
Buying a car becomes buying futures? New car orders hung up idle fish, what do you think?

In recent years, the emergence of "new forces" has not only subverted the traditional fuel vehicles in terms of products, but also adopted an innovative direct sales model in the sales model.

Buying a car becomes buying futures? New car orders hung up idle fish, what do you think?

The new forces have also created a new term in the automobile market - "order volume", which has a bit of a meaning of hunger marketing. New energy vehicles continue to be hot, and the supply is less than demand, resulting in a delivery cycle of new energy vehicles that is generally longer than that of traditional fuel vehicles.

What's worse is that the global "lack of core" and the rise in raw material prices have made the delivery period of many new energy vehicle products longer and longer. The delivery time of 3 months is the norm, and there may be unexpected situations such as skipping tickets and waiting.

The gap between the volume of deliveries and the volume of orders

In the past automobile market, the overall sales data was generally released by the relevant statistical agencies around the 10th of each month, and the company's own data statistics also needed a certain amount of time.

The new forces generally use the direct sales model, the order volume statistics caliber is mainly through the APP and the official website, and does not involve wholesale sales and other related data, so it can always be announced at the beginning of the month at the first time.

Buying a car becomes buying futures? New car orders hung up idle fish, what do you think?

For example, in only 53 hours, Xiaopeng Automobile P5 cumulative orders exceeded 10,000; since the start of the booking, the order volume of Extreme Kr 001 has exceeded 70,000 units, and the deliverable orders in 2021 have been sold out; Geely's official release data shows that since the listing of Xingyue L in late July last year, the orders for 3 months have exceeded 60,000+; GAC Trumpchi official news said that the order volume of Shadow Leopard in the first month of listing exceeded 15,000 units. The above is the most representative hot model.

In fact, their monthly deliveries differ from the level of hot sales they advertise. On the one hand, it is adversely affected by chip supply and capacity climbing, and the so-called order volume has spanned more than several months; on the other hand, the order volume contains a lot of invalid orders.

Among the invalid orders, some of them came from the temporary cancellation of the owner, and the other part of the order was actually put on the idle fish for sale, and even became the target of speculation of scalpers.

Idle fish on order trading

Mainstream new forces and traditional manufacturers such as Weilai, Ideal, Xiaopeng and Trumpchi all support the refundable deposit. Shadow Leopard can apply for withdrawal without options, Xiaopeng P5, Ideal ONE has a 72-hour hesitation period after booking, and once the order is confirmed, it cannot be refunded. WEILAI ET7 can choose to unsubscribe after 7 days without locking orders, and their delivery cycle is generally around 5-10 weeks.

Buying a car becomes buying futures? New car orders hung up idle fish, what do you think?

The extreme krypton 001 is different, the deposit of 5000 yuan is non-refundable, non-transferable, and the delivery cycle is more than half a year, which is the news learned from the official customer service. However, according to Uncle Zhong's driving knowledge, on the second-hand trading platform Idle Fish APP, there are still many users who sell orders for popular models.

Buying a car becomes buying futures? New car orders hung up idle fish, what do you think?

Popular models such as WEILAI ET7, Ideal ONE and Xiaopeng P5, a casual search on idle fish, transfer orders are not in the minority. Or personal reasons do not want, or can not wait, has already acquired earlier orders in advance to book.

Buying a car becomes buying futures? New car orders hung up idle fish, what do you think?

Because the order generation time of the transfer on idle fish is generally earlier, the pick-up cycle is also shorter, which has a certain appeal for those users who are eager to use the car. In addition, some orders can also enjoy privileges, such as the ideal ONE of the last batch of three-electric system lifetime warranty, 5,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan to enjoy the limited-time benefits of the extreme Kr 001.

Uncle Zhong learned in his conversation with them that most of the orders can be transferred, and the licensee can also enjoy the rights and interests of the first owner. There are real transfers from private users, and there is no shortage of full-time scalpers who make spreads on orders. Before purchasing, it must be clearly verified, if it is not particularly anxious to use the car, it is recommended that the official channel place the most secure order.

The delivery cycle, the sound volume of the product

In summary, the gap between delivery and order volume is well understood. Some users choose to unsubscribe, some are hung up for sale online, and some are sold by scalpers. The higher the product popularity, the longer the delivery cycle, the greater the possibility of being sold; the higher the scheduling time, the higher the transfer price.

Buying a car becomes buying futures? New car orders hung up idle fish, what do you think?

Take the Tank 500 as an example, before the appearance of many users attention, pre-sale week time order volume exceeded 40,000 units, which makes it a proper financial product, grab is to earn. On the idle fish, there are a large number of tank 500 transfer orders for sale, according to the delivery serial number of the vehicle, the price increase ranges from a few thousand pieces to 10,000 yuan.

In this regard, the tank brand has also carried out targeted investigation and adjustment, and upgraded the delivery confirmation process. An order that does not match the actual consignee and cannot prove that it is an immediate family member or a limited-license city license leasing relationship is deemed to be an invalid order. At the same time, if you transfer an order or purchase it through an unofficial channel, you will not be able to enjoy exclusive benefits.

To a certain extent, this has dealt a blow to the occurrence of scalpers' speculative orders, and consumers have less rights and interests to lose, and they will not consider a mark-up to acquire transfer orders. However, the popularity of product orders on idle fish also reflects the market situation and development potential of the product.

Buying a car becomes buying futures? New car orders hung up idle fish, what do you think?

In addition to the selection of products, scalpers should always pay attention to the price adjustment caused by policy changes. For example, at the end of last year, Tesla announced that it would increase prices in 2022 because of subsidies, but users who placed orders before that were not affected. Originally, the delivery cycle was relatively long, in order not to cut leeks, it is reasonable for users to choose the appropriate mark-up to take over the order.

Bell description

The difference between delivery volume and order volume is not limited to numbers, but more like the distance between new forces and traditional car companies. The traditional distribution model is facing changes, and the subversive innovation of the direct operation model has turned automotive products into "futures" with hypeable attributes.

Unexpectedly, the change in the automobile sales model has also made the second-hand idle trading platform become a second-hand car trading platform, and the scheduling order has also become the target of speculation by scalpers, which is believed to be one of the surprises brought by the "new four modernizations". As consumers, the most important thing is to polish our eyes in order to find good goods.

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