
Zheng Jin: Let Chinese creativity go global, and I want to let autistic children understand

Mentioning Zheng Jin may not be familiar to people outside the industry, but when it comes to the first Animal Ambassador of the United Nations - Qi Qi and Dian Dian, many people know that the soul figure who makes Qi Qi and Dian Dian go to the world is Zheng Jin and his "Zheng Wo · ZEVRE Design Company".

Zheng Jin: Let Chinese creativity go global, and I want to let autistic children understand

Post-8 designer

Zheng Jin is a post-80s generation, but he has twice entered the list of China's top 100 designers, appeared in business magazine, participated in hundreds of brand upgrades and transformations, and won the German Red Dot Design Award, the highest honor in the design industry.

Zheng Jin in his career is excellent. However, he is a patient with green color deficiency.

The green in everyone's eyes, but in his eyes is blue, many people have advised him to give up the profession of designer, so he will carry a set of Pantone color cards for a long time to compare every green color he sees in nature, and record the color value in the color card exercise book, through more than ten years of efforts he realized the dream of being a designer.

It is precisely because of his own experience that he pays special attention to the group of autistic children.

Helping children with autism become illustrators

Autism is very mysterious in the eyes of many people, many artists and scientists are autistic, and many high-scoring movie protagonists have autistic people, such as "Rain Man", but this does not rule out the reason why autism researchers want to open up the concept of autism and genius through the influence of subjective consciousness.

Zheng Jin: Let Chinese creativity go global, and I want to let autistic children understand
Zheng Jin: Let Chinese creativity go global, and I want to let autistic children understand

Successful derivatives revenue at this stage

On April 2, the United Nations's Autism Awareness Day, Zheng Jin launched the Golden Wings Autism Children's School's help activities. Golden Wings Disabled Children's Art Rehabilitation Service Center is a non-profit organization that offers painting, vocal instrumental music, dance and basketball classes, and the founder, Mr. Zhang Junru, is using art + sports to help disabled children reflect their own values and realize their artistic dreams.

In this public welfare activity, Zheng Jin shared how to copyright register and rent and sell children's works with 0 funds, how to create illustrations with children who cannot communicate normally, how parents and associations can help each other, and specific organizational and operational methods.

Although Zheng Jin is a designer, he also devotes his love of design to the survival of autistic children.

Zheng Jin believes that:

With more understanding, non-discrimination is the most basic respect that we ordinary people can give to autistic families, and it is also the most practical encouragement for autistic families.

Deepen understanding, be more considerate and supportive, avoid mistakes due to misunderstandings; do what we can to support families in urgent need of help, provide opportunities to help them integrate into society; do not treat them as objects of pity, and care for them equally.

If we are not indifferent, we can melt loneliness; our little bits of kindness and love come together, and autistic families can be treated gently by the world.

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