
DNF: There is no new dragon epic at level 110, where does the dragon bastard go?

Dungeons have always had a "bastard culture", dragon sets are tailored for mixed players, and in the 100 level of mixed children is even more brilliant, Ozma group basically must bring a 34C, but since the deletion of 34C, the dragon's life is not good.

DNF: There is no new dragon epic at level 110, where does the dragon bastard go?

The origin of the dragon suit

Qigong master is the lowest cost profession, there is no one, as long as the reputation is up to standard, a tattered equipment can also be across the major regiments, from the 90 version to the present, has been above other professions, the dragon set has become the exclusive of qigong master.

What is a dragon? Dragon is can give teammates to enhance the assist, the more common dragon classes are: Paladin, Qigong, dragon set is an auxiliary type of equipment, with 34c attribute bonus referred to as "Dragon C".

Making a set of equipment is very simple, go to the special channel "Eternal Continent", by killing monsters to obtain materials to upgrade equipment, 2-3 weeks can be formed, in general, the more characters to make equipment, the simpler it is, because the materials are account binding, you can cross to the trumpet to use.

No need to build no enchantment, no need for any title pets, no need to invest any money, just need to pay a little time to craft equipment, you can enter all the advanced dungeons, a whiteboard can be mixed with three bulls Ozma, is a real zero-cost class.

DNF: There is no new dragon epic at level 110, where does the dragon bastard go?

The existence of the dragon set is more sensitive, on the one hand, it can indeed bring stable improvement, but on the other hand, there are also many inferior hybrid dragon sets, such as equipment is not good enough, into the map to hang up the tree, etc., so the reputation of the dragon set is also controversial.

Dragon sets almost span all the copies, you can see their figures everywhere, since the group ben joined the auction, there are free tickets, the group is actually equivalent to moving bricks, lucky to meet the dragon beads or Tai Mart design drawings, that income is even higher than the general brick moving party.

It is too difficult to build a main C, but it is much easier to create a dragon mix, which leads to the indignation of many people.

DNF: There is no new dragon epic at level 110, where does the dragon bastard go?

Version 110 Dragon Set is going to disappear?

The attribute of the Dragon Set is to increase the team's damage extra, thereby enhancing the output ability of the whole team, and a High-quality Dragon player is worth half a milk.

With the version update, due to the cancellation of the 34C in the 110-level version, the dragon set has a great impact, after the deletion of 34C, the threshold for the hybrid becomes less and higher, and the dragon set has become a thing of the past.

In the level 110 update, Hanbok released an announcement: the Dragon 8-piece set ignores the effect of fame, which can only take effect on copies below level 100, the Dragon SS cannot ignore fame into the map, and when the difference between monsters and equipment levels exceeds 40 levels, the team buff effect does not take effect.

As a result, the bastard of a giant dragon can't even get in, and the 110 version has not launched a new dragon epic set, and the bastard is directly cold!

DNF: There is no new dragon epic at level 110, where does the dragon bastard go?

Where does the 110 version of the Dragon go?

So did these dragon bastards become sewers at level 110? In fact, not necessarily, first of all, qigong has been strengthened four times, and the "Blade of Light" has been adjusted at level 110, and it has become the profession with the greatest enhancement, and it has long been upgraded from a sewer to an illusion class.

Qigong masters can already get rid of the shackles of 34C and gradually turn to the main C development, and all the 100-level equipment in the 110 version will be eliminated, just as everyone is on the unified starting line, so many qigong masters are more willing to do the output class, after all, the damage is there.

DNF: There is no new dragon epic at level 110, where does the dragon bastard go?

【Summary】:Judging from the current update of Hanbok, the glorious days of the dragon set are about to disappear, as a national uniform, the mixed culture is still loved by many people, touching fish and moving bricks is also one of the characteristics of the dungeon, after four times of strengthened qigong, in the 110 version is still a winner, and Asura is listed as two major illusion classes, just take advantage of this wave of national replacement equipment, re-built as a main C!

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