
The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

In the domestic automotive market, the simple product parameters do not mean that the product is strong, and it cannot be said that good sales can be achieved, we can see this from the Honda CR-V, the body size is not large, the power is not the strongest, but it has been recognized by consumers. Recently, Honda seems to be about to "repeat the same technique", the upcoming Honda e: NS1 looks like a road number with honda CR-V, so as a Honda 200,000 yuan pure electric SUV, can it still be as successful as honda CR-V?

Honda e: NS1 smart security is stronger, but the driving control is not lost

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?
The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

One of the keys to the success of the Honda CR-V is that it has done a good job of space optimization, with a length of 4621mm and a wheelbase of 2661mm, which is not the leader in its class, and the actual riding performance is very good. Honda e:NS1 positioning compact SUV, but 4390/1790/1560mm of length, width and height, as well as 2610mm wheelbase, in fact, and Honda XR-V such a small SUV is basically the same, but because it is based on honda's development of e:N Architecture F platform to build, so in the space optimization performance better, the actual ride reached the mainstream compact SUV level, front and rear passengers at the same time riding height 175cm, The rear legroom can be spaced 2 punches away.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

Honda CR-V is currently in the late stage of the product, some intelligence and safety seem to have room for upgrade at the moment, but the basic safety configuration is still quite mainstream, such as lane departure warning, active safety, fatigue reminder and so on. Of course, due to the rapid development of smart cars and machines, there is still a certain gap with the current mainstream products.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

Honda e: NS1 as Honda pure electric SUV, and as a new car to be launched in 2022, there are comprehensive upgrades in terms of safety and intelligence, of which the 15.2-inch large screen is the focus, built-in Honda CONNECT 3.0 pure electric version, AI voice, car home interconnection, capacity management, OTA upgrade and other functions are complete, more importantly, the menu logic is clear, the touch is smooth, it is convenient to use, and it is easier to use than most joint venture products at the same level.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

In terms of safety, streaming mirrors, Honda SENSING (safety super sense), automatic parking, DMC driver status perception system, etc. are all standard configurations of Honda e:NS1, it can be said that compared with the previous Honda CR-V, Honda e:NS1 has gone up another level in terms of safety.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

In terms of driving control, the Honda CR-V is one of the few SUV models in the same class that still retains a certain driving control, and this is also related to Honda's "personality" all along, even the SUV does not want to lose the driving control. Therefore, about the honda e: NS1 driving control, nature has also been retained, and this car also has a simulated sound wave function, in addition to attracting young people, but also let some people who are used to driving cars, and then choose SUV friends will not be too uncomfortable.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

Overall, Honda e:NS1 seems to be as ordinary as honda CR-V product force, but the details still reveal some of the honda brand's consistent style, such as a small body, space is also guaranteed; smart car machine functions can not be rich, but must be practical, the user experience is good; safety in addition to relying on quality, but also need to rely on practical technology support. These may seem simple, but for joint venture brands that are new to the field of pure electric SUVs, it is not easy to achieve a balance.

The space is not as good as the ID.4 X, and the intelligence is not as good as the G3i, but the comprehensive Honda e:NS1 is better

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?
The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

Having said honda e: NS1 so much, so compared to the 200,000 yuan mainstream pure electric SUV, what are its advantages and disadvantages? Let's compare the SAIC Volkswagen ID.4 X. First of all, from the perspective of space, the Volkswagen ID.4 X has obvious advantages, the length of the car is more than 4612mm, the wheelbase reaches 2765mm, which is much larger than the Honda e: NS1, even if the Honda e: NS1 ride space optimization is excellent and the Volkswagen ID.4 X is equal, but subject to the shorter length, the trunk volume is still difficult to reach the 484L conventional volume level of the Volkswagen ID.4 X. Of course, from the actual positioning and price point of view, the Volkswagen ID.4 X is much more expensive than the Honda e:NS1, so if you want a large space, you actually have to pay a certain price.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

However, in terms of car system, Honda e: NS1 Honda CONNECT 3.0 advantages are still quite obvious, and the other 15.2-inch vertical screen effect is much better than the 12-inch horizontal screen of Volkswagen ID.4 X, more importantly, the Volkswagen ID.4 X car machine system does not support OTA upgrades, and it is bound to become a hard injury in the future.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

When it comes to intelligent and intelligent driving, then it is necessary to compare the Honda e:NS1 with the current mainstream car-making new force Xiaopeng G3i. In this regard, Xiaopeng G3i has advantages, including NGP intelligent driver assistance system, intelligent parking, Xmart on-board intelligent system, are industry-leading standards, which are of great help to daily life. But then again, in terms of basic functions, Honda e: NS1 is not too far behind, but subject to hardware and new forces more active OTA upgrade capabilities, the late car machine function expansion capabilities Xiaopeng G3i will be better.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

Of course, this is not to say that the Xiaopeng G3i must win, after all, subject to price, some high-tech configurations can not do the standard of the whole series, such as medium and low only four airbags, high-end models have NGP intelligent driver assistance system, full speed adaptive cruise, etc., under these compromises, the gap is not so big.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

In terms of endurance and power that consumers are more concerned about, the Honda e: NS1 CLTC has a maximum endurance of 510km, which is less than the maximum 520km endurance of the Xiaopeng G3i and the Maximum 607km endurance of the Volkswagen ID.4 X, and the honda e: NS1 motor Maximum 150kW power can only be regarded as the average level, which has no highlights at first glance.

The mass space is large, xiaopeng is smart and strong, but the 200,000 pure electric SUV Honda still wins?

But it must be mentioned that Honda has not been exaggerated in terms of power parameters, its models including Civic, Honda CR-V, the actual acceleration performance is better than the official results, fuel consumption is the same, Civic's 100 km comprehensive fuel consumption is even close to NEDC fuel consumption. Therefore, even if the power and endurance of the Honda e:NS1 are average, in the actual use of the car, it may be higher than some of the endurance targets, and the models with stronger power targets perform better.


Overall, in the domestic 200,000 yuan pure electric SUV, Honda e: NS1 looks quite moderate, power, endurance and other parameters are more general, on the space is not as good as the volkswagen ID.4 X, on the intelligence is not as good as the Xiaopeng G3i, it is difficult to see that it has explosive attributes. But if you look at Honda e: NS1 as a 200,000 yuan joint venture pure electric SUV, its comprehensive strength seems to be the strongest, although the space is not large, but it is enough, intelligent is not as good as the new forces, but also can hang other joint venture brands, without exaggerating the parameters of the practice also makes its endurance, power level, looks more reliable than other products, coupled with Honda's accumulation of quality reputation in the field of fuel vehicles, we seem to be on honda e: NS1, and see the shadow of Honda CR-V benchmark SUV.

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