, face life positively and get out of sadness as soon as possible to reunite your love again.

The cattle in the divorce should participate in more outdoor activities and friends' parties, change the previous style of dressing, and also participate in more recreational activities to enrich themselves, more opportunities to show themselves, which also enhances the opportunity to meet the right people.

April 2022 belongs to the cattle love luck tips: do not cower, achieve good luck, encounter peach blossom storms, mo impulsive


Fate seems to be illusory, but sometimes we also need to take the initiative to fight, to the right age, meet the object of liking, just when each other are single, coincidentally each other have intentions, just send a red lady to help. If there is no red bride, then be your own red bride, don't always think about letting the other party open.

In short, you have worked hard to fight, even if you can't achieve a marriage, but you don't leave yourself regrets. But if you succeed, you will naturally succeed and achieve your love!

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