
BetaMars – the most anticipated P2E game of 2022

author:The coin circle is clear

Recently, the BetaMars 1.0 version of the Metaverse Game Project is undergoing internal testing. From the experience point of view, the whole game is simple, the profit is high, and the unique economic model has enough attraction for players. In the context of the downturn in the chain game market in 2022, BetaMars is a P2E game worth looking forward to.

BetaMars is a metaverse game project that integrates elements such as NFT, SLG, P2E, RPG, UGC, DAO and so on. BetaMars is divided into several versions in product design. BetaMars 1.0 is the BetaMars world resource allocation phase that focuses on the player's high reward experience. In betaMars 1.0, players can earn project token rewards through playandearn mode. In BetaMars 2.0, players will be able to build their own worlds like minecraft. The new BetaMars Hyper-Cosmic Civilization World will be launched in BetaMars 2.0!

Operation experience: Easy to operate!

BetaMars 1.0 is not complicated to operate. There are two types of characters in the game, Lords and Miners, and there are also two types of non-functional games: land non-functional games and ferry ticket non-functional games. Players who own non-functional land in the game can enter the game as non-functional land before entering the game. Players with non-functional game tickets can enter the game as miners by promising their non-functional game tickets before entering the game. After the promise is successful, the player can enter BetaMars 1.0 for mining.

BetaMars also established a simple relationship between Lord and Miner. The relationship between the Lord and the miners is similar to the relationship between the farmer and the peasant. God needs to recruit miners to work on the land to get rewards, and miners can share the rewards with God in the process of working. The more times a miner works on non-functional land, the greater the reward on non-functional land. Miners can earn Project Token EP and Project 1.0 Token Revo by working on land NFTs. Lords can only receive EP tokens.

It is worth noting that the non-functional conversion of the land is an important infrastructure for BetaMars and plays an important role in the development of the entire project. In version 1.0, the non-functional test of each land can be considered a mining card, and players can earn project rewards by working in the non-functional test of the mined land. In version 2.0, BetaMars will continue to enrich the application of terrestrial non-functional analysis. In version 2.0, land NFT will enter the mainstream currency mines such as BTC through Mining and receive rewards for mainstream currencies such as BTC. The BetaMars metaspheric civilization will also be built on top of terrestrial NFTs.

Gameplay Experience: Diverse Mining

BetaMars 1.0 is an easy to understand game. There are three game modes in BetaMars: Exploitation, Taxation, and Revolution, all of which allow players to receive different rewards.

1. Mining:

Exploitative games are an important source of rewards. BetaMars uses 55% of the total EP token as the total EP pool to play exploitative gameplay. The remaining 0.09% of the EP pool will be split by players working on the day. The game generated 4.95 million eps on its first day. In addition, miners can also earn Revo in mining games, which is tied to God's rewards in the tax game.

2. Game Mining Taxation:

The tax game gives players more chances to earn rewards. In the tax game, BetaMars collects (10+N) % of BetaMars World Tax per day as a tax pool fund, while 40% of the tax pool fund is distributed to the God of Burning Revo on a tax pool interface on a daily basis. Currently, the game has amassed 739,000 eps in taxes on the fourth day of testing. Over time, the tax pool will continue to increase.

3. Revolution play mining:

Revolutionary gameplay gives players the opportunity to destroy and increase the non-functionality of the land through dynamics!

BetaMars introduced the land-based NFTEP mine destruction mechanic in the Revolution game. Revolution games are divided into small and large Revolutions, with small Revolutions destroying 1% of land NFTs per day and large Revolutions destroying EP mines based on land NFTs. Both the Great Revolution and the Minor Revolution are destroying the non-functional function of the land, creating new non-functional functions of the land, and achieving a dynamic balance of the non-functional function of the land. The Revolution Game is the best chance for new lords to enter and old lords to expand their land NFT.

It is worth noting that the Great Revolution did not break out as frequently as the Small Revolution, and there were certain conditions.

Lords and miners need to commit to Revo (Promise Revo Interface) in the Angry Pool. When Revo accounts for more than 30% of the total profit of the EP, the World of BetaMars will usher in a revolution. In addition to destroying all EP mines in the NFT of the World of BetaMars, the remaining tax in the tax pool will be distributed proportionally to players who promise Revo in the Arena pool interface.

BetaMars has a variety of gameplay combinations to ensure that players can earn huge profits. At the same time, players can also make different combinations of strategies according to different mining modes to get rewards. For example, since Revo can only be generated by Mining, in internal tests, some lords created miners in bulk to help them generate Revos, and then lords earned super rewards by burning those Revos to participate in the tax game and became the first EP total reward of the day.

Although BetaMars has not yet been launched, from the perspective of the overall product experience, the low threshold, easy to operate, user experience-catering product design and composable profit system are expected to become popular games in 2022. Both axis and WolfGame have been successful, but will BetaMars 1.0 be the next big P2E beta game? Worth the wait!