
The concept of "experience school" extends from service to product, and Atour Group launched its own sleep products

"Experience" Atour is galloping on the road of experience-driven innovation.

"In the future, Atour Planet, which starts from user needs, will focus more on the research and development of sleep categories, and the experience driving force of Atour Group will also become the booster of the second growth curve of Atour's scene retail business." Atour Group founder and CEO Yelü Yin introduced.

Recently, aTOUR PLANET, a lifestyle brand under Atour Group that serves the sleep scene, launched a new "smart sleep series" sleep products. It is understood that this series of products are based on more than 10 years of star sleep service experience of Atour Planet, and are independently developed and built for the sleep of the Chinese people.

Redefine Athos sleep

A few days ago, a report released by the CbN Commercial Data Center "National Sleep Health Trend Insights" (hereinafter referred to as "Insights") pointed out that about 30% of the world's population, more than 300 million people in China have sleep problems. The comfortable sleeping environment has an important impact on improving the quality of sleep, among which noise and bedding discomfort are considered by more than 60% of respondents to be the main environmental factors affecting sleep quality.

Among them, bedding that directly improves the sleeping environment is considered to be the most effective product to improve the quality of sleep, and the bedding is dominated by pillows and mattresses. In short, a good pillow and mattress will greatly improve the quality of your sleep.

It is understood that the "intelligent sleep series" sleep products launched by Atour Planet this time are mainly aimed at pillows and mattresses, namely silicone wave pillows and double-sense double reed spine mattresses.

The concept of "experience school" extends from service to product, and Atour Group launched its own sleep products

"Whether it is a pillow or a mattress product, on the one hand, we comb through a large number of user feedback, on the other hand, we carry out raw material and technical innovation for several major pain points of the products currently on the market, and innovation does not need to try luck, but should come from the real care and understanding of users." Mu Kun, head of the scene retail business of Atour Group, pointed out.

For example, the wave silicone pillow adopts the high-elastic silicone pillow core exclusively developed by Atour Planet, on the basis of more skin-friendly and long-term support of the head and neck, the characteristics of multiple machine washes make this pillow can effectively prevent the breeding of mites; and the double-sense double reed spine protection mattress is the first time to break through the technical barriers of foreign high-end mattresses of 10,000 yuan, allowing consumers to spend less money to experience better sleep results, and the service guarantee of free return and replacement of 180 days of peace of mind is the leading industry.

User feedback also affirmed Atour's innovation from another aspect, and some users commented on the wave silicone pillow after trying it for a few days: "I slept for a few days to evaluate." After a few days of sleep, when I wake up, the cervical spine is very easy to support and good. And the pillow as a whole can be washed is also a plus, summer is not afraid of sweating, I believe in the quality of atour. ”

The concept of "experience school" extends from service to product, and Atour Group launched its own sleep products

Mu Kun said: "In the future, this series of products will focus on innovating the sleep scene experience, in order to develop new scientific and technological materials, combined with advanced technology and modern bionic engineering design, to redefine Atour-level sleep again." ”

Behind the launch of the two self-developed products, it is naturally inseparable from the research and development innovation ability of the retail business of the Atour scene, which can also be seen through the data. According to public data, as of June 30, 2021, Atour Scene Retail has developed a total of 1434 products. In the first half of 2021, the GMV generated by Atour Group's retail business reached RMB88.1 million, an increase of 148.2% year-on-year.

Experience drives innovation

Atour's scene retail business develops thousands of products every year, but the choice of the first independent research and development goal, and finally focusing on the two subdivisions of pillows and mattresses is no accident, how to allow more users to experience "Atour-level sleep" at home, behind which is a perfect embodiment of the experience-driven logic that Atour has always adhered to in scene retail.

"Atour's service method is precipitated from the first day of our business, accumulated through time. This is Atour's core capability, the most important feature that distinguishes us from other brands, and atour's biggest moat. Yerushalayim said of the Atour experience.

In fact, in the entire industry, Atour's core advantage is to provide high-quality service experience for staying users, Atour subdivides the user from booking to check-out process, a total of 17 touchpoints, in these 17 touchpoints to produce "standard personalized" services, these services can meet the needs of each type of guest, and bring them a stay experience beyond their peers.

It is based on it that Atour is able to make an optimal balance between expansion speed and experience, and pursue "quality quantity". Not only that, Atour's various occupancy experiences will continue to be iteratively improved with the needs of users and changes in the environment.

"In the future, Atour Planet, which starts from user needs, will focus more on the research and development of sleep categories, and the experience driving force of Atour Group will also become the booster of the second growth curve of Atour's scene retail business." Yelü Yin pointed out, "Our competitors have never been friends, but constantly upgrading user needs.

Or stir up the sleep market pattern

At present, the pursuit of sleep quality has also made the sleep market scale continue to increase. Data in the "Insight" report shows that the mainland sleep economy is booming, and the overall market size will exceed 400 billion yuan in 2020, and will exceed one trillion yuan in 2030.

However, compared with the rapidly expanding sleep market, the development of the industry is still showing a decentralized pattern, some industry observers pointed out: "At present, in the field of sleep market, there is no one or several to form a more obvious brand aggregation effect, and each brand also has its own different advantages." ”

The launch of Atour's self-developed products is aimed at such a development environment. In fact, from the advent of the Atour Planet brand in 2021, Atour is building a new experience scene of "hotel + retail". Unlike many DTC brands that invest heavily in short videos or grass planting platforms, Atour continues to release the advantages offline while laying out online.

At present, Atour Planet has more than 600 Atour hotels across the country to have offline experience space, forming a closed loop of offline sleep experience endorsement + online worry-free purchase. Atour has established a full-ecological retail advantage combined with the hotel, so that users can see what they get, what they get is what they buy, and use the hotel's "immersive" experience to extend horizontally to retail, and truly achieve the full-link user operation of delivery and customer acquisition.

"After many DTC brands succeed online, they need to move to offline, and the difficulty of online to offline is greater than that offline, so the launch of Atour's self-developed sleep products has a milestone significance for Atour's scene retail industry, and will also inject new vitality into the scattered sleep market of the original brand." The above-mentioned industry observers pointed out.

Edited by Wang Jinyu Proofreader Zhao Lin

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