
Online can be called the weakest auxiliary, Nami Wind Woman is stronger than her, dragged to the later stage but directly unsolved!

Hello everyone! I'm Lao Zhang. As we all know, in the League of Legends mobile game, the importance of the auxiliary must be very clear to everyone, it can be said that an auxiliary basically determines whether the next road can be broken by the opposite side, an auxiliary is basically the upper limit of the shooter, even if the shooter is not very good, but the auxiliary as long as it is strong enough, then even a rookie shooter, you can also play with a first-class shooter! So which aid is better to choose? Today Lao Zhang recommends to everyone a weakest auxiliary on the line, Nami is stronger than her to open the group can not be stopped, but in the later stage, it is directly incomprehensible!

Summoning the tide of the fish

Online can be called the weakest auxiliary, Nami Wind Woman is stronger than her, dragged to the later stage but directly unsolved!

As a soft assistant, Nami's combat ability is very good, compared with other heroes, although Nami is a soft assistant, but regardless of all aspects of ability, it is very comprehensive. Open the group, with a big move can attack the opponent first, a wide range of first-hand output, you can let the opposite side escape without escaping.

Online can be called the weakest auxiliary, Nami Wind Woman is stronger than her, dragged to the later stage but directly unsolved!

And Nami's backhand ability is also very outstanding, in the actual battle, soft auxiliary is afraid of hard auxiliary direct face C position, but Nami can directly predict a skill, the opposite auxiliary just landed, will be Nami a skill directly hit, at this time, we can be anti-guest-oriented, hit the opposite side of a surprise.

Phantom Plume

Online can be called the weakest auxiliary, Nami Wind Woman is stronger than her, dragged to the later stage but directly unsolved!

Luo this hero as the current version of a very strong hard assistant, its own ability can be said to be invincible general existence, in the actual combat process, Luo with the two skills of the flying and the extra charm control provided by the big move, can easily break into the opposite C face, while playing the control effect, with the teammates to form a good output.

Online can be called the weakest auxiliary, Nami Wind Woman is stronger than her, dragged to the later stage but directly unsolved!

At the same time, in many cases, Luo is played as an output, after all, Luo's ability to open the group is indeed too unsolvable, many times, directly to Luo to do a pure output game, so that As long as Luo opens the big move and then matches the face of the second skill, he can quickly beat off most of the blood volume of the opposite C position, and a magic stab, the strength is very strong!

Wrath of the Storm

Online can be called the weakest auxiliary, Nami Wind Woman is stronger than her, dragged to the later stage but directly unsolved!

Wind girl as a soft auxiliary, their own combat ability and auxiliary ability can only be regarded as general, passive use of the correct time, can provide the team with an overall movement speed increase, in addition, perhaps only three skills of the shield is OK, the ability to protect people is not too good, there are not many people playing.

Online can be called the weakest auxiliary, Nami Wind Woman is stronger than her, dragged to the later stage but directly unsolved!

However, the wind girl who can really play, but can protect our shooter very thoughtfully, whether it is a skill of blowing wind or a big move of knockback plus range blood, can provide a good recovery effect for teammates, you want to go close to the C position for output, under the protection of the wind girl is simply unrealistic, and it is precisely because of this that the wind girl has a group of loyal fans.

Chinser Fairy

Online can be called the weakest auxiliary, Nami Wind Woman is stronger than her, dragged to the later stage but directly unsolved!

As an auxiliary that does not need much operation, the strength of the piano girl in the first and middle periods may be a little weaker than that of the wind girl, basically the combat ability of the first and middle periods ranks last among many auxiliaries, which is not exaggerated! Needless to say that Luo is such a strong hero, even if it is a soft assistant like Nami and the wind girl, when fighting with the piano girl, it can also have an advantage.

Online can be called the weakest auxiliary, Nami Wind Woman is stronger than her, dragged to the later stage but directly unsolved!

However, it is this kind of relatively weak chicken piano girl, but in the late stage of the direct take-off, as the team's auxiliary core, the three small skills of the piano girl can not only provide shield movement speed, but also increase a blood and shield, the comprehensive ability is directly pulled full, and then with the late stage of the piano girl's big move control, this hero is really difficult to deal with in the later stage of a point!

So the above is all the content brought to you by Lao Zhang in this issue, and everyone thinks that as a soft assistant, how is her own strength? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to communicate. I am Lao Zhang and look forward to your attention.

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