
Liu Jie| Beijing Opera Audience

Beijing Opera Audience With a Thousand Faces (continued)

Liu Jie| Beijing Opera Audience

The National Centre for the Performing Arts magazine published the opinion of a cultural critic who believes that the current level of audience appreciation of art has fallen to the lowest point. I partially agree with this view. The one asked, how to call partial consent, you look down.

A small handful of sand spoiled a large pot of porridge

Humble article "Beijing opera audience with a thousand faces" attracted the attention of many opera friends, and one of them asked me in a passage from Mr. Gao Yingpei: Is this fish caught by your old man? Don't buy it?! I was just about to reply to him: How did you buy it? Four pounds tall... He said again, "It's really fishing, I've also encountered a lot of annoying things, and I can't watch the drama well." Another Wang opera friend said that he had gone to Shanghai and other places to see the opera many times, had never seen the phenomenon of uncivilized theater viewing, the audience was dressed neatly and very cultivated, and some theaters in Beijing were mixed up by some "lice" like the old Beijing open-air overpass stalls selling art. Audiences who have been to Hong Kong, Macao and abroad also said that the audience there is very civilized, and watching the drama is a kind of enjoyment.

Some people also ask, how come so many annoying things have caught up with you? I replied that before the emergence of the epidemic, I often went to see the theater, the source of the ticket is to buy low-grade tickets, the second is to refund the ticket at the entrance of the theater, sometimes I encounter a well-wisher to send a ticket for free, and the third is to send tickets to each other between the theater friends, because of preferences, I am very careful in this regard, and I have caught up with some embarrassing things. There is an epidemic, see less, just happened to send me a ticket for the National Centre for the Performing Arts Drama Field Peking Opera "Qi Tian Dasheng" on March 3, 2022, the front row of the pool seat, I went happily, who knew that there were two couples sitting next to each with a child, the play opened the gong, the two children first "made trouble" in the Heavenly Palace, kept dancing, some people advised parents to manage a tube, but they couldn't control it at all, the child was more and more "sticky" than zhan Lei, more and more energetic, I had to get up and change seats, and after a while, a child may be curious to see my old and decaying state I actually ran to a row of me to "perform", and I changed seats again. Fortunately, the child did not come, but the surrounding audience was not willing to be disturbed, called the staff, after persuasion, the two couples had to take the baby out of the scene, and I returned to my place again. Who knows that the middle-aged man who is very close to the right hand side keeps taking pictures, the staff did not take the "red pen" point, had to run to persuade many times, but the person "humbly" accepted, insisted on not changing, after three or four times, I had to change the seat again. Before Goku stole the peach on the stage, I sang the "three chairs" of "Suolin Sac" first. I changed to the back row, and the audience was small to watch the great sage.

Liu Jie| Beijing Opera Audience

Previously, the disturbed audience sent a message saying that he encountered people watching the play and chatting, first whispered a reminder, when it was ineffective, he was afraid of affecting others, so he took the way of writing a note to dissuade, but the effect was not great, after dozens of performances, he handed out more than 50 dissuasive notes, but also could not stop the mouth of the chat.

In the past few years, I have caught up with two "crazy", but I have not "lost my son". Once, in the Theater of the Chinese Critics Theater, when the play was halfway through, the first few rows suddenly became noisy, which frightened me. It turned out that a man stood in front of the first row and kept taking pictures, and the audience shouted: Sit down, don't take pictures! The man did not listen, still as always, came two security guards, good words to dissuade useless, so they pulled him out, this force is as big as an ox, can not move, had to call two more security guards, at this time there are several spectators watching the lively crowd around, but did not move. When the four security guards "asked" the cameraman to appear, a pull occurred, knocking down a man who was watching the hilarity, only to see him lying down like an actor "falling hard zombie", scaring me enough, and if I didn't get it right, I would be killed! I was sitting on the edge of the front row, I could see very clearly, fortunately the people who fell down were no big problem, this farce was more lively than the drama on the stage, I don't know how the actors "scored" the audience! I admire the actors who witnessed the fight in the first row and didn't forget the words!

Liu Jie| Beijing Opera Audience

Once again, it was performed in a musical theater in the theater of the Palace of National Culture, the third scene in the play was a beautiful woman wearing makeup, the props were a dresser, and four white spotlights were installed on the stage, hitting the beautiful woman's face, a little dazzling, I sat on the edge of the third row, I tried not to look at the light. Suddenly, from the middle of the fifth row came a thunderous roar: "Blind my eyes!" "That voice can cover Jin Shaoshan." The beautiful women on the stage also quickly looked down, and many frightened spectators also turned their eyes to the shouting person, and after the staff patiently persuaded, the person did not make a sound, but when he left the scene, he did not leave to ask the theater and the performance group for compensation, and surrounded some to watch the liveliness.

Another time in the Chang'an Grand Theater to see the Peking Opera performance, the "hat play" is "Three Forks", I sat in the back row, the first two rows of an old man, and the Wenwu Field beat the festival, according to the said that this martial arts drama did not sing. What beat do you play? He didn't hit on his legs, he went to hit the back of the seat in the front row, the men in the front row protested, and the beater stopped for a while and repeated the same trick, and the two fought. On the stage, Ren Tanghui and Liu Lihua started fighting because of a misunderstanding, and the unknown audience on the stage started fighting because of uncivilized behavior.

For some big mom audiences, I am really "afraid". At the scene of the performance of "Shilang Visiting Mother", after the subtitles were displayed when the gong was opened, the two middle-aged and elderly female audiences next to me chatted about the topic of mothers, mothers-in-law, and daughters-in-law, the voice was not small, I advised them not to talk, people did not listen, I went to the staff to persuade them, they still continued to talk, and said: It is difficult to have a chat person who does not let people talk? I knew that I couldn't reason with such a person, so I had to learn from Sima Yi, the soldiers retreated forty miles, retreated backwards, and when Xue Pinggui sang "A Horse Left", the subtitles showed "Wu Jia Po", and the two aunts behind me said: "Broken, not the play we want to see, change the play, let's go!" "Yes! XX tells us that it is "Red Mane Horse", why not? "I listened to it again, and the two of them were still arguing whether to continue to watch or leave, and the louder they argued, the louder they became!" Well, you don't go, I go. I learned that old Xue Yima left the right and wrong places, and found a side seat with fewer people. After listening to the play, I don't think it's a big deal to understand the play, it's a matter of being uncivilized! Listening to the opera at the Tianqiao Art Center Theater, the performance began, and the two elderly women sitting in the upstairs box discussed taking photos against the stage background. Just pose at a row of railings, repeatedly take pictures, not only affect the people behind to watch, but also almost let the person who is illuminated fall off the railing, how can a one-meter-high railing be used as a pose "prop"? Compared with uncivilized people who fell downstairs, the murder of people is naturally a very small and extremely small thing!

Liu Jie| Beijing Opera Audience

A performance group launched an activity for the audience to write comments to the actors and present small flowers (paper flowers), and many aunts became people who bought tickets at low ticket prices, and they could get a message paper, a small flower, and stay when they left. As a result, there are very few comments left in the comments, and some only write: the voice is quite large and looks very good. I didn't see insightful writing. At that time, I was helping, but I saw that in front of the actor's still board set up, the platform below the xiaosheng actor was full of small flowers, while wu jing, lao sheng, and clown actors were almost no flowers. Another actor who helped learned the mischievous words in "The Edge of the Cabinet" said that these flower-making aunts had only seen white-faced steamed buns when they were young, and had never seen white-faced students. After a laugh, I think that whether it is a white-faced student, or a white-faced steamed bun, "white" can recruit people, higher than acting skills, to look at people higher than art, it seems that the audience's appreciation level needs to be improved, this is also what I wrote before, part (about 70%) agree with the views of cultural critics, the remaining 30%, I still have something to say.

Filter out the sand, or a big pot of porridge

At present, there are still a large number of audiences who are obsessed with opera silently supporting the performance of the theater. It is common to see two or three elderly people, holding a book and a pen, looking at and remembering through the not too bright light, and after a few days, their after-effects and drama reviews will appear in the media, and I heard that one has published more than a thousand articles. When a big sister bought her own tickets to watch the play, she also recommended it to the young people around her and took them into the theater. He also recommended a number of young members to the Beijing Opera Critics Society. In the theater, she also enthusiastically encouraged the actors, clapping and applauding at the right time. At the last fold of the martial arts special performance in the theater of Beijing Xiqu Art Vocational College, Wu Dan and Dao Ma Dan famous artist Zhang Shujing performed a wonderful "fight" very perfect and hot, this big sister shouted "Zhang Shujing" at the end of the actor's curtain, and more audiences shouted "Really awesome!" Another "Zhang Shujing" and "good look" ended with a warm atmosphere.

Liu Jie| Beijing Opera Audience

There are also many audiences who understand the play, and they can also ask insightful questions, after watching "The Great Breaking of the Heavenly Gate Array", a gentleman said that in order to lower a dragon wood, it took a lot of effort, Jiao Meng set fire to the mountain, Zong Baojin almost killed his relatives before the gathering, how did Goro get it, the actor only drew a stroke on it? Later, it was learned that the Actor Wu Jing did not play for some reason, and the temporary substitution, this martial arts file did not appear. Another question was asked: Jiao Meng set fire to his beard and burned his beard. Changed the hair, but when it comes to "chopping", the brothers are the hair mouth before the fire, why do they grow so fast? It's better to let them run down with their long hair.

Some audiences suggested that opera performances cannot be artificially limited to less than two hours, and if there are plays, they are long, and if they are short without plays, if you compress big plays such as "The Orphan of Zhao" to less than 120 minutes, you can't watch them. There are a few people who watched "Heroes of the Crowd , Borrowing the East Wind", felt that the deletion was too bitter, there was no book after playing the yellow cover, Tanyu and other fields, directly on the altar stage, Kong Ming sang the play after the play, the old audience can connect the plot, the people who look back at the head are not good to associate, and the classic drama of Fu Liancheng can not be passed on in this way.

Many viewers called for a place for martial arts, small dramas, and joke plays, and not to perform more than a dozen old dramas such as "Four, Dragon, Red, and Lock", that is, "Silang Visiting Mother", "Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang", "Red Maned Horse", "Suolin Bag" and so on. But the troupe is thinking about the box office. The audience also suggested resuming the gong play. In front of less than two hours of drama. Coupled with small dramas such as "Playing Casserole", "Playing Noodle Jar", "Playing Shop" and so on, let the clowns and martial arts actors also appear.

Some audiences who could not enter the theater due to age and physical reasons could only pay attention to the opera channel, watch CDs, listen to recordings, and continue to love opera. One elder sister also often published her own views and impressions in the media, and printed and produced more than 70 high-level articles in the drama review collection. Many people are enthusiastic about collecting drama lists and materials, and after hearing the views of many drama friends on the new rehearsal repertoire, they wrote to the relevant departments and asked that they should not be rewarded for a row of new plays in the troupe, because some of the selected materials such as: poverty alleviation and prosperity, mountainous area support, especially those who write heroic model deeds in real names and real names, due to the lack of drama conflicts, and can not add more "spices", so watching several plays of different kinds of plays, basically a routine, for new plays to see the quality and effect of the performance and then reward, Otherwise, it will only encourage short-sighted behavior of throwing away after a few performances, and waste money. A certain theater group arranged a play with the theme of "two bombs and one star", and the audience felt that it was really not good to watch and listen to, and even the actors felt that it was not good to act. These elderly people who cannot enter the theater to watch, through the contact of theater friends, but also care about the opera, this heart is praiseworthy!

Liu Jie| Beijing Opera Audience

Nowadays, there are not many audiences who understand drama in the theater, and there are many reasons such as transportation, body, and ticket prices, but uncivilized audiences, especially the lice of the mixed theater, are also prohibitive. What causes the two bastards to disrupt the theater, some people say that there are too many free tickets. Some people say that the theater management is not effective, but there are fewer free tickets, and the theater is deserted. The theater management department also has no law enforcement power, and can neither cut down Niu Er like Yang Zhi, nor can it "invite" the troublemakers out at will. You can only sing one song of Xu Jiujing's "difficult, difficult, difficult".

But the audience still believes that the government department can come up with a good trick, filter out the sand, and maintain the original taste of a pot of fragrant rice porridge. I don't expect the idea that people's living standards will improve and their civilization will naturally go up. Increasing the publicity of socialist core values and social morality and civilized drama is a good policy. After all, the vast majority of the audience is civilized and understands etiquette, which is the mainstream.

Sorry guys, I got another shroud.

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