
【Weekly taboo old yellow calendar】March 21, 2022 - March 27, 2022

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【Weekly taboo old yellow calendar】March 21, 2022 - March 27, 2022

Small Luck Broadcast: This week's date: March 21 - March 27, 2022

Tegi Zodiac: Cow, Tiger, Pig

This week's rush: Monday rush rabbit, Tuesday punch dragon, Wednesday punch snake, Thursday punch horse, Friday punch sheep, Saturday punch monkey, Sunday punch chicken. All those who are jealous should be cautious and important. For example, if you rush a rabbit on Monday, then a friend who belongs to a rabbit is not suitable for doing important things that day.

Advice this week: Friends who belong to the chicken should be especially cautious, because bad information such as villains, rotten peach blossoms, and broken money follows you.

Zodiac Weekly Horoscope


Overall: This week's popularity is average, Fang Yuan is a person, and the eight sides are exquisite; Do things perfectly, everything goes smoothly. Don't be too desperate to leave a way back.

Fortune: This week's fortunes are smooth and the money is rolling in. As long as you have good ideas and ideas to make money, hurry up and act, as long as you take the first step, it will be easy to operate successfully, and the money income is considerable.

Love: The love between men and women in love this week has not increased or decreased; if you are a single person, you have the opportunity to meet the new opposite sex, if you can't grasp the opportunity, you can continue to hand over the white roll, and you can only wait patiently for the next peach blossom luck.

Career: This week's personal morale is stronger than before, ambitious, and the work performance is better than before, but it is not appropriate to change jobs, but should continue to work hard in the original position!

Ugly cows

Overall: This week in interpersonal relationships, know how to get along with people, it is easy to get along with the surroundings, the relationship is more harmonious, but you will sometimes be a little impatient, and you can't communicate well with others and lead to many misunderstandings.

Fortune: This week's fortune is smooth, the opportunity to make money continues to emerge, as long as you grasp the business opportunities, let go of your hands and feet, a big war, there will be more money to make you smile. We must seize and grasp the good stage of gold mining.

Love: Peach blossoms are also very popular this week, and single people can make appointments with their favorite objects or go out with colleagues and friends to go out for mountain climbing sports and the like, which is a very good opportunity.

Career: This week's work is diligent, hard work, long-term persistence, will get relatively good results, get leadership weight, but will be jealous of colleagues, create some small trouble for you.

Yin Hu

Overall: this week is suitable for finding nobles, life is not waiting to rely on, relatives and friends, classmates and fellow countrymen, this is a kind of "human resources", who does not have three disasters and six difficulties, can rely on it, can not rely on the creation of conditions also depend.

Fortune: This week the financial road is very wide, and income will show a trend of rising. While desperately sucking up gold, we must pay attention to the pattern of feng shui and see if there is a financial situation, so as not to affect the fortune.

Love: This week's peach blossom luck is more exuberant Married people should be suitable to keep a distance from the opposite sex, or it is easy to have extramarital affairs, resulting in the breakdown of marriage. It is necessary to judge the hour and size up the situation and correctly treat your own peach blossom luck.

Career: This week's career has been a constant struggle, hard work, but little achievement. If you can continue to persevere, you will have some achievements, and you will be deeply supported by colleagues and the leader will be important.


Overall: This week's popularity is average, good words everyone loves to hear, it can give people pride and self-confidence, and praise is to make people get the satisfaction of the heart. When you hear the negative opinions of others, pay special attention to calmness.

Fortune: This week's fortunes are strong and the money is surging. You should do your best, work hard to make money, and you will definitely gain fame and fortune. For projects that were not previously profitable but have been invested, they can be re-operated and will be easily successful.

Love: This week's single friends can participate in more social activities and communicate more with the opposite sex. Married people can pay due attention to words and deeds, and keep a distance from the opposite sex, so as not to fall into the entanglement of love triangles.

Career: This week, you can get unconditional help from your boss and seniors, work hard with colleagues, give full play to the team spirit within the company, and your career is booming.


Overall: This week's popularity is average, we should do things to be bright and upright, do not just please others, do not use emotions, have something to say in person, do not mutter.

Fortune: It is not advisable to invest large amounts this week, it is risky, and it may not be as you wish. In terms of work, the enthusiasm will not be reduced, persistence will make progress, and in terms of money, it is necessary to have multiple hearts and eyes, and to guard against whether there is a loan or not.

Love: This week's peach blossom luck is also good, single men and women can take this opportunity to communicate with their favorite objects to confess, maybe soon, they can enter the palace of marriage.

Career: At work this week, with the assistance of good interpersonal relations, you will get more good opportunities for development and wealth, Xu Mozhai suggested that you should grasp it well, work hard, and don't miss a good opportunity.


Overall: This week's popularity is average, we have to be down-to-earth and do things. Leave a solid image and add a foundation to yourself.

Fortune: This week's partial fortune, as long as you can grasp the business opportunities, there will be a small gain, but do not seek excess money, blindly pursue high profits, invest in high-risk industries, it will be possible to lose all.

Love: This week, the feelings of married people and their spouses are increasing day by day, but they should pay attention to keeping a proper distance from other members of the opposite sex so as not to cause misunderstandings from their spouses. Fall in love with each other's strengths, and go through stages with each other's shortcomings.

Career: This week's work has an enterprising spirit, can sink down to do things, after a solid foundation, you can seek a higher level of development, there will be good prospects.

Noon horse

Overall: This week there is a villain luck, we must tolerate the villain, take a step back from the sea and the sky, it is really not possible to give their own space to them. Don't take the mundane things in your heart, and provoke the villain is to cause trouble.

Fortune: It's easier to make money this week, and it's going to be several times more than others. Excellent mental state at work, flexible brain, creative and operable, often do more with less, but do not be proud and complacent.

Love: Whether you are single or married this week, on the road of love is a peach blossom, single you will meet the ideal partner, and even quickly form a good couple.

Career: Work hard this week, go all out for the work, will show their outstanding talents at work, and will also get the weight of the boss, but it will take time for promotion and salary increase, and you must wait patiently.

Not sheep

Overall: This week there is a situation of difficulty in being a person, in the face of all kinds of obstacles, we must improve ourselves. If things are reluctant, you should dare to say no"; If it is a legitimate interest, it should be tolerated; Be "thick-skinned" when you want.

Fortune: This week the money is relatively stable, there is a certain income, the depressing thing is that your expenses are relatively large, and your income is not equal, so you always have little left in terms of money.

Love: Peach blossoms are coming alive this week. It's just that married people need to pay attention to their own words and deeds, and it is advisable to communicate with their spouses and communicate their feelings, and don't put your mind outside. In addition, there is time to spend more time with friends and family.

Career: This week's career, you will encounter your career development of Bole, although there is no obvious promotion fortune, but there is indeed a good room for development.

Shen Monkey

Overall: There are villains this week, we must insist on saying good things about others behind our backs, don't worry about this good word not reaching the ears of the parties. Don't listen or spread gossip unless you say good things.

Fortune: This week there is a threat of looting, and there is a loss of money. The robber has to do with his work, maybe his peers, maybe his colleagues. Siblings may also part ways over money.

Love: This week's love horoscope is not satisfactory, if the breakup has been decided, when the breakup has become a common choice, why bother to entangle again is right and wrong. Keep the happiness you once had and open up a new life.

Career: This week's hard work, good at research and thinking, will make great progress in the operation of the project, and thus won the love of colleagues and leaders, but to prevent villains.

Unitary chicken

Overall: This week there is a possibility of being blamed, complaining that others do not understand their own people, first of all, they do not understand others.

Fortune: In terms of money this week, the balance of payments is unbalanced, which is a trend of breaking the money. It was hard to get rich, and I was tormented by both financial and psychological pressures. In terms of making money, there is hard work, there is hard work, but always the income is meager.

Love: Emotionally married people or friends who are in love this week, pay attention to communication skills, so as not to hurt feelings because of misunderstandings or small things that are not worth it.

Career: This week in the work is easy to laissez-faire, lack of control, can not be willful. For the difficulties encountered, face them with a positive attitude and they will be solved.


Overall: this week's popularity is average, we need to be tolerant when we get along, we need to be sincere when we are in love, we need to communicate when we quarrel, we need to be accompanied when we are lonely, we need comfort when we are sad, we need to be calm when we are angry, and we need to share when we are happy.

Fortune: This week's good fortunes will make your positive fortunes more beautiful. This period of time is suitable for cooperation projects with the government, it will be easy to operate successfully, and it will certainly achieve large profits. Look for opportunities to work with the government.

Love: For unmarried people this week, your relationship with the opposite sex with you is showing signs of rapid closeness, and it may be rewarding to be bold in your confession. Good luck, there are noble people around to help.

Career: This week you will be rewarded for your good work, with fewer bonuses and more promotions, and in general, hard work must be rewarded.


Overall: This week, there is time to get together with friends, brothers and sisters, family, and if time permits, you can also travel, which not only eases the mood, but also deepens the feelings.

Fortune: This week is a lot of money, and with your ingenuity, you'll make a lot of money. Compared with others, you have a lot of money very easily, maybe you earn a lot of money in play, and you are often envied by others.

Love: Emotionally unmarried people can work harder this week, they can attend more parties or arrange a trip, and go out with the opposite sex they like, which not only enhances feelings, but also benefits physical and mental health, killing two birds with one stone.

Career: This week's career luck is also very strong, not only will work handily, but also will make satisfactory results and get bonuses. Pay attention to perseverance and maintain this good state.

Feng Shui Relationship

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