
The VR game Moss: Book II will land on PSV on March 31

Recently, the American studio PoliarcGames announced that its VR game "Moss: Book II" will land on the PSVR platform on March 31, and released the first weapon and gameplay demonstration.

The VR game Moss: Book II will land on PSV on March 31

It is understood that "Moss: Book II" is a VR adventure puzzle game developed by the American studio PolyarcGames, which is the sequel to "Moss", the plot continues the previous game, and players will continue to cooperate with Quall the Little Mouse to carry out an epic adventure.

Moss: Book II expands Quill's arsenal with a new item wheel that allows players to switch between weapons, such as swords and new hammers, which can take additional damage. In addition to combat, new interactions designed for VR have been introduced, such as spawning magic vines and shooting specific enemies at targets as pinballs. The protagonist, Quell, will also make some environmental interactions based on the current scene, and these minor changes will make the game world more vivid.

The VR game Moss: Book II will land on PSV on March 31

Polyarc said: "Ever since we released Moss in 2018, fans have been telling us that they want to learn more about Moss' stories, explore more beautifully crafted environments, and experience more adventures with Quill. The Polyarc team is very proud of this game and we are looking forward to sharing Moss: Book II with you." ”

Moss: Book II has not announced plans for other VR devices, but the original Moss has landed on the PC platform after being monopolized by PSVR for half a year, so players without PS4 may wish to be patient.

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