
Experience the service forward-looking! Peace Elite is about to launch 2 guns, super attributes are more conducive to scoring!

Pragmatic and not exaggerated! I am your little intelligence expert, smiling ten times mirror. As we all know, the peace elite has recently opened a number grabbing activity for experience clothes, which also means that the experience service is about to open! With the passage of time, more and more players have obtained the qualification of the experience suit, and I believe that many friends can experience the new version of the game in the first time!

Players familiar with the game mechanics know that the experience suit will not only launch new gameplay, but also some new guns, such as the former MG3 and the current version of the updated P90! Now the gods have also exploded 2 guns that will appear in the experience suit, and the super attributes are close to the M416 and are more conducive to scoring! Let's take a look!

1. HK417

Experience the service forward-looking! Peace Elite is about to launch 2 guns, super attributes are more conducive to scoring!

From the appearance point of view, the shape of the HK417 is very similar to the enduring heat of the M4, but it has a gun holder similar to the MK14, and many of the current revelation gods give the positioning of the shooter rifle! And there is a high probability that it will be launched in the form of an airdrop gun in the game!

It is worth mentioning that this gun can not only be equipped with multiple accessories, but also equipped with an exclusive 8x mirror for sniper rifles, which is somewhat dreamy of stimulating the taste of the battlefield! After all, in the version of the chicken mobile game that has just been launched, the M4 can be equipped with an 8x mirror!

Experience the service forward-looking! Peace Elite is about to launch 2 guns, super attributes are more conducive to scoring!

Although the positioning is a shooter rifle, the HK417 still has automatic and single-point switching functions! This mechanism is highly consistent with M4, but the attributes are stronger and more conducive to our score, and it will definitely become the player's first choice after going online!

Personal speculation is that if the HK47 is launched in the form of an airdrop gun, then the MK14 will most likely be removed from the airdrop and become one of the map refresh guns after the big pineapple. Since the current experience suit is not open, so the performance of the performance is still unknown, as an airdrop gun damage will not be very low, this is worth affirming!

2. Hunting bows

Experience the service forward-looking! Peace Elite is about to launch 2 guns, super attributes are more conducive to scoring!

According to reliable sources, in addition to the new version of the online HK417, it will also put on the shelves a must-have artifact of the old six, that is, the hunting bow with its own explosive function, its positioning is similar to the crossbow, it is not easy to expose its position when attacking the opponent, but the ballistic will decline!

At present, the gods have not given it a way to refresh, this weapon comes with a small range of damage, personally think that the pickup rate should not be very high! It is worth mentioning that this weapon can not be equipped with accessories, only suitable for medium and short range shooting, but because it is not an automatic rifle, it is very chicken even if the attributes are very strong!

3. Summary

Experience the service forward-looking! Peace Elite is about to launch 2 guns, super attributes are more conducive to scoring!

All in all, the new weapons were very strong when they first came online, but they will be cut in the later optimizations! The attributes of HK417 and the Hunting Bow are very strong, especially the former gives people a feeling of replacing M4, but these have not been actually tested, and their performance can be known until the experience suit is opened!

Personally, I think that the peace elite can add new guns to the new version is a very conscientious move, whether it is beneficial to the score or not, it adds a new experience to the game! I still hope that Photon will focus on optimization and don't think about military supplies all day long, after all, the game has a good experience to retain players!

Experience the service forward-looking! Peace Elite is about to launch 2 guns, super attributes are more conducive to scoring!

The above is all the content of this issue, what are the views of the small partners on the upcoming 2 guns, welcome to leave a message to share! Thanks for reading, looking forward to the encouragement of the "thumbs up" and "little rockets" at the end of the article, our comment area is gone! #和平精英 #

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