
Strong dialogue 0 wins 16 defeats! Su Qun pointed out the bulls' fatal flaws and became a pseudo-strong team due to a hard injury in the lineup

On March 23, Beijing time, the NBA regular season continued, and in a strong dialogue in the East, the Bulls lost 98-126 to the Bucks. After the game, the Bulls had different views on why they lost the game, and head coach Donovan threw the pot to the referee, believing that the Bucks were only blown off for two defensive fouls in the first half, and the Bulls could not win at all. DeRozan and Caruso believe that the difference in home and away performances is too great, and they need to adjust their mentality on the road and play better.

Strong dialogue 0 wins 16 defeats! Su Qun pointed out the bulls' fatal flaws and became a pseudo-strong team due to a hard injury in the lineup

There is some truth to these claims, but frankly, they are by no means the Bulls' biggest fatal injury. Because the Bulls didn't just lose this strong conversation, in fact, according to statistics, this season, the Bulls faced the top 3 teams in the East and West, with a record of 0 wins and 16 losses. Against the league's top 8 teams, they have only 2 wins and 18 losses, only winning against the Jazz and Celtics.

Strong dialogue 0 wins 16 defeats! Su Qun pointed out the bulls' fatal flaws and became a pseudo-strong team due to a hard injury in the lineup

So why can't the Bulls always win the strong dialogue, and even be labeled as a "pseudo-strong team"? Famous basketball commentator Su Qun also wrote an analysis on personal social media, and he believes that the bulls' biggest problem is that their internal line is too bad.

Strong dialogue 0 wins 16 defeats! Su Qun pointed out the bulls' fatal flaws and became a pseudo-strong team due to a hard injury in the lineup

Although the Bulls have Vucevic, who has been selected as an All-Star, his advantage is that he can open up space on the offensive end, but his ability to protect the basket is relatively poor. Therefore, once the Bulls encounter a strong inside line, they are easily hit by the opponent. For example, in a game against the Bucks, the Bulls lost to their opponents 3 times and lost 20 points in 3-second zone scoring in 2 times. Four games against Philadelphia were swept away, and Embiid averaged 32.8 points on those four games. The Bulls conceded points in three seconds this season, averaging 49.4 points per game, also ranking seventh from the bottom of the NBA.

The No. 5 position is not good to protect the basket, and the Bulls' No. 4 position is under-height, whether it is Patrick Williams, who is 2.01 meters tall, or Gewant Green, who is only 1.93 meters tall, they are too short, which also leads to the Bulls often losing in rebounding. In this game, the Bulls grabbed 20 rebounds less than the Bucks, and so far this season, the Bulls have only averaged 42.6 rebounds per game, ranking third from the bottom of the league, and the frontcourt rebounds are ranked first from the bottom of the league.

Strong dialogue 0 wins 16 defeats! Su Qun pointed out the bulls' fatal flaws and became a pseudo-strong team due to a hard injury in the lineup

The lack of strength on the inside has led to the Bulls' outside line taking on excessive defensive pressure, and in the case of the ball brother injured and Caruso has just returned from injury, their outside defensive ability is only the average level of the league, and they simply do not have the ability to block the opponent outside the three-second zone.

Strong dialogue, often fight not offense but defense, especially on the road, the scale of blowing penalties may be unfavorable, in this case, if there is no good defense, it is easy to be broken by the opponent's wave. The Bulls rely on DeRozan and Lavine, relying on their personal ability to play some weak teams may be okay, but once they encounter the top 3 strong teams in the East and West, then they will naturally expose fatal injuries and become pseudo-strong teams.

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