
Four alternate historical novels with a rating of 9.6, with outstanding writing and amazing stories, still dominate the list after many years

Hello everyone, I am murmuring blue, recommend wonderful and good-looking high-quality online articles for you every day, pay attention to me for more information. Today's introduction to you are four overhead historical novels with a rating of 9.6, the story is amazingly well-written, and it still dominates the list after many years

"Need for a Family Ding" Yu Yan

Because of an unexpected experience, Lin Wanrong came to a completely different world and became a glorious family member in the Xiao family mansion. Little family, how to play with shopping malls, officialdom, battlefields and love scenes? Also jump the dragon gate.

Highlight: Lin Wanrong didn't know how long she had been here, and she didn't know what she saw, so she said, "How did you come?" Xiao Qingxuan said, "If I want to come, do I still need to ask you?" "Then how did you get in?" "How did you come in last night, and how did you come in tonight?" "Over the wall again?" When you left this morning, did you also climb over the wall? "Why should I tell you?" Xiao Qingxuan seemed to have returned to the cold appearance he had before.

Four alternate historical novels with a rating of 9.6, with outstanding writing and amazing stories, still dominate the list after many years

"Take the Warehouse to Daming" by Sir Dybala

Others crossed with the spirit of kingship, but Fang Xing only wanted to farm! "I just want to live leisurely in this era!" So he taught a few disciples and tried to get them to climb up, so that he could be his own support! But who thinks that the disciple is a little unreliable, it is actually...

Highlight: The hall was a little quiet for a while, and WanWan took a look at Dezhong. Of course, Dezhong knew the advantages of pleasing the small county lord, so he laughed and said, "The county lord doesn't need to worry, Mr. Fang is unharmed, and he has already spoken, saying that in the afternoon, Fang Jiazhuang will hold a flowing water banquet, and the whole Zhuangzi people will go to eat." Zhu Gaozi and the crown princess exchanged glances, and at the same time they could not bear to smile. Both of them almost imagined how spirited Fang Xing was and how he posed the spectrum of the landlord's old wealth.

Four alternate historical novels with a rating of 9.6, with outstanding writing and amazing stories, still dominate the list after many years

"Ruyi Xiaolangjun" Rong Xiaorong

There was nothing at the beginning, I didn't even know who I was, how did that make me play? Downing couldn't help but look up: "Thief..." Something flew from the sky, right in the middle of the forehead. Holding the big red hydrangea ball, before fainting, he just wanted to ask: "Which killing thousand knife stuffed the stone into the hydrangea ball!" ”

Highlight: "Generally..." Downing answered truthfully. Next, you can only resign yourself to fate. "After passing the test, don't think about it anymore." Zhong Yi stepped forward and said, "Brother Ning, hurry up and go home, Nian has prepared a lot of meals that you like to eat today..." Su Ru did not speak, but silently took over the burden on Tang Ning's shoulders. As for Fang Xiaochu, he just filled the things in his hands into his mouth.

Four alternate historical novels with a rating of 9.6, with outstanding writing and amazing stories, still dominate the list after many years

Master of the Three Precepts of Authority

A man among men, because of a joke of fate, turned into a young proton, and since then he has opened the prelude to a period of imperial hegemony - a few loyal and good generals, playing a song and cry: a few beautiful people, a period of pity and entanglement; a little bit of a child's heart, leaving a Yang Yang Heavenly Dynasty!

Wonderful clip: "The paper can't contain the fire, and a few years ago, this matter was known to Princess Heyang, and she took someone to arrest the concubine and beat her to death." Unexpectedly, Ma Ye was an infatuated lover, and he actually held the corpse of the concubine and cried, and then went up the mountain to become a monk. Qin Lei patted the case and said, "If you hang yourself, you should float a big white." ”

Four alternate historical novels with a rating of 9.6, with outstanding writing and amazing stories, still dominate the list after many years

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