
How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!

How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!

This year, Huangpu will fully complete the renovation of a series of second-class old and lower houses, realizing the long-cherished wishes of generations. While we witnessed the acceleration of the old reform in Huangpu and the realization of the dreams of residents, we also fixed the unique fireworks in the old alley, the heavy nostalgia on the old street, and the lingering memories in the old house. Record, treasure, flip through, reminisce... These people and things with temperature will surely become the best past.

How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!
How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!

Zhang Wanqing, who grew up in Lane 520 of Ningbo Road, is now a dream come true. While looking forward to the new home, I recalled the once close extended family life in the alley, full of love. In those years, the sound of stir-frying in the kitchen, the frolicking sound of children running back and forth in the alley, and the laughter of everyone in the guest hall together weaved the most beautiful "smell of fireworks" in the old alley.

How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!
How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!

In the Gaofuli plot, Xu, who is over seventy years old, guards a small attic of 10 square meters. There are no windows in the room, the sun can't shine in, and the furnishings are simple. Because of the old reform, the "snail dwelling" life that cannot lift its head and cannot stand up straight all day will eventually usher in changes. He has never been "transported" in his life, looking forward to a new life, and the joy on his face cannot be hidden.

How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!
How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!

Every house in the city has a unique house number that marks its identity. In Huangpu, with the entry into force of the plot and the relocation of the residents of the old lanes, the house numbers in the old lanes were removed and preserved and treasured. These old lanes with memories and stories bear witness to the changes in the city of Shanghai and the rapid development of Huangpu.

How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!
How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!

This is the narrowest road in Shanghai, "Longquanyuan Road", the narrowest point is only 146 centimeters, and it is also an old alley connected to Nanjing East Road and Ningbo Road at the other. For the surrounding residents, this miniature laneway condenses the memories of generations, and now, with the old-fashioned changes on both sides of the road, this old lane will also shake off the memories of the past and usher in a new rebirth.

How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!
How much "treasure" is hidden in the old lane? These old memories freeze for you!

The tall buildings are stacked, and the fireworks in the old city box are slowly drifting and continuing. After many years, some things and some things will eventually withdraw from the stage of history, but what cannot be erased is the collective memory of an entire generation. Freeze these unforgettable moments, so that those warm memories will always echo in the depths of history.

Reporter / Wang Yuehua

Editor / Lulu Chen

Photo / Zhou Fei

Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Huangpu

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