
When you reach fifty, what are these four weak ribs in your body?

■ Author: Uncle Nanshan

■ Original works, plagiarism must be investigated

When you reach fifty, what are these four weak ribs in your body?

01, people to fifty, gradually grow old.

Gradually, gradually, our post-70s group entered the age of fifty. When people reach fifty, we have gone through many ups and downs in the years of life. At such an age, we should have our own successful careers and well-fed lives. However, not all post-70s can do what they want. When people reach fifty, there are still many people who live unsatisfactory lives, including you and me.

When we reach our fifties, we have begun to grow old. This is the law of life, this is the code of life that human society cannot decipher, and we have no other way but to accept it calmly. At such an age, in addition to cherishing ourselves, we must also try not to have problems with these four weak ribs on our bodies, especially the third one. Why?

When you reach fifty, what are these four weak ribs in your body?

02, the first weakness: the economy of constraints.

When people reach fifty, we "have the old on the top and the small on the bottom." "At such an age, our parents have entered the age of rarity, or even the old age, at this time, our parents need our filial piety, but also need us to think about their food, clothing, shelter and transportation. And when the parents are old, they need more money, in addition to eating, wearing, living, living, and living, the parents' medical expenses, and the care costs need to be carefully considered by us. At this time, if there is a problem in our economy, then the quality of our support for our parents will be greatly reduced.

When we reach fifty, our children grow up. They basically started to study at university, and some even came out to work. Children grow up, need our help, and more. Among them, the biggest problem is the cost of starting a business and getting married for children. Although it is said that "children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren' well-being, and they should not be horses and cattle for their children and grandchildren", the traditional Chinese concept and the growth of children are all related to our relationship of dissolving blood in water, so how can we give it up?

At such an age, if we have problems with our finances, it becomes one of the biggest weaknesses in our bodies, so that we can come and go in the wind and rain for three meals a day, and we are tired but helpless. Gradually, this kind of tight economy will become a kind of "soft underbelly" for us to deal with the world, making it difficult for our lives to shine. Therefore, when people reach fifty, we must try to avoid the weakness of the economy being hit.

When you reach fifty, what are these four weak ribs in your body?

03, the second weakness: unfinished children.

Ordinary people often say: "The pond is defeated out of loach, and the family is defeated out of the monkey." "A family, if there is an unfinished child, then the child will be like a grumpy monkey, grinning, beating the father and scolding the mother, causing trouble everywhere, bringing countless troubles and even disasters to our family." When a family has such a contrarian monkey, it is very frightening, and sooner or later such a family will be destroyed by this contrarian monkey, and the family will gradually decline.

When a person reaches fifty, if such an unqualified child appears in our family, then we will fall into endless suffering, and our lives will become difficult. We must often face the troubles and burdens caused by the failure of our children, and our quality of life will be greatly reduced, and our lives will feel boring. Therefore, when people reach fifty, their unfinished children will also become one of our biggest weaknesses, making it difficult for us to sleep and eat, live tastelessly, and lose color in life.

When you reach fifty, what are these four weak ribs in your body?

04, the third weakness: a good marriage.

When people reach fifty, a healthy marriage is very important. A family, if there is a problem with the marriage, then, not only will it bring unexpected harm to the children, but such a family will also be easy to decay. It is said that "husband and wife are in the same heart, and their profits are broken", when a family has a makeshift marriage, then, such a marriage is bound to make the family centrifugal, and the family is together, and there is no more communication. Slowly, such a family will gradually decline.

When people reach fifty, when we live a good life with our lover, two people together have nothing to say, not even words, then such a marriage, it is very sad. As we get older, how much we need our lovers to be able to get along with us and grow old. It can be said that a good marriage cannot bring us these comforts and happiness. Therefore, when people reach fifty, the marriage of making things up is a terrible weakness around us, and it will make us live the rest of our lives bored, dull, and stagnant.

When you reach fifty, what are these four weak ribs in your body?

05, the fourth weakness: the collapsed body.

It is said that "the body is the capital of the revolution", and it is very important for a person to live and be healthy. There are nine times out of ten that life is not satisfactory, and a person will inevitably encounter a time of disappointment, or even a difficult time. When a person falls into a depressed situation, as long as we do not give up on ourselves, then, with our efforts, we will always make a comeback. It is said that "stay in the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood", in fact, this is the meaning of the talk. When people reach fifty, we begin to grow old, and at this time, our bodily functions begin to decline. Those diseases, big and small, began to look at us.

At this time, we must know how to learn to maintain our bodies, learn to give up and let go. Those excessive desires and pursuits of interests are actually far inferior to a healthy body. When we reach fifty, if we have some kind of major disease, then when we lie on the hospital bed, the feeling of all thoughts being gray becomes the biggest weakness for the rest of our lives. This kind of pain in the weak ribs will always sting our hearts, torment our bodies, and destroy us for the rest of our lives.

When you reach fifty, what are these four weak ribs in your body?

06, people to fifty, still water flow deep.

Friends, people are in their fifties, and we have begun to grow old. At such an age, we must know how to be steady, calm, and calm, and learn to use the mood of "not being insulted, idly watching the flowers blossom and fall before the court; to stay unintentional, wandering with the clouds outside the sky", with a fateful and open-minded mentality, to laugh at the changes around us. Friends, when people reach fifty, let us guard these weak ribs on our bodies well, and the still water will flow deeply to our rest of our lives. People say, is that right? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss. Thank you.

When you reach fifty, what are these four weak ribs in your body?

【About the author】:Uncle Nanshan, focusing on original emotional stories, folk stories and emotional beauty writing, has published 6 books on emotions, beautiful texts and stories. Major self-media platforms original plus V authors, major platforms accumulated millions of fan authors, the major platforms cumulative clicks more than 500 million times. Uncle Nanshan aims to give everyone more small stories of positive energy through simple words, tell everyone some truths about being a person, and feel some beautiful little luck in life.

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