
Original God: 2.6 Preview Version At a Glance, Walk By, Don't Miss!

Hello, everyone, I'm Xiaobai. There may be old viewers will say, alas, xiaobai xiaobai, the forward-looking live broadcast is over, why don't you reply to it. Don't worry, XiaoBai certainly won't miss it, this issue of the article, to tell you what this forward-looking live broadcast is about.

(In order not to affect everyone's reading experience, about the forward-looking exchange code, you can go to the Xiaobai homepage dynamics to copy, there is an international version.) )

Forward-looking content

In fact, for this card pool, there are still more or less errors in the internal ghost breaking, such as who could have imagined that Wendy would be reproduced in this version? For this version, the upper card pool is Shinri Aya and Wendy, and the lower card pool is Shinri Ayahua.

Original God: 2.6 Preview Version At a Glance, Walk By, Don't Miss!

From the card pool version, it can be deduced that the weapon card pool, the previous version is the Shinri Ayaren special weapon, plus the final bow. The next version is Ayahua's fog cut plus another weapon, no matter what the other weapon is, just one fog cut is enough for everyone to extract.

In addition to the card pool, a new activity has emerged in terms of activities. According to the forward-looking live broadcast head, it is very reasonable that this event will cover the entire 2.7 version, and in this event is called "Yanting Huacai", which can be divided into four small activities in the event. Everyone can understand it as the Wind and Flower Festival of Mond.

Activities such as "Fragrant From the West", "Study of Zhenjing" and so on will definitely surprise the players of the long grass.

Original God: 2.6 Preview Version At a Glance, Walk By, Don't Miss!

In addition, Xingqiu's gift also got a stone hammer, although Xiao Bai also broke the news, but looking at the tragic number of readers, think about it or forget it. Not much nonsense, about this interaction, we will see a lot of characters, in addition to the role of Li Yue, you can understand the Mengdaotuan.

Of course, about the opening of the giant abyss of strato-rock, a clichéd problem, I will not dwell on it here, after all, it is almost exposed.

Xiao Bai, as a plot UP, of course, likes the plot of the original god, and in the 2.6 version, a man who is stronger in life finally meets us again!

Original God: 2.6 Preview Version At a Glance, Walk By, Don't Miss!

Hello everyone, our division slag white, the ship's heart is so deep mission "Echo the Requiem at the bottom of the abyss"! It's finally here. The last time I saw Dynesreb was the last time I was...

Well, no kidding, according to "we will eventually reunite" is also a long time has not seen him, as a Remnant of Karria, where he gave us a lot of news, but also saw our brother who thinks day and night, with a player's words, the huge world view of the original god finally unfolded to us!

In addition, the appearance of two sets of holy relics has once again enriched our world.

Original God: 2.6 Preview Version At a Glance, Walk By, Don't Miss!

Of course, everyone now look at it from the picture, for its actual use and function, Xiaobai tomorrow another article to introduce, the day is not over, after reading the forward-looking activities, code after this manuscript, so sleepy...

This issue of the article is here, I am a small white, if you like this issue of the article, may wish to point a point of attention, we will see you in the next issue of the article ~

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