
iPhone 14 Price Exposure: 5999 iPhone 13 with shell change

In the early hours of this morning, foreign media exposed the starting price of the iPhone 14 series, the starting price of the iPhone 14 is $799, and the starting price of the iPhone 14 Max is $899. The starting price of the iPhone 13 is set at $799, and industry insiders also revealed that the domestic starting price of the iPhone 14 is still 5999 yuan.

iPhone 14 Price Exposure: 5999 iPhone 13 with shell change

iPhone 14 Pro

In fact, the iPhone 14 based on the iPhone 13 is not much improved, the same use of A15 chip, and the bangs screen still exist, the plug-in is not much difference, there is still no 120Hz high brush screen. Storage, configuration, appearance, and style are basically copied, but the camera module on the back has some changes.

iPhone 14 Price Exposure: 5999 iPhone 13 with shell change

The design drawings and detailed parameters of the iPhone 14 Pro have been exposed yesterday, and from the overall design drawings, the size has been set for trial production.

The upgrade part of the A16 chip, 120Hz high brush, and digging screen, which has been greatly changed, only appears in the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro MAX.

iPhone 14 Price Exposure: 5999 iPhone 13 with shell change

Such a look and price, will you choose to come to one?


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