
After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

The data shows that the probability of natural conception of quintuplets is about one in 60 million.

The last time there were 5-amperies that attracted much attention was around 17 years ago, and it was the first case of 5-amp-twins in the country.

Sugar Mom found that since then, many triplets and quadruples have been born, but none of them have attracted particular attention, and only recently have she seen good news.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

A post-95 pregnant mother in Shandong gave birth to 5 twins, and the news soon spread on the Internet, which could not help but make people sigh that it was a "miracle reappearance".

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

Post-95 pregnant women gave birth to 5 twins, and the sex of the baby was concerned

This young pregnant woman, Ms. Zhuang, took 1 hour to successfully deliver the five babies, and when she saw the doctor carrying the babies out one by one, she attracted many people in the hospital to watch.

The successful birth of 5 twins is something to be congratulated on, but Ms. Zhuang and her children are still in danger. Because her baby is premature, Ms. Zhuang's health is not very good.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

Among the five babies, the heaviest baby is 1.4kg, while the lightest baby is only 1.14kg, which is far from the weight of a normal newborn of about 6 pounds.

Along the way, Ms. Zhuang was not easy, she had many miscarriages, and later became pregnant with quintuplets, which forced her to be admitted to the intensive obstetric ward at 27 weeks of pregnancy.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

The doctor originally wanted her to stick to 32 weeks, wait for the baby to grow up and then undergo a caesarean section, but Ms. Zhuang's body could not withstand such a large load, and could only let the baby be born in advance.

The caesarean section went smoothly, but all 5 babies were born on a ventilator and after a period of observation, they could return to Mom and Dad.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

The gender of the five babies has attracted much attention, they are 1 woman and 4 boys, and the only girl is "big sister". People can't help but think that girls will have four small bodyguards when they grow up, and the mother's family is also the strongest mother's family, but the children's father said that some "pressure is high".

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

The baby 5 will earn money to support a "family of seven", which is stressful

With 4 sons and 1 daughter at once, the children's fathers are still very happy, and at the same time feel the pressure is multiplied.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

Ms. Zhuang and her husband are both post-95s, in fact, when they were 2 months pregnant, they were found to be 5 twins, but at that time, the children and wife were in normal health, leaving these five children.

Now the child is relatively small, maybe only the cost of milk powder and some supplies. The family can provide it temporarily, but it is not necessarily necessary when the child grows up, and netizens have also seen this problem.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

Someone once made a rough statistic on the Internet:

From the birth of the child until he graduates from work, a family will cost about 620,000 to 1.98 million yuan, and if the economic conditions are better, the cost of raising a baby may rise to about 1.63 to 2.4 million.

This is just an ordinary family, not like the star to buy children all kinds of luxury goods, the cost of going to the aristocratic school, some aristocratic schools cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

Nowadays, this 5-twin family is not only facing the problem of raising boys and money, but also raising girls, and now for a long time, Bao Dad may have to earn money to support a "family of seven".

Even at a minimum of 620,000, the family will spend more than 2.4 million in the future. Even if you save money and raise 5 children, the cost is unbearable. Dad is just driving a construction car at the moment, and the pressure on him is really great.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

The arrival of the "quintuplets" is both lucky and troublesome

As mentioned earlier, the probability of conceiving 5 twins is about 1 in 60 million, and the probability of winning some lotteries is only 1 in 17.72 million. It can be seen that the luck of being pregnant with 5 twins is comparable to winning the lottery.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

However, this lucky arrival will also bring a lot of trouble, adults and children, so that the whole family, is not a small matter.

First of all, pregnant women have to endure 5 times the hardship

Everyone knows that pregnancy is very hard, and pregnant with a child has to endure pregnancy reactions, back pain and poor sleep. Pregnant with 5 babies, not only is the stomach held up bigger, the hardship behind it is impossible for ordinary people to understand.

Sugar mom has seen many twin mothers, sleep badly all night, stomach is too big to walk, 5 twin mothers have to endure the hardship, maybe not just 5 times.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

Secondly, babies are also very dangerous

As long as you are pregnant with multiple births, there is a certain probability of premature birth. Uterine space is limited, and the twins can hardly wait until full-term birth. Being born early means that they are not developing well and need to live in an incubator for a period of time.

In this process, you also have to face various challenges such as breathing, heartbeat, and feeding, and you can return to your parents after success.

Finally, there's the pressure of the whole family

After the birth of quintuplets, the economy is only one aspect of the pressure, how to bring 5 children waiting to be fed, is also a major problem they have to face in their growth.

After 95, the pregnant mother gave birth to 5 twins, and the husband said that the pressure was great: earning money to support a family of seven

In most triplets and quadruplets, both parents of the couple have to help with the baby, and it is possible to pick up one or two of the children.

In this way, the child is taken care of in life, but from the perspective of psychological development, this is not the appropriate way.

There is no way, if you want five children to grow up together, you need multi-faceted conditional support. Not all families live in big houses and have nannies at home to share the stress, as seen online.

Candy Mother's Heart:

Sugar Mom saw many people saying that everyone could donate money to help the family, but the help from the outside world was only temporary. I hope that while they get help, they will also find more ways to make money, so that the family will always be lucky and happy.

【Today's topic】Do you have "5 twins" around you?

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