
Within 24 hours of giving birth, the mother can do these trainings to prevent and alleviate postpartum discomfort

The birth of the baby is not the end of birth, the baby comes out within 24 hours of the mother is still very easy to have a variety of problems, in the group often have just given birth to the baby's mother to ask a lot of problems encountered, such as urination difficulties, pelvic pain, exhaust difficulties, etc., but also let a lot of pregnant mothers who have not yet given birth to look very anxious, so today to share with you, after giving birth to the baby 24 hours can do what exercises can be done to help mothers prevent and alleviate postpartum discomfort.

What we can do in 24 hours after giving birth, we have to divide into two situations, one is a vaginal birth, and the other is a cesarean section.

Within 24 hours of giving birth, the mother can do these trainings to prevent and alleviate postpartum discomfort

Mothers who give birth can do these trainings:

1. Respiratory training for uterus rejuvenation reduces postpartum haemorrhage and helps the uterus recover

After the placenta delivery into the fourth stage of labor, you can start some breathing training, come to the uterus of the old breath, when inhaling feel the breath as far as possible to the lower abdomen, push the uterus down to the pelvic cavity, help the lochia discharge, exhale can issue "xu", to feel the lower abdomen hugging the uterus, so that the uterus can be better retracted, can help the uterus to the middle contracture to stop bleeding, reduce the risk of maternal bleeding, but also help the uterus to recover to the pelvic cavity as soon as possible, help the uterus to better recovery.

Within 24 hours of giving birth, the mother can do these trainings to prevent and alleviate postpartum discomfort

2. "he" breathing exercises to help urinate after childbirth and prevent postpartum urinary retention

The fourth stage of labor is generally 2 to 3 hours to observe whether there is a risk of postpartum haemorrhage, after this period, the mother can get off the ground as soon as possible to stand a stop and walk around to see if she can urinate. Because many mothers after giving birth, because of the sharp change in abdominal pressure, there will be urinary retention, that is, difficulty urinating. At this time, we need to do some training to help the urine drain better.

Lie flat on your back, bend your knees and hold your legs, let the thighs be as close as possible to your body, roll up your hips, and then the pelvic floor muscles face the sky, this time to find your entire pelvic floor completely relaxed feeling; here you can do "he" word breathing, every time he to find the pelvic floor muscles, open outward like a flower, the pelvic floor muscles relax, many times we can not drain the urine after childbirth because of insufficient abdominal pressure, so we have to feel that every time you breathe, the abdomen is adducted, increase the abdominal pressure, even if the pelvic floor is relaxed, the urine can be discharged, This method can effectively help urinate, you can listen to some running water when practicing, and then you can also use a hot towel to apply a compress to the lower abdomen.

3. Breast unclogging exercises and pelvic exercises

Next, we can do some breast training, we can lie on our side of the bed, and then do some breast 360 degree stretching, stretching the breast lymph, which can promote the secretion of milk very well, so that the baby has more rations.

We can also do some pelvic exercises. Especially for mothers who have pain around the postpartum pelvis, you can do some needle-eye style to feel whether the tension on both sides is unbalanced, if it is unbalanced, you can stretch more on the tight side to correct your pelvic imbalance, which is very helpful for your posterior pelvic closure, and can also alleviate the pain around the pelvis.

Within 24 hours of giving birth, the mother can do these trainings to prevent and alleviate postpartum discomfort

Mothers who have a cesarean section can do these:

Caesarean section mothers generally lie on their backs for 6 hours after giving birth, which can make the uterus recover faster, reduce wound bleeding, this time can still do the above-mentioned uterine rejuvenation breathing, after 6 hours must quickly lie on multiple sides, because this time can well prevent intestinal adhesions. Usually after the cesarean section is to hope that the mother as soon as possible to exhaust before eating, lying on the side can help the intestinal peristalsis, after lying on the side, you can bend the knees to hold the legs, so that the thighs as close as possible to the abdominal wall, and then you can also do an upward stretch of the legs, which can help you exhaust faster, gastrointestinal peristalsis faster.

At the same time, we can also do some breast exercises here, such as some arm loops to promote milk production. But these actions have a prerequisite, that is, any action can not cause pain in the mother's wound.

Caesarean section is indwelling with urinary catheters, 24 hours after the removal of the urinary tube, before the removal of the ureter, we can also try to come to the above "he" word breathing, to avoid urinary difficulties after the removal of the urinary tube.

If the mother will feel pain in the pelvis, we can also do some simpler corrections here, that is, lying on the side, and then lift the upper leg up to do internal and external rotation, to feel the inner and outer rotation of the two legs, whether one side will be restricted, which side is restricted, which side can do more activities, so that it can also balance the pelvis, reduce the pain around the pelvis, help the pelvis to better balance, and prepare for the recovery of the back.

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