
Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

Julia P 丨 wen

Because the old ring was so hot during this time, few people discussed other newly released games, such as Sony's first-party GT Racing 7.

Two days ago, I saw that the game user rating on the Metacritic website was 2.3 points, and now it is only 1.5, which is not a little bit different from the media rating next to it 8.7.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

In the past two years, there have been too many big factories and classic IP overturns. You will find that many console games, once it comes to DLC kryptonite, microtransactions, and network operations outside of the game content, it is easy for the media and players to disagree.

This reminds me of a former meme of a full-point god jojo.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

You may have heard of an old Japanese game magazine called Fami Tong, every time a new game comes out, they will do a reference media rating, the scoring rules are from 0 to 10, by the four magazine editors of the score added up, a full score of 40 points.

For example, some time ago, Miyazaki's Elden Law Ring was released, Fami Tong scored 39 points (out of 40 points), this score is already quite high, but many netizens on 2CH joked that it can't even beat the full score of JOJO - ジョョ ASB below のクソゲー, which means even the game of JOJO Brawl.

Originating in the PS3 era, there is a rather fantastic anime-themed fighting game called "JOJO's Wonderful Adventure All-Star Brawl", released in 2013, FAMI Tong gave it a full score of 40. Many players, especially JO kitchens, have such a high score, which is awesome.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

The publisher of the game is Bandai Namco, and JOJO is also a popular manga of Shueisha, with legendary sales of 500,000 in Japan in the first week. As a result, many people bought back and found that the game is not very good, just released a variety of Krypton gold DLC characters, as a fighting game of various migrant workers unlimited connection, online balance and playability is also very poor, simply can not play, player wind evaluation is very poor.

So the second week sales fell to less than 50,000, and a large number of angry players humiliated and sold in the second-hand market at 5 yen, worse than "Born for War". It is also because the media and players' evaluations are so different that later "full of god JOJO" has become a meme that can play for a lifetime, and whenever it encounters a similar situation, it will come out to say things.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

From the perspective of the game, the various animation performances of the JOJO Smash Bros. brawl of that year were still good, quite restoring the original work, which was considered to be a service for fans. The reason why Fami will score 40 points, some people say that it may be because the version sent by the manufacturer in advance is the version full of kryptonian characters fully unlocked, that editor naturally plays very cool.

JOJO's oolong incident has been going on for years, but similar phenomena have been around in recent years, just like GT Racing 7 today.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

The game does a really good job of racing culture, each car has a very detailed historical introduction, it is still Chinese Simplified, the text is also very smooth, and it is not blunt to read.

It is said that when you buy the collector's version of the previous generation of games, the manufacturer will also send you a thick manual, and the unknown truth will be a magazine called Apex, but it is actually an entry-level racing knowledge (including the popularization of introductory physics knowledge such as aerodynamics) and a modified treasure book, and now it is gone - this is just a small thing.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

(GT6's "small" booklet, which looks thick)

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

(A PDF scan can be found on the Internet, and this page seems to be talking about aerodynamics, Bernoulli's theorem)

I'm not a hardcore racing party, pure white, although I crashed on the track, I can also feel the racing culture atmosphere supported by many GT fans. The driver's license mode is very intimate, and various in-game explanations are for your reference, just like an old driver teaching you by hand, you can repeat the challenge corners and tracks over and over again to hone your line skills.

The ontology part here is actually quite good, just like a certain version of the game name said - "sports car romantic brigade", nothing to put music in the game to run a circle, this kind of romantic sense of racing culture is occasionally experienced. The next step is to feed the player.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

The whole network is the most complained about.

Playing single-player mode also requires networking, and cannot be saved without networking. As a result, just a few days after the release of the official maintenance server for nearly 30 hours, players can not log in to the game for two days (letting go of the mobile game industry is a very serious accident, if it is a two-dimensional mobile game at least to send a 20 consecutive bar), the whole process depends on the face of the server.

There are also a variety of krypton gold DLCs directly to buy cars, and the race income is too different from the car price, and there is a serious suspicion of krypton. After the recent new version update, the official also lowered the game prize money, which is a free game, even if it is a free game, the first 500 masterpieces, somewhat ugly.

The official use of a series of bad operational decisions affected the experience of the single-player part, and many players complained on Twitter.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

(I don't know whose Luoyang shovel dug up the ancient remarks of Sony officials)

You said that if this is in China, the operation must give this gang of games do not know how many heads to prostrate?

The current game circle, especially the masterpieces of the past two years, the boundary between stand-alone and online has been very blurred, for example, the various player infrastructure in "Death Stranding", the various spoof messages of the old man ring... Even single-player games will add light online elements to become a part of the game experience.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

Further full-process networking is indeed a big trend at present, like "Diablo 3" is a fully connected online game cloaked in a single machine skin. It's hard to imagine how loyal Blizzard players, when the game first went on sale 9 years ago, managed to overcome various network crashes in the first month of service.

As a result, later, in order to allow Dark 3 to log on to the NS and adapt to the portable use scenario, Blizzard directly turned the game into a single-player online cutting form, which can be played without networking - you will find that for manufacturers, it is a very flexible thing to connect or not, all in one thought.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

(NS Diablo 3 can stand alone)

Fully connected racing games are not absent, such as the EA next door as early as 2016 released the "Need for Speed 19" controversially adopted the form of full networking.

Although the game can also open 86, but the server (for domestic players) daily convulsions drop, usually have to hang accelerators to play, so the wind review is not very good. EA itself knew that it was not very good, and waited until 2017's "Need for Speed 20" to change the offline mode back.

It turns out that racing games really don't fit the whole network, at least for now.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

If EA's "Need for Speed" tries to prevent piracy by going online because it has to log on to a PC, then I can understand, but what is the purpose of Sony's "GT Racing" series to be fully networked? Maybe for microtransaction revenue? I as a player don't know, and I don't understand.

Problems also arise, just like some time ago BB Ji also discussed the difference between the physical version and the electronic version of the game, but in the face of the physical version of the game such as "GT7", which is fully networked, new troubles have been derived... All the media reviews and scores became untrustworthy, because the service provided later was the focus of the game experience.

Why does everyone hate the whole internet?

If the server collapses one day, just like "GT7", a maintenance is 2 days, or Sony decides not to continue to operate the game, shut down the server, even if you have a physical version in your hand, you can't continue to play, and the hard-earned saves you brushed will disappear.

The premise is that the manufacturer must be prepared before the launch, and the question of how far to prepare.


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