
The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the desired result, and the Chinese teacher tells you why

author:Island language

Pay attention to the development of language teaching and solve the confusion of language learning.

Some parents and Kojima teachers said that their children usually study very hard, parents can also pay attention to their children's learning, tutor them, the child's attitude is correct, the homework that should be written, the exercises that should be done, a lot, but when it comes to the exam, there are always problems, either the results are not ideal, or they can do it wrong. Because parents in the process of children's language learning, is to see the child has been working hard, so parents will be confused, is it my child, learning ability is only that? Parents and children are not willing, the learning method is not wrong, the learning path is clear, parents can also patiently tutor, children are actively motivated, and they really can't find the cause of the problem. Seeing this, in fact, Mr. Kojima has understood that this type of student is not a bad student, nor is it an extremely good student, but just a poor test ability.

The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the desired result, and the Chinese teacher tells you why

Parents often say that the child's psychological quality is not good, and when it comes to the exam, they are nervous, and as parents, they do not dare to ask their children, for fear that their children will be stressed. But the exam is always realistic, but also can not be avoided, always in the exam time "drop the chain", the exam is not good, the child's learning confidence is very devastating. Children who work hard will also feel frustrated. This type of learning phenomenon is not the only one, it will often occur in students with relatively good comprehensive academic performance, even parents are very confused, if it is because of poor test ability, is it necessary to improve the ability to answer questions? For language subjects, the conventional method of improving the ability to answer questions in the exam is useless, language is an accumulation of disciplines, answering ability, reading ability, writing ability, comprehension ability, are all established in daily practice. The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the ideal score, I will tell you why.

The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the desired result, and the Chinese teacher tells you why

1. Exams, like study, require the establishment of basic common sense

For language learning, teachers will repeatedly emphasize one thing: grasp the basics. The biggest significance of parental counseling is also the need to help children grasp the foundation, the foundation is the basic overview of the learning process, which is the basic common sense, but also the main principle we need to learn. Parents have clear goals for the basis of language learning, before the exam, the teacher will sort out the relevant basic knowledge points for students, and will also explain the key points, and students have sufficient revision time and review strategies. But for the exam review is not, the teacher will tell you at most: calm and calm, when the exam, encountered problems that will not be done, what to do?

The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the desired result, and the Chinese teacher tells you why

How to review the topic well, the composition will not deviate from the topic. But it won't tell you, what if you can't understand the topic? What happens when options are ambiguous? If the essay is not finished, how to avoid being deducted more points? These are the basic common sense of the exam, but many students have reached junior high school and still have not mastered the basic common sense and skills of these answers. Therefore, some middle school students, study is very hard, sort out the notes of various disciplines, brush questions before the exam, memorize, no less effort, there are also relatively perfect revision methods. That is, the ability to answer questions in the examination has not been practiced, resulting in a variety of problems in the process of language examination, but it cannot be solved. Therefore, the exam is the same as learning, usually you have to practice, practice the speed of writing, practice the skills of the questions, and practice the sensitivity of answering the questions.

The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the desired result, and the Chinese teacher tells you why

2. The exam has a test point, which requires proficiency and thinking

There are test points for the exam, and students need to understand the test points, and they need to cultivate a proficiency in reviewing and answering questions. Some parents said that after the lower grades did not take the exam, we found the problem in the third grade, the child is not learning ability, but the writing speed is too slow, this problem, directly affects, in the primary school stage, any subject of the exam, test, can not be written. Can't finish writing will not mean do not understand and will not, can not finish is the ability is not good, so the daily language practice process, time is not limited, students have enough time to write the exercise book, brush questions, even write badly, re-erase the writing, but in the exam, the habit of answering questions is not our daily writing habits, to maintain the sensitivity of the exam, the habit of answering questions needs to be practiced in accordance with the exam specifications.

The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the desired result, and the Chinese teacher tells you why

For example, in the exam, our writing speed must be improved. But how to improve, here is a detailed problem, parents can not pay attention to, Chinese teachers are rarely easy to talk, all depend on the students themselves to understand. Therefore, the capable children quickly understood, and the incapable children could only follow the script, desperately brushing the questions, only input, no output, which obviously could not improve the efficiency of learning. Parents should guide their children to understand the characteristics of language tests, and from this as the starting point, the ability to answer questions on the test can be trained. In the time limit, how to find the key points and keys in the questions, and find out what the questions are tested for, is the practice direction to improve the accuracy of the answers.

The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the desired result, and the Chinese teacher tells you why

Primary school Chinese test questions are more direct, there will be no deep test points, if in the primary school stage, without answering the question training, to the middle school above, the question began to "bend", then the child in the process of thinking about the question, will waste a lot of exam time, and eventually lead to the inability to write the answer card. There is also the writing interface of the answer card, and the paper quality of our usual homework book is not the same, the answer card needs a special test pen, which is different from the usual pencil writing, so how to practice? Are parents clear? The ability to take the exam is not innate, nor can it be practiced in daily accumulation, but targeted practice, that is, practice for the test scenario and specifications, in order to improve the child's ability to answer questions. Our students should not only have daily learning ability training, figure out the unit learning objectives, but also establish corresponding answering ability training, figure out the thinking of the questioner, in order to test the language well.

The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the desired result, and the Chinese teacher tells you why

3. It is necessary to have the thinking of the person who wrote the question in order to test the language well

For most ordinary students, it is already very difficult to improve their learning ability, and if we ask parents to cultivate their children's test ability, it seems to increase the task of educational counseling. The examination is standardized, as long as you think about how to meet these norms and meet the requirements of the examination according to the thinking of the questioner, you can also test the language well. The vast majority of exams are to examine the proficiency of students in the exam process.

The child seems to be working hard, but he can't always get the desired result, and the Chinese teacher tells you why

And thinking about the accumulation of daily learning, and there is no training of exam ability, nor have you thought of the idea of the questioner, when taking the exam, achieve good results, the probability will fail, which is why you look very hard, but always lose the exam. I hope to give parents and friends some inspiration, welcome to leave a comment.