
Messi transfer? La Liga: Welcome home Messi. Harvey rejects Messi's return, not in the plan?

In recent days, Messi's transfer has touched the hearts of most fans. Whether Messi will stay in Paris has also become a hot spot for fans. Just today, La Liga president Tebas was asked in an interview what he thought about Messi. Tebas said he would like to see Messi in La Liga, Messi is in good shape, he can at least maintain the form for two or three years, if Messi returns to La Liga, then he will return with special terms, no longer a burden for Barca.

Messi transfer? La Liga: Welcome home Messi. Harvey rejects Messi's return, not in the plan?

Since Messi came to Paris, the sluggish state has been criticized by fans. Former France international Miku in an interview with the media, said that Messi's physical fitness in Paris is very good and there is no problem, but from Messi's psychological problems, the reason why he can't play in Barca in The greater Paris is because he misses Barca very much, according to media reports, this time after the Big Paris in the Champions League, Messi's father has been contacting the Barca executives, hoping to make Messi return to Barca. However, the exact results are not known at this time.

Messi transfer? La Liga: Welcome home Messi. Harvey rejects Messi's return, not in the plan?

According to the interview results of La Liga president Tebas, La Liga is still very welcome for Messi to return to La Liga, but whether Messi can return to Barca is not certain, before that, Xavi said in an interview with the media that no one in his team can not be high, although this statement does not mention Messi, but we all know that Xavi has rejected Messi to return to Barca.

Messi transfer? La Liga: Welcome home Messi. Harvey rejects Messi's return, not in the plan?

The Spanish media also broke the news that Barca did not put Messi in the reinforcement plan at present. Since Messi was forced to leave Barca last year, messi's relationship with Barca president Laporta has dropped to a freezing point. As long as Laporta feeds for another day, Messi will not be able to return to Barca. This season's Barça in la Liga title battle is hopeless, but for Xavi, his rightful name is on the next season, and now it is only necessary to adjust Barca's squad to the optimal solution and increase the intensity of Barca's squad.

Messi transfer? La Liga: Welcome home Messi. Harvey rejects Messi's return, not in the plan?

Barca have recovered in their form in recent matches, Barca striker Aubameyang's recent form can be described as full of firepower, and Xavi's evaluation of Aubameyang is a gift from heaven, Barca's signing in the winter can be described as very successful, at present, perfectly make up for the lack of attacking power in the front field after Messi left Barca. I hope that Barca will be able to find a suitable tactical system for themselves as soon as possible after leaving Messi.

Messi transfer? La Liga: Welcome home Messi. Harvey rejects Messi's return, not in the plan?

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