
Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

Author: Rabbit Head Demon King

A pension light strategy game that is very suitable for MengXin Pit RTS

Entry-level RTS

In recent years, with the return of old IPs such as Total War: Warhammer and Age of Empires, RTS can be said to have a great revival. Today we are going to talk about a tower defense and construction game for light RTS players.

"Battle for War" adopts the low-poly style that has been popular in the field of video and indie games in recent years, which makes the battlefield full of smoke and fighting more cute and funny. It also greatly reduces the hardware threshold for running this game, and the low-end machine can also run smoothly.

Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

Color matching and picture

The color matching and models in the game are also more eye-catching, even if it is a simple pension construction, watching the buildings rise up from the ground and the bustling busy workers, there is a good feeling.

Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

In order to fit the funny theme tone of the game, the game's short cutscenes are also very humorous, and the Chinese translation is also full of stems, which makes me have a certain expectation for the next content of the game that is still in the preemptive testing stage.

From the "No problem, I'm super brave" in the teaching level to the king's boring count of birds, the game does not seriously show the fireworks on the battlefield, but chooses to unfold in a humorous and humorous way.

Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

Light pension gameplay

The gameplay is similar to another RTS tower defense strategy work from previous years, "Billions of Zombies", and with the initial limited resources, players need to build their own kingdom in this land from scratch and resist the invasion of wave after wave of rebels.

In this process, players need to build logging yards, quarries and other buildings to mine resources to ensure that they can continue to expand their territory; use more houses to take in our people; build fishing houses or farmland to meet food needs; build walls, barracks to defend their homes, and so on.

Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

In addition, the game's base level increase and the study of unlocked aspects of the attribute improvement is also not bad, in the various stages of the level, the player can not properly grasp the balance between resources and consumption, determines the success or failure of the entire game. Given that it is still the Early Access version, the richness of the class and the richness of the technology tree are not rich at present.

Although the enemies that are initially scattered on the map can be easily cleared, over time, the number of enemies in the subsequent waves will become more and more difficult.

Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

At the same time, the resources in the game are not unlimited, for example, the lumberyard will continue to consume the surrounding forest, and if there is no wood in the range to collect, it will need to be demolished and rebuilt. The same is true for fisheries and quarries.

The situation of sitting on the mountain will become more and more intense as the player's power gradually expands. At this time, the player must step out of his comfort zone, further expand his territory, and look for new resources to ensure that new resource points are replenished.

Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

Because of this, the terrain where the player is born will greatly affect the player's early development. The game also adds some random elements to it, and each time the player enters a level, its initial terrain will be different, so that the game can still maintain a fresh feeling of play for a period of time in the limited content of the early access stage where the content is not yet complete.

Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

Approachable teaching

In addition, the teaching system of this work is also more commendable, and RTS games have always been because of the high learning threshold that gives Meng Xin a headache.

There are no "front-loading facilities" in "Battle for War", and like "Red Alert", you need to play for a long time to figure out the advantages and disadvantages of different countries and what to build at the beginning. Instead, they upgrade castles to unlock new buildings and technologies, as in Warcraft, the so-called "two-book technology" and "three-book technology".

Of course, on the bad side, this means that the game's operating cap cannot compete with classic RTS games such as Red Alert, Interstellar, and Empire. But at the same time, it also makes the work very approachable, does not take much time, and will soon appreciate the fun of the game.

Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game
Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

If there are players in such a situation or can not fully grasp the game, the official also gives players a more comfortable function - pause. As with Billions of Zombies, when you pause the flow of time, players have more time to think about each step of the operation, and set up areas in advance that they want to build or want soldiers to go to, and you can even rely on this feature to turn the tide of battle during battles.

Even if the player still makes a mistake in the case of suspension, you can also use the Rewind Dafa, the player can save the progress anytime and anywhere in a single game, and if there is an accident, they can also re-read the file to start the game.

Entry-level RTS Battle For War Review: A humorous and funny pension light strategy game

There are still some omissions in the operation part of the game, such as when the ranged soldiers climb the city wall, the player can only operate one by one, and can not batch the soldiers into a row of walls, the overall is too cumbersome.

In the process of controlling the movement of soldiers, sometimes because of the narrow gap between the buildings, often around a large circle to the target point, if you want to solve the problem must be demolished buildings, in an emergency situation is really a surge in blood pressure.

Another point is that in the case of a large population in the later period, it is often necessary to lose the army sent by itself. At present, the game has not yet added the hints and troop management system of the idle army, so that the operation is still slightly rough on the whole, and it is impossible to complete the meticulous operation of many high-end RTS players.

Pressing and holding the Health Indicator key displays other uncontrollable NPCs along with building health, causing important information to sometimes be obscured.


Finally, in general, "Battle for War" is also a potential tower defense RTS work. It cancels the cumbersome operations and facilities in the old RTS games such as "Red Alert", "Empire", "Interstellar" and greatly reduces the threshold, with a low-poly drawing style and funny line animation, making this work a popular masterpiece that is very suitable for mengxin RTS.

Although the game is still in the early beta stage, the game allows players to quickly appreciate the fun of RTS through unique art and large-scale battles, and although the content is small, it can still keep players busy in a single level through the balance between resources and consumption.

I hope that after the official version is launched in the future, the game production team can bring us more game content. This is a very suitable RTS entry for players, and players who are interested in RTS or are struggling with the tedious operation of RTS can try it.

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Source: Game console fans

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