
"My mom and dad don't steal or rob, what's there to dislike!" Sensible children are raised in this way

Recently, Ms. Tan and her husband from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, finished their work from the construction site and went to school to pick up their children in dirty clothes, and the couple was worried about "humiliating" the children, but they did not expect that the children's words made them cry.

Ms. Tan said that she and her husband had just finished working from the construction site that day, because they were too late to change clothes, both of them were dusty, and they were a little worried that after going to school, they would make their son "faceless" and "afraid that other children would laugh at him."

Unexpectedly, my son saw his parents, understood their concerns, and said, "What's a good joke about this." My mom and dad don't steal and don't rob, so there's nothing to dislike. ”

Ms. Tan was very touched after listening to her son's words: "I want to cry a little, but the child is still very considerate of us."

This short video has touched many netizens. Everyone praised, "The young man is sensible and knows how to be grateful, and the three views are very positive!" ”

"My mom and dad don't steal or rob, what's there to dislike!" Sensible children are raised in this way
"My mom and dad don't steal or rob, what's there to dislike!" Sensible children are raised in this way

The parents' efforts, the children see in the eyes, remember in the heart. When they confide in their hearts, they always feel warm.

"I want to be in the future

Great guy like Dad."

10 years ago, Chongqing "lollipop" Ran Guanghui was naked, holding the goods in one hand, and holding the child in the other. The father carried the family on his shoulders, and 10 years later, his son Ran Junchao grew up and took the initiative to take on part of the housework and repay his father with understanding.

Ran Junchao said: "Dad is a very great person, he earns money by his own strength, this is not a profession that can be made fun of, and in the future I also want to become a great person like My Father." ”

"Seeing you working so hard,

I don't even want to spend your money."

7-year-old girl Bei Bei came to Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, reunited with her father Xu Qiao, who was working, and saw her father driving a truck to pull goods and move people every day, sweating profusely and working very hard. On the occasion of parting, she wrote a letter to her father. In the letter, the crooked handwriting read: "Seeing that you are working so hard, I don't want to spend your money." ”

"My mom and dad don't steal or rob, what's there to dislike!" Sensible children are raised in this way

Xu Qiao said that this was the first time his daughter had written to him. After reading the letter, he was touched and sad. I only went home during the New Year, and the number of times I saw my daughter was countless, and this year my daughter was on vacation and ran with herself for transportation. The snacks that Xu Qiao bought for his daughter, Babe would say that he couldn't eat them, and half of them would be stuffed into his father's mouth.

A 12-year-old boy guides his blind parents on a trip

Touched everyone

I once saw such a news that on the Chengdu subway, a young boy of about 12 years old took his parents with eye diseases on the subway and carefully guided them. The two parents were close to the little boy, and the little boy was serious and focused.

There was no complaint, no abandonment, and the backs of the three people turned into a heart-warming line under the eyes of everyone.

This scene, warm and affectionate, even made many parents ashamed of themselves. It is said that children are the work of their parents' lives, and seeing that children can be so sensible, I think it is the parents of children who are most proud and touched.

How to cultivate a sense of gratitude in children?

The greatest blessing of a parent's life is not to see how good their children's academic performance is, how much achievement and reputation they can achieve, but to see that their children can feel the emotions of the world with a grateful heart.

Children develop the habit of gratitude, which will be used endlessly for a lifetime. Cultivating children to have a grateful heart is also a compulsory lesson for parents. So how should we, as parents, cultivate our children's sense of gratitude?


Parents set an example and guide

The child is the shadow of the parents, and the words and deeds of the parents, consciously or unconsciously, will be seen in the eyes of the child and remembered in the heart.

Therefore, if you want to cultivate a sense of gratitude in your children, the best way is that parents themselves should uphold the principle of "leading by example" and set an example of gratitude.

Therefore, when you find that there are some bad habits in the child, do not lose your temper with the child, and you should seriously check whether you also have the shadow of these bad habits.

Parents and children make corrections together, parents use their own actions to guide their children, maybe the final effect will be better.


Create an atmosphere of gratitude in the family

Hua Hua is a mother who is very good at home to create an atmosphere of gratitude. Once a friend visited her house and watched two children sitting in the living room, burying their heads in small cards.

Friends asked them what they were doing, and the eldest son said that they were writing thank-you cards filled with things like "The fried chicken at noon is delicious" and "Thank you mom for buying me a book."

Hua Hua said that the small tradition of writing thank-you cards is to let children maintain the habit of being grateful for every beautiful little thing around them.

Because, in the family, in life, in learning, the things encountered in learning, and the care and help of the people we meet are all worth remembering with our hearts. Growing up in a family with a sense of "gratitude" rituals, children will surely become warmer and more sunny.


Pay attention to practice, so that children learn to express gratitude

Chinese like to be subtle, and many times they are often secretive about gratitude, and they do not even say thank you, not to mention the insignificant little grace. As parents, it is your responsibility to teach your children to express their gratitude. Get help from others, remember to say "thank you"; ask others for directions, remember to say "thank you"...

When instructing children to accept gifts, they should express gratitude and learn to cherish the affection of others. On Teachers' Day, parents may wish to remind students to personally make greeting cards to send to teachers to express their heartfelt thanks and good wishes to teachers.

Dear parents,

What are some heart-warming conversations between you and your child?

What are the warm hearts of children,

What do you remember about the small gestures of gratitude?

Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share ~

Source| China Education News (ID: Zhongguojiaoyubao)

"My mom and dad don't steal or rob, what's there to dislike!" Sensible children are raised in this way

The way to get along

There are interesting and interesting things and attitudes. Analyze the feelings of both sexes, the psychology of men and women, interpret the origin of love marriage and family, discuss the wisdom of getting along with friends in the workplace and friends, share love skills, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, learn children's parent-child relationship, family education, and make your life more harmonious.

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